LOL...I have this picture in my head of some buck-toothed, gun toten, southerner yelling, "dem gays is unnatural...wheeeeehooooo!" at some white-supremist's rally. :rofl: It's funny, but not at the same time considering that there are people like that out there...even in my own state (the militia state).
A buddy of mine who is gay... (yea, yea. I know. EVERY "conservative" [which I am not in the true sense] likes to throw around that they knew a guy who knew a guy who was gay, giving them credence to throw around biased crap. I am not doing that here, but I do in fact have friends who are gay, and I value his opinion on the subject). Anyways...we were hanging out last night for Monday night football, and I asked him about this subject.
His response was similar to yours, Robert, in that he feels that it is both nature and nurture. He said if it didn't feel natural for him to be gay, he wouldn't be. And all of his friends who are also gay has had someone in their family down the line who was gay as well. There has to be something chemical or genetic passed down somehow making him the way that he is, he believes.
It is in part nurture also. Our society lets him lead the lifestyle he wants to right now, a gay lifestyle, and he is happy about that. He said that if he had grown up in a time when being Gay ment execution or ostrocisation from his community, chances are he'd curb his 'natural' tendecies to be gay. He would be celabete, or just in the closet for the rest of his life. Since our society thankfully lets him lead the life he wants to lead, he is able to do what he wants.
In terms of "normalcy," being gay is not "normal" biologically speaking (his words, understand). If our sexual tendencies have been put in place for the purpose of procreation and survival of our species, then obviously homosexuality violates that. Also, homosexuality is not a dominating factor in our society; most people aren't gay. So, it goes against the norm in that case as well.
How does my friend feel about all this? For one...who wants to be normal, he says? "I wasn't born normal, my lifestyle isn't normal, and nor would I want to be." The rest, are just facts, and no matter what comes out scientifically explaining the issue, it won't change the fact that he prefers men.
I think we can all learn from what I gathered from my buddy, otherwise I wouldn't have wrote anything about it. I was suprised that what he said so frankly mirrors what I was thinking as well. I figured there would be some differences along any lines, especially considering that I know another one of my homosexual friends would debate me to death on the 'normalcy' issue. But, we both basically had the same thoughts on the issue.
I think, Robert, that no matter what we say, some bigoted @$$ is going to use the 'reasoning' behind homosexuality to show how 'gay' behavior is wrong and should be 'corrected.' Some will believe that they should be corrected by force, whether through lack of privilages, violence, discrimination, or what have you. However, we can't use this fact to avoid trying to find answers, such as biological, sociological, or psychological reasoning behind homosexuality. I, personally, won't let other bigoted behavior prevent me from comfortably discussing the issue. We can't force bigoted @$$holes into changing, but I feel that the more educated we are on the subject, the better off we'll all be. terms of biology, I see what your saying. It seems (correct me if I am wrong) that your saying that the reasoning for sex cannot be purely biological, because you cannot seperate psychology and sociology from the biology behind sex. I see what you mean, and understand. I can't really argue that point either, but I can say that I do feel that w/o sex, obviosly our species would not survive. I don't think I can ignore that fact as well. So this leads me to believe that Biologically, sociology, and psychologically speaking, much of sexuality is geared towards basic survival of our species, which still puts Homosexuality outside of the norm. That is just my take on it, anyhow.