Question for anyone who cares to read this and is willing to elaborate a bit:
What are the "self defense laws" where you currently live? I use the term self defense laws loosely because I am not certain that there are such laws in some places.
For instance, during my tour in South Korea, I was told that there is no immediate right granted to you for self defense simply because you are attacked. Fleeing has the be your first consideration, always. If there is no way you can get away and call for help, and you are absolutely, positively backed into a corner with nowhere to run, then and only then can you take measures to physically defend yourself.
I'm a little foggy about the US laws. I think, here in Arkansas where I am staying, it's not so restricting. There is obviously such a thing as going too far, but I believe that generally it's expected that if you are attacked that you will do what it is necessary to defend yourself: be it running away or standing your ground.
I know some states differ, and obviously other countries will be vastly different than ours here in the states, I am sure.
"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous