Not a self defense technique?


MTS Alumni
Just wondering if your art/style has techniques in it that you don't consider "self defense" techniques. The Kenpo Jitsu that I study is totally geared towards SD, but I remember in the shorin ryu and kyokushin I used to study techniques geared towards that. I guess is what I'm saying is should there be a distinction.

JeffJ said:
Just wondering if your art/style has techniques in it that you don't consider "self defense" techniques. The Kenpo Jitsu that I study is totally geared towards SD, but I remember in the shorin ryu and kyokushin I used to study techniques geared towards that. I guess is what I'm saying is should there be a distinction.


I'm sorry Jeff, but I'm not quite following what you're asking. Are you talking about drills or techniques in the system that are termed SD techniques, but would probably get you killed if you tried it against a real attack?

Hello, Some peope punch walls to show they are mad at you...(some break their hand/wrist...not a good idea to do for showing your strenght?)..this is a bad self-defense move.
Listed below -not a self-defense technique:
Crying..not sure about this?

Swearing at your aggressor? not sure this works well?

Climbing a tree..if it leads to another escape..OK..if not bad self-defense move here. (can throw rocks and things)

NOT asking? .. is a bad idea..asking for a self-defense technique

Taking shoes off? .. before running on the streets..not a good self-defense move, unless you remove the attacker shoes first, then keep yours on.

Waiting for the right time? not a good self-defense move..can last two days or more....react NOW!

The list is endless.....Aloha

All of our techniques/sets/kata are directly or indirectly interpreted to apply as self defense techniques although some are more simple probable moves while others are possible but not as simple or practical.
For example, finger set teaches the finger shapes, inserts, etc,, however, we wouldn't teach to stand in a horse stance and fight back with the finger set! :)
What we name specifically as self defense techniques are meant to be used specifically as self defense. Everything else are training tools and methods of learning and conditioning.
katas and any "dances" like them are not really self defense. Because you have to 1) take the individual moves apart from the kata to use them and 2) they are not being used in a me against you situation such as takedown drills or pad work.
Every art I've practiced has had drills aimed at building attributes which were not themselves something you should use in a fight. Instead, it was the attribute being built that helped you defend yourself.

Looking at my original post, I didn't phrase what I wanted to know very clearly. Let me try again. I've seen many schools, and have read about more, that have a cirriculum of self defense techniques. What I am wondering, how are these different from the other core techniques of the style or system. I'm not sure why I just didn't say it that way originally.

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit amphetimines. (Airplane)

Every thing in my system can be used fo self dfence. Now as to would I use some of the techniques or not or if someone else could use the ones I do is open for debate
JeffJ said:
Just wondering if your art/style has techniques in it that you don't consider "self defense" techniques. The Kenpo Jitsu that I study is totally geared towards SD, but I remember in the shorin ryu and kyokushin I used to study techniques geared towards that. I guess is what I'm saying is should there be a distinction.

Certain training techniques are not always directly self defence oriented. Such as kata. Kata will help you develop nice rhythm, flexibility, technique, concentration ect ect. These things will help you in a real situation, but the kata itself is not a self defence technique.
Boxers shadow box and use speed bags for various reasons, but those training techniques are not self defence techniqes, they are a piece of a much larger whole.
on braveheart they mooned their enemies into sumission .. you could try that. lol just kiddin, u'll be destroyed. i know there are certain teqniques in my style that i would never use on the street, but mostly those are personal preferance and how well a certain person can preform a technique. IMO
Damn. I can't seem to articulate what I'm wondering about very well. I'm not referring to training methodologies, i.e. kata, shadowboxing, drills, but techniques that are taught as self defense that aren't from the "core" of a style or system. I got thinking about this when I visited a school a couple of weeks ago. The first part of the class was kata, the second self defense. It being primarily a striking art, I was surprised to see what was labeled as SD was more like Japanese jujitsu. Lots of standing grappling. Now, I know about bunkai, but I really don't think that was the case here.

Hopefully, that makes my question a little more clear.

Normally, I'm not this obtuse, am I? jeesh

Spider Guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is an impressive set up if you can pull it off, but it is very gi dependent and not at all practical. There are BJJ setups which give much better control and protection. I don't even like spider guard for a straight grappling match, in a fight it would be pretty bad idea to try for.
JeffJ said:
Hopefully, that makes my question a little more clear.

Normally, I'm not this obtuse, am I? jeesh


Well, you're gonna run into the folks who just don't read past the first post in every thread. :idunno:

But, to answer the corrected question, I've got to say No for what I've seen of RMAX Flowfighting and Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. Nothing set aside as a "self defense" technique that's outside of the "core".
rutherford said:
Well, you're gonna run into the folks who just don't read past the first post in every thread. :idunno:

But, to answer the corrected question, I've got to say No for what I've seen of RMAX Flowfighting and Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. Nothing set aside as a "self defense" technique that's outside of the "core".

Heck, even the second time I wasn't very clear.

But I do have to ask, what is RMAX Flowfighting? I've never heard of that.

still learning said:
Climbing a tree..if it leads to another escape..OK..if not bad self-defense move here. (can throw rocks and things)

hurling feces is an excellent SD technique: can several million lower primates be wrong?