Mook! Your naughty! lol!
Sifu's my WC dummy on occasion, that's why I started that thread on "living, breathing, WC dummy."

That's a great drill, especially when he's teaching me something new to do in chi sau or I'm having trouble with an application.
My footwork is horrible, gotten so rusty. Must start doing that all day around the house. Then add the dai sau, to bong sau, to tan sau stuff he likes to have me do now. (we sneak in a dai sau right before bong sau to get more structure and forward force on the bong sau, and to make sure we get turned INTO bong sau and not just throw it out there to collapse.) But, you knew that.

Dai sau, the hidden move in Si Lim Tao....
But, I definately need to move more in my chi sau. I'm too stationary. Sifu says that I'm at where I'm supposed to be and just now getting to the level to step more, but, I'm the impatient one. So much WC doesn't make sence to me the way it's taught. They only train the beginnings of the actual motion you'll need to complete in the street. (I know, I know, because your a beginner) But, I didn't understand what the hell I was doing until I got to the level where the forward motion was being completed. connect the dots.
So, I show the students the beginning technique that their learning, and then show them where their goal is to GO with it when then get their stance, kick, deflection, and chainpunching all into it at once. That takes the confused looks off faces alot, and they drill more because now they have a GOAL.