Sentimental Objects?


Master Black Belt
Last night my TKD instructor text'd me and wanted me to come to the kids class to help teach and he also wanted to gie me something.

After the class it was just me and him and he presented me with my black belt. He told me how it was once his masters and then his master gave it to him and in turn he was giving it to me. He said that I exemplify the MA spirit and a BB attitude. He said that I taken the MA training and everything else it encompasses and have made it my life and how I show a true BB spirit and attitude. He said how he see's great things ahead for me and alot of other things.

This really meant alot to me. I still have a way to go to BB but when I do I will be his first BB and will help carry on the tradition and that means a bunch to me. I can't train in it or anything (maybe if we train one on one) but it isnt the belt but what it signifies that means alot. Damn thing was tied to my hand the rest of the night and went to bed with it. He said when I test and get my BB then he will get it embroidered with my name on it.

I still feel speechless and I see the tradition that is involved with this. I am a blue belt and should test for my brown end of next month. Being his senior student and both of us being good friends now I know I don't want to do anything to disappoint him. I am still in shock.

What do u have that is sentimental and what does it mean to you?
A package of items, really.

The package had a very nice Shureido gi that my Shotokan sensei gave to me. His wife ran an alterations shop, and had hemmed my previous uniforms, so she knew exactly what my sizes were, and had it at just the right size (to allow for a bit of shrinkage). This uniform, as well as a pair of premium sai (yes the ones that cost over 100 bucks), were part of a gift package to me after I got my nidan, and had taught all of the classes at the dojo while he was in the hospital for a few weeks, free of charge.

There was also a card in that package, expressing not only gratitude, but also for being a good friend over the years. That's easily the most sentimental object out of the lot.

The card is still with me to this date.

Unfortunately, someone stole my Shureido gi and sai at a tournament. After the tournament was over, I had placed my gi and sai in my gym bag, and put it next to my shoes, and walked away for a bit, to talk with some of my friends. When I came back to put on my shoes and get my bag, the bag had been stolen. My gi, my belt, my sai, and my pads, along with a nice first aid kit and other necessities, had vanished without a trace.

This wasn't a simple case of the wrong bag being grabbed by accident.

I realize that most martial artists are honorable people, and I still firmly believe in that. However, I just happened to be the one who ran into a bad apple along the way.
Grenadier said:
A package of items, really.

Unfortunately, someone stole my Shureido gi and sai at a tournament.

Ouch, dude, that's tough. Sorry to hear that. there are some heartless bastards out there.
When I began training in Wing Chun, I already had about 17 years experience in other arts. I tried to keep that under wraps when I was with the Wing Chun group, but the instructor spotted it almost immediately. I was never interested in trying to pit my other training against Wing Chun, but rather just wanted to learn Wing Chun, plain and simple.

He was curious about what I had trained, so I discussed it with him and showed him a little bit and he showed tremendous respect for it. After about three years, he wrote me a short letter expressing his gratitude for my involvement with the group. He felt that I brought some good things to the group and helped it grow, and was very happy with our friendship.

I am not able to be as active with the group now, due to other interests and obligations in my life, but I kept the letter. It was a nice sentiment and I appreciated his thoughts and feelings, and I place a tremendous value on our friendship.
Another one occurred to me.

When I was a kid growing up, I used to shoot the bow and arrow in the back yard. My dad had a 54 pound fiberglass straight bow that he got when he was a kid, and I used that a lot.

After I moved out to California, he gave me the bow since he never used it for years. I still have it, even tho I bought a new recurve that I use more. The old bow is still in good shape and works well, even tho it is probably at least 50 years old.

I left it in the car one day while I was running a few errands. It was unstrung and in a simple cloth case. My car was broken into while I was gone, and the only thing they took was a small bag that had an extra bowstring and some shooting gloves. Probably thought it had a wallet or Ipod in it, or something. All I could think was "thank God they didn't take the bow". Anything else was replaceable, and even tho there is nothing special about the bow, it is special for me.
Flying Crane said:
Ouch, dude, that's tough. Sorry to hear that. there are some heartless bastards out there.

My thoughts exactly.
Sorry to hear that is was stolen.
AceHBK you must have touched your instructor heart for the gift he gave you. Cherish it and remember one day you'll pass it on as well.

I still have my father BB he gave me 35 years ago, what a treasure it is, if only to me.
Congrats on your promotion, Ace! That belt & those words are pretty high praise from your instructor. That's great!

I'm a sentimental kinda guy, myself. I have a lot of things that mean something to me. I have the BB that my 1st instructor gave to me. (I'll admit to sleeping with, too.) :) I even kept the guaze hands wraps from my 1st kickboxing match for a long time. I have tons of photographs to member the great times, too.
I have a BB from my teacher, a Kukri he gave me as well and that's about it. I don't even have my medals from the tournaments anymore, but the Belt and Kukri are displayed in my bedroom (so I guess you could say I sleep with it everynight! :wink2: )

The only other things that really matter to me are a few letters of recommendation I aquired from people such as my instructor, Dr. Gyi and others. They concern my teaching ability rather than my skills, but that is actually much more important to me now.
Thanks for the kind words you guys.
Yes it means alot to me and I am glad that I am not the only one who slept with their belt. :)

I want to wear it now but I know I still have just a lil longer to go before that day comes when I will "officially" get it. But for now I will have to wear my blue belt and be anxious till next month when I get my brown belt. I will say it has re-energized my drive. I feel a lot of pride as well as pressure now.

And yeah Terry I look fwd one day when I get to pass it down to a student.
When my instructor tested to IV Dan, his instructor gave him his IV Dan belt. When I tested to IV Dan, my instructor gave me one pair of stripes off that belt. That means more to me, from a standpoint of feeling honored, than the complete Encyclopedia of TaeKwon-Do that he also gave me (although that means quite a lot too!).
I almost fogot the biggest sentimental thing I've done. I named my school after my late kickboxing trainer, Kevin "Superkick" McClinton. He ran Superkick Gym & I run Superkick TKD.

We had specific "colors" that we wore for our gym at the fights. All of our fighters wore black & gold. (I though it had some deep mystical or spiritual significance....til & found out Kevin just thought it "looked cool" together.) All my boxing gear (Gloves, cup, headgear, shorts, shoes etc.) is either black, gold or a combination of the two. My wife thinks I'm colorblind to any other colors. While I have regular uniforms for my students, the school patch will be those colors. It reminds me of how he taught & who he was. I hope to emulate those qualities to my students.
My first Black belt in Sikaran was ivn to me by a senior student and a few years latter at a unschueked black belt test I took if of and let my instructor give it to one of my best friends after his test. we had forgot to buy or have a new belt as the test was done on the spur of the moment by my instuctor.
I still have a couple things given to me by my instructor and his instructor in Sikaran that i will pass on to my son or one of my students some day

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