Great post and replies!
An Okinawan Karateka who I was in the presence of, said that the root of the Kanji for Kata is used to describe a mold. Like when you make a foundation for a building you make the forms to pour the concrete into. This is Katas meaning if you look into the root-word.
Xue Sheng you mention that the word kata doesnt even enter into the MA you do. I believe that the Hsing in Hsing I, uses part of the character that is also used for Kata. I may be wrong so I will check to make sure.
UpnorthKyosa, I agree that technique is kata and kata is technique. Absolutely, hands down. The technique is the application of kata and the particular kata movement is the form(mold, shape) of a technique. They are one in the same.
Could it be that the word kata is neither plural nor singular, but it expresses a concept. Like the trajectory of a rifle. You look straight into the sight but the round rises and drops.
I will say that the technique came before kata and the kata was formed(there goes that word again) to put the techniques into a frame but each technique also is a shape or form, being the pattern your body flows through while doing the movement to get the desired effect.
How many techniques? One of my teachers says I dont know, I dont care, I just do my form. There are many more techniques and variations than we can conceive. There are applications we have not discovered.
Where do the techniques begin in a kata? I say at the Rei.
An Okinawan Karateka who I was in the presence of, said that the root of the Kanji for Kata is used to describe a mold. Like when you make a foundation for a building you make the forms to pour the concrete into. This is Katas meaning if you look into the root-word.
Xue Sheng you mention that the word kata doesnt even enter into the MA you do. I believe that the Hsing in Hsing I, uses part of the character that is also used for Kata. I may be wrong so I will check to make sure.
UpnorthKyosa, I agree that technique is kata and kata is technique. Absolutely, hands down. The technique is the application of kata and the particular kata movement is the form(mold, shape) of a technique. They are one in the same.
Could it be that the word kata is neither plural nor singular, but it expresses a concept. Like the trajectory of a rifle. You look straight into the sight but the round rises and drops.
I will say that the technique came before kata and the kata was formed(there goes that word again) to put the techniques into a frame but each technique also is a shape or form, being the pattern your body flows through while doing the movement to get the desired effect.
How many techniques? One of my teachers says I dont know, I dont care, I just do my form. There are many more techniques and variations than we can conceive. There are applications we have not discovered.
Where do the techniques begin in a kata? I say at the Rei.