Sexual Orientation is Biologically Determined?

Originally posted by Nightingale
Just because something isn't in the majority doesn't mean it isn't normal...

Are by that logic, you are calling every minority living in the US abnormal, because they aren't just like you.

Can I then say that all Straight or Gay Erpoean and Africans and Asian decent can go home? As American Indian decent, does this mean that this country took this land from illegally and that it is by God's Will that I can take it back?

What are you kidding? Freud, normal? He was a junkie, wack job... If being a homosexual was "normal" we would'nt even be having this discussion. Because we(straights) would be in the minority! If sex is'nt for procreation, whats its main function, release? The abandonment of morals in this nation has raised up a generation of immorals. Take a look at history. Every nation who set themselves up as the all to end all. Be it political,personal, etc.. Fell far, and hard. Rome,USSR,Nazi Germany ETC.,ETC.. We have to face facts as facts. Look at how we're designed as men, and women. Is this an accident of nature?

Who is talking about FREUD, Donald? I keep looking back over this thread for recent reference (since it was re-opened) and can't seem to find any reference to Freud. And if we were, an ad hominem attack against the guy for his addictions isn't reason for maligning him. Attack his work, not his personal life. Otherwise it isn't a valid argument.

Freud died in the 1930's. His theories of homosexuality (and many other things) have been discarded for the weight of the evidence which has been partially listed and described here. Freudian theories were discussed on one of those links, but it also discussed several other perspectives. Those were the ones to which I referred.

As for "straights" being in the minority were homosexuality deemed "normal"...where are you getting that? Heterosexuals comprise over 95% of the population. If George Bush, John Ashcroft, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Congress, the Senate and the Supreme Court all gave homosexuality a big thumbs up (not in our lifetime, bet on it) that doesn't mean that straights are going to give Gay sex the good old college try. Get real.

Yes, you're right. Sex can be for procreation. But nature isn't precise, it seems, and tends to give us variation. Hence we observe homosexuality among different species. We also see animals of one species attempting to mate with animals of another.

My wife and I have no children of our own...and it is hardly a sexless marriage. As for sex being for "release", sure it is. Its also for FUN. Its also for emotional bonding.

The "abandonment of morals" issue as far as I'm concerned is invalid, given my premise that homosexuality has a biological etiology. Check the references given in more detail. Homosexuality isn't an issue of morality when it involves consenting adults.

Insofar as men and women being accidents of nature in their design...yeah, I guess they are. I'm a male because a sperm carrying the X chromosome just happened, by luck or perhaps by fortitude, to be the ONE to fertilize my mother's egg. My sexuality was determined by the fact that during my mother's pregnancy I, as a fetus, received the proper environment for development. Another male, born the same day, was born Gay because of that cocktail of androgens his mother had floating through her blood was different than my mother's. Perhaps his mother was under stress. Perhaps he had a genetic predisposition that was triggered indirectly by that stress.

Something altered the development of that other child's amygdala so that he was, from youth, attracted to males. His brain developed the sexual receptiveness of a woman...yet he was born male.

If you STILL don't believe in this process of nature, look at hermaphrodites. Explain that, please. You state that we should look as to how we're designed as men and women? How about them? What of the masculinized (but not necessarily lesbian) woman and the effeminate (but not necessarily gay) man...the latter with very little testosterone, almost no beard at thirty, delicate bone structure and fat distribution like that of a woman. We have a man like that in our school...he has two children and is straight. He has breasts, Donald.

I'll let the issue of Rome, Germany, and the USSR alone. It is off topic, and far too simplistic.

I'm a male because a sperm carrying the X chromosome just happened, by luck or perhaps by fortitude, to be the ONE to fertilize my mother's egg.

For the record .. it was a sperm carrying a Y chromosome that caused you to be male.

XX = Female
XY = Male

One other thought occurred to me as I was reading some of these posts. We are discussing sexuality as if it is a binary condition. I do not believe it is. I believe sexual orientation is experienced along a continuum. People may be mostly straight or mostly gay or bisexual. It is all part of the wonder of being human.
For the record .. it was a sperm carrying a Y chromosome that caused you to be male.

I stand corrected!

Y? Because I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong. Xpect further retractions as necessary. I prostate myself in humility for having made that mistake. Feel free to fetus whatever corrections you deem necessary ova the duration of this thread. It will be of inestimable cervix to those less schooled in biology. Excuse me now while zygote on to the second half of your post.

I believe you're correct that sexuality is not a binary condition. I do not believe it is an "either/or" situation given bisexuality and transgenderism. The large range of sexual preferences within any one gender specific preference (and it can be that specific...someone always falls to the extreme right or left of any bell curve) are indicative of this. There is probably no vas deferens between the different forms of sexuality.

The question is, how do we teste hypothesis? If anyone takes up such seminal research, let me know.

This certainly is a fertile topic, isn't it?

Y? Because I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong. Xpect further retractions as necessary. I prostate myself in humility for having made that mistake. Feel free to fetus whatever corrections you deem necessary ova the duration of this thread. It will be of inestimable cervix to those less schooled in biology. Excuse me now while zygote on to the second half of your post.

:lol: :boing2: :lol:
Had to include this for Donald.

The following is from an article about a Canadian MP, Larry Spencer, who believes that homosexuality should be re-criminalized. He also thinks that there is this huge conspiracy on the part of homosexuals to take over North America. Spencer is originally from Missouri.

PLEASE NOTE the Freudian overtones of this guy's quote:

- He said he believes homosexuality, rather than being part of someone's nature, is something that is developed by young people who struggle with their identity in relation to a parent, such as an "overbearing mother" or cold father.

Some of the other things he says are downright outlandish as well.

The link is here:



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