Self-Defense laws in your state?

Now that the two statements are close to each other, and bolded my answer is YES I am still saying that I DID NOT equate your thinking to that of citizens of North Korea. If you still think so I can only put that on you either not comprehending the obvious differences in the two statements OR you wish to have something to argue about.

Quick, look in the mirror.

Anyway, I am out of this.
try a sensible approach

I have been trying but my efforts are either misinterpreted or shot down due to some people displaying what looks to be a personal disliking of me. I tried dude.

you seem to be trying to make yourself an oppressed minority.

May I ask how so?

from my perspective, I wouldn't think twice,about taking someone's life if it were me or him, even less if it were my family involved,

Okay, we're in agreement here so what are we going back and forth about?

but, having gone through the legal,system for a far from deadly bit of self defence I did, it not something I would,do except in the most dire of circumstances,

AGAIN, I'm in agreement. So what, exactly, are we arguing about jobo?

even coming out on the other side as not guilty, you gave already changed your life past all recognition abd gone through a mind blowing,amount of,stress and upset.and then there is his family plotting revenge

Jobo, I realize this and it is very, very sad and unfortunate. But shouldn't we also look at that this situation you just described would not happen if one person or group of people never acted on the decision to invade, burglarize, car jack, ATM rob or rape? Contrary to what Tez said, I don't WANT to kill anybody. I WANT to be left alone and allowed to live my life in peace as I respect all people's right to do so. Now please tell me what, exactly, is wrong with me thinking this way?

that's why I find your casual, matter of fact,attitude hard to understand , I'm not allowed a gun, very few are here,

I say this with genuine sincerity; I am sorry if you're not allowed to have one. I don't know the reason why you're not and it's none of my business but I do think that if you are a law abiding citizen and not a law breaker then you should be allowed to own and use a gun to protect yourself and your loved ones if need be. The reason we are even having this conversation is because we all know that there are some people in this world who only understand one language. There are some people in this world who will kill you and not think twice about doing so or show any remorse. And YES, it bothers me that I can find myself in possible legal trouble if I was forced to end the life of such a person in order to preserve my own or that of my loved ones. Now, can you or anyone else here HONESTLY claim that innocent law abiding people don't get hit with double whammies due to "technicalities" within some of these SD laws? I guess this is really the meat and morsel of my views on this.

but if I was, for my sake, my families sake,and the other guys sake, id make sure I had no other choice before I pulled that trigger

Once again, AGREED! So what, I ask again, are we going back and forth for?
This entire post is nonsensical. If you think you detect "ego", "the need to be right" or "male dominance" from me you're only projecting how YOU think and what drives you while you post and this very post of yours is a perfect example of that. Hypocrite much? Everything you just tried to accuse me of you did yourself in your very post. Congratulations on showing others what you really are.

Which is fine by me. In spite of what you think or what you want to think I was never trying to win an argument. I gain nothing by doing such thing anyway. Neither was I trying to convince the rest of you that you're necessarily wrong because some of the SD laws I agree with while certain other aspects I disagree with. YOU GUYS are the ones telling me that I'm wrong for disagreeing with those laws. All I ever wanted you guys to do was THINK. Ponder on some of these laws, think really hard about them and ask yourselves "Is This Morally Right?" If you think that it is morally right then fine. Live your lives and react in a SD situation according to your conclusions. I have pondered this a long time ago and I have come to the conclusion that it is not morally right and I will live my life and react in a SD situation according to my conclusions. No big deal. Either way we both face negative consequences because it's as I said before. It is essentially "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't".

You mean on an internet forum with a bunch of faceless strangers who are not important to me I'm not rising up the social ladder as a dominant monkey? Oh woes is me. What ever am I going to do? I guess I'll try one of the pacifist religious forums. Maybe I'll have more luck there.

The chicks ARE digging it? Well alriiiiight!!!! I guess some of my Drunken Friday Night Monkey Dance for Male Dominance Ritual is beginning to pay off after all. I just hope you're not angry because I know this is why you make your Drunken Friday Night Monkey Dance for Male Dominance Ritual posts.

Gladly. I'm not one for convincing. Like I already said, you see it the way you do and I see it the way that I do. Unlike most posters here I refuse to willingly participate in the sucker's game and let other people tell me whether or not I have the right to defend myself. And I don't care what you have to say, that's exactly what the SD laws are doing.

I'm glad that I'm free-minded.
And yet you keep posting on the subject.

Prove me wrong. Let it go.
And yet you keep posting on the subject.

Prove me wrong. Let it go.

Well Jobo made a respectful post to me and I made a respectful reply. Instead of looking for reasons to beat your chest like a silver back you should either calmly read what he and I had to say and learn something or "Let It Go" yourself.
Well Jobo made a respectful post to me and I made a respectful reply. Instead of looking for reasons to beat your chest like a silver back you should either calmly read what he and I had to say and learn something or "Let It Go" yourself.
Wait a tic... are you now suggesting that I'M the one still Monkey Dancing this. BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Nope. I was very deliberate in my spelling.

clew - definition of clew in English | Oxford Dictionaries

Notice #4.

People who set themselves up as spelling Nazis had better darn well know all of the ins and outs, including odd variant spellings which were still in occasional use even up to the late 1960's.

My post went right past you. Try reading it again wise guy. My post about you being "clooless" had NOTHING to do with your spelling. Like I said, try reading it again because it went right past you. Thanks for making my job that much easier and PROVING what I know you to be. Some forum hero you turned out to be.
Wait a tic... are you now suggesting that I'M the one still Monkey Dancing this. BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm not suggesting anything. Now, what you are proving is something altogether different. :D:D:D

I'll say this as nicely and grade school level as I can; I see you very clearly but you don't see me at all. I'll leave it to you to try to figure that out if you think you can. :cool:
I have been trying but my efforts are either misinterpreted or shot down due to some people displaying what looks to be a personal disliking of me. I tried dude.

May I ask how so?

Okay, we're in agreement here so what are we going back and forth about?

AGAIN, I'm in agreement. So what, exactly, are we arguing about jobo?

Jobo, I realize this and it is very, very sad and unfortunate. But shouldn't we also look at that this situation you just described would not happen if one person or group of people never acted on the decision to invade, burglarize, car jack, ATM rob or rape? Contrary to what Tez said, I don't WANT to kill anybody. I WANT to be left alone and allowed to live my life in peace as I respect all people's right to do so. Now please tell me what, exactly, is wrong with me thinking this way?

I say this with genuine sincerity; I am sorry if you're not allowed to have one. I don't know the reason why you're not and it's none of my business but I do think that if you are a law abiding citizen and not a law breaker then you should be allowed to own and use a gun to protect yourself and your loved ones if need be. The reason we are even having this conversation is because we all know that there are some people in this world who only understand one language. There are some people in this world who will kill you and not think twice about doing so or show any remorse. And YES, it bothers me that I can find myself in possible legal trouble if I was forced to end the life of such a person in order to preserve my own or that of my loved ones. Now, can you or anyone else here HONESTLY claim that innocent law abiding people don't get hit with double whammies due to "technicalities" within some of these SD laws? I guess this is really the meat and morsel of my views on this.

Once again, AGREED! So what, I ask again, are we going back and forth for?
the system has to make sure you had no other,choice, that's its job,the fact someone breaks in doesn't mean you have no choice but to shoot them. If the system find that a lawful home owner did have a,choice, then that lawful home owner is no longer lawful. That's not a double whammy that murder, the fact that wouldn't have happened if they hadn't broke in is besides the point.

if as I suspect you want the law,change so you can,shoot first ask questions later, than that a political point and not one I agree with.

guns,are generaly illegal in the UK, hand guns always so and rifles closely controlled, they got more difficult to own after a,chap ran wild and,shot,a lot of very young children
My post went right past you. Try reading it again wise guy. My post about you being "clooless" had NOTHING to do with your spelling. Like I said, try reading it again because it went right past you. Thanks for making my job that much easier and PROVING what I know you to be. Some forum hero you turned out to be.
Seriously. Stop Monkey Dancing. I don't give a crap.
I'm not suggesting anything. Now, what you are proving is something altogether different. :D:D:D

I'll say this as nicely and grade school level as I can; I see you very clearly but you don't see me at all. I'll leave it to you to try to figure that out if you think you can. :cool:
You hacked into the surveillance camera?
the system has to make sure you had no other,choice, that's its job

Alright, here we go. This is what I am saying. The system was not there when I had to defend myself. The system did not see from my attacker what I had seen. The people in the system would do the same thing I had to do but will likely not face the same consequences as me due to their position and status. Do you see what I've been trying to say? The system may have it's job but you and I have ours. Is the system's job more important than ours as protectors of our families?

the fact someone breaks in doesn't mean you have no choice but to shoot them.

Okay, so what if someone breaks into your house and you make one of those other choices and it proves to be a fatal error in judgement? This is what happens a lot of times and the survivors of tragedies are left with saying that they regret not making the other choice when they could have (and probably should have). Like I said before, I don't want to kill anybody. But I don't want to be killed by anybody either or my loved ones. So what am I supposed to do? The system ofttimes paint the picture as black and white when most times it is not that simple. During the stress and fast paced pressure of a life or death situation you only have milliseconds to make the right choices and save your own life and/or your loved ones lives.

If the system find that a lawful home owner did have a,choice, then that lawful home owner is no longer lawful.

Even though you are correct in that's how the system operates it is something I've already said that I disagree with and I have given my reasons for disagreeing.

That's not a double whammy that murder, the fact that wouldn't have happened if they hadn't broke in is besides the point.

I disagree with this as well. It is TOTALLY the point because the situation of lost lives would never have happened had the guy not broken into my home. I don't know where you live, but where I live people are doing home invasions and they come in shooting from the time they enter. They no longer sneak in while you're at work. They violently break in at night while your family is in there and they no longer ask "where's the money"? They are immediately shooting the occupants and will make their own way through the house.

My attitude towards home invasions and some of these SD laws started to change when I kept up on the plight of the one family in the state of Wisconsin, USA. Two scum bags had broken into a wealthy home, tied up the father, raped his wife and daughter and burned them alive which killed them. It started off as a simply burglary home invasion and it degraded to that. I can't even begin to imagine the mental state of the father/husband who is alive but no longer has a wife and daughter. How different would it have turned out had he been better prepared and willing to do whatever it takes to protect himself and his family?

if as I suspect you want the law,change so you can,shoot first ask questions later, than that a political point and not one I agree with.

This is tricky because you can NOT shoot first and end of the one who is shot or you can shoot first and find out later that the perp either had a realistic looking toy gun or he had a real gun but it wasn't loaded. let's face it, the fact that we are having this conversation is proof positive that things go terribly wrong in SD situations and it just plain sucks! I would rather that WE ALL live in peace with no hunger and infringing on each other's rights.

guns,are generaly illegal in the UK, hand guns always so and rifles closely controlled, they got more difficult to own after a,chap ran wild and,shot,a lot of very young children

Oh, so you're in the UK. Understood. I will tell you this much though; for the longest time I have always felt that people in the UK are generally "tougher" than most people in the US because of the no gun laws. I think too many people in the US are soft because of an over reliance on guns and other weapons. But much question to you is are there illegal guns on the streets in the UK? Because we have plenty of those here in the US.
Don't you love a know all? Someone who writes reams of words designed to boost their importance because they are a legend in their own lunchtime. No, sweetie I wasn't letting off steam, you don't seem to realise I was laughing at you. And you bite every time someone writes something. If it were allowed here I could bait you all day, you bite every time.

And 99% of the time people who try to hone in on "grammar Nazis" are even more "clooless" ;)

I take it you don't know that 'clewless' and 'clew' are actually correct spellings. :D

Your attitude is interesting, you come across like an angry, 'misunderstood' adolescent. Telling us how much you don't care and how you aren't taking it seriously is telling to those who understand psychology. You seem to want to reiterate how much you don't care, thus indicating how much you do. The need to appear better than others , the need to try bullying someone because of a typo, the stream of posts justifying your opinion and why everyone is wrong but you is also telling. For someone who isn't taking me seriously and doesn't care you are very careful to refute what I say and seem to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to belittle and bully me. Interesting. However, my boy, alas and alack your efforts are all in vain, you just make me smile at your ineptitude and crassness but far be it from me to stop you, crack on, let's have some more. Can you be ruder? More bullying? Come on, you don't want to be mediocre do you, say what you really feel. Have at me varlet...

Am I bovvered?

Don't you love a know all? Someone who writes reams of words designed to boost their importance because they are a legend in their own lunchtime. No, sweetie I wasn't letting off steam, you don't seem to realise I was laughing at you. And you bite every time someone writes something. If it were allowed here I could bait you all day, you bite every time.
Egad, how can it not bore you?

I take it you don't know that 'clewless' and 'clew' are actually correct spellings. :D
I enjoy throwing that one at spelling Nazis.

...alas and alack...
Bonus points.

Peace favor your sword,
Don't you love a know all?


Someone who writes reams of words designed to boost their importance because they are a legend in their own lunchtime. this your way of admitting that you are looking in the mirror right now?

No, sweetie I wasn't letting off steam,

Oh, my bad. I guess you were just suffering from the hot and cold flashes that come with middle age.

you don't seem to realise I was laughing at you.

And you seem to not realize that I WAS and STILL AM laughing at you. You are taking way too much stock in my posts and they are obviously getting under your skin hence, your reactions.

And you bite every time someone writes something. If it were allowed here I could bait you all day, you bite every time.

I choose to respond as a source of break time entertainment. Trust and believe I do not take you seriously at all. You're basically a source of amusement for me.

I take it you don't know that 'clewless' and 'clew' are actually correct spellings. :D

Hahahaha!!! And you just proved that you are just as "clooless" as lklawson. As I said to him, my reply to his "clewless" post had NOTHING to do with spelling....AT ALL! It went past you as well as him. Dunce level troll attempts at it's finest. Thanks you guys. Here's a "clew" for you guys. "Cloo" and "Clooless" DO NOT mean clue/clew and clueless/clewless. Like I said, dunce level attempts at trolling. It went directly over your heads.

Your attitude is interesting, you come across like an angry, 'misunderstood' adolescent.

I find your attitude interesting as well. You come across as a middle aged malcontent who has the maturity of an adolescent.

Telling us how much you don't care and how you aren't taking it seriously is telling to those who understand psychology.

Okay doctor, I'm all eyes. Explain to me how I do care. And I only said that I don't take you and lklawson seriously. I didn't say that about anyone else here.

You seem to want to reiterate how much you don't care, thus indicating how much you do.

You know what? You caught me. I do care. Even more than the care bears. From now on I'm Martial Talk Bear. How's that?

The need to appear better than others , the need to try bullying someone because of a typo,

LOL. Your misspelled word being pointed out to you touched a nerve. You are really, really, really, really harping on that. You're actually going to lose sleep because of it. That was like 10 posts ago and you are still "steaming" over it.

the stream of posts justifying your opinion and why everyone is wrong but you is also telling.

And this quote of yours is even more telling because I NEVER told ANYONE here that any of their opinions are wrong. Go back in the thread and post the quote where I ever said that. And of course I am going to justify my opinion. Isn't that what we are all doing? That's the idea behind discussion and debate. But you will never find where I told anyone that their opinions are wrong. I have told people that they are wrong ABOUT ME. I have been misquoted and my posts misinterpreted more than once in this thread and at times I had to correct those things. Like I told oftheherd; If I said it, then I said it. But If I didn't say, then I DID NOT SAY IT.

But what's even more telling is that your only participation in this thread is going tit-for-tat with me. You've added nothing constructive to the conversation itself. Now, what does that say about you?

For someone who isn't taking me seriously and doesn't care you are very careful to refute what I say and seem to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to belittle and bully me.

I'M SORRY! I am not deliberately trying to bully you. I do not want to belittle or bully you. I want for you and I to either get along or stay out of each other's way. I am only throwing back what you are dishing out to me. But I do not want to do this. I want this to end now if you are going to view me as a bully because a bully I am not.

Interesting. However, my boy, alas and alack your efforts are all in vain, you just make me smile at your ineptitude and crassness but far be it from me to stop you, crack on, let's have some more. Can you be ruder? More bullying? Come on, you don't want to be mediocre do you, say what you really feel. Have at me varlet...

Am I bovvered?

Well, let me ask you; is that what you want? Because if you ask me what I want I will tell you that I want for you and I to either behave like adults and make positive contributions to this discussion or leave each other alone. Please remember this all started with your insulting post towards me. I responded and it kept going from there.

If you don't like me, fine. If you think I'm crass and a bully, fine. But I'll tell you what I'm not. I'm not the people I've been speaking about almost entire participation in this thread. I will not try to stick you up. As a female I will never hit you. I will not break into your house. I will not car jack you. These are the people you should be concerned about in the real world. Not little 'ole me on an internet forum.

I've decided I'll let you continue to hurl insults and bandying of unnecessary words. If I retaliate I'll only be labeled as a bully. Not cool Tez, not cool at all. Was it James Brown who said "Don't start none, won't be none"? But I have a feeling you don't want peaceful interaction between you and me. I think you really have it in for me (for whatever reason which I cannot figure out).

You can have the last say and you can insult me all you want. But I think it's sad though.
Come on you kids you are climbing the walls on this long summer break!! It is too good a day outside for that the sun is shining! Lets get out in the fresh air and skip rocks on the water :) What you say! come oooooooonnnn you know you want to!! :)
Come on you kids you are climbing the walls on this long summer break!! It is too good a day outside for that the sun is shining! Lets get out in the fresh air and skip rocks on the water :) What you say! come oooooooonnnn you know you want to!! :)

Sorry, it's late evening here with heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast. :)

However I am sincerely flattered that our hedge knight thinks I'm middle aged, even more flattered that he spends sooo much times composing posts about me. Shame he won't stick around, he'll go off with his faux indignation, all huffy, oh dear how sad never mind, There's one born every minute they say.
Now I would reply to his posts but the World ParaAthletics Championships is on live and WOW it's fantastic. I recommend everyone looks for somewhere to watch it.
London 2017 World Para athletics championships - Day 5: Live updates