Section beem slow lately


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
So why is the TLD section been so slow? Is it this way because nobody has been dis0agreeing that much anymore? Do we have to ne at each other to have a jumping forum? Well I for one hopes we can get back to some great decussions about TKD, sorry to say I do not have a topic but of somebody else can come up with one?
There does come a point when topics go dry and you just need a new bunch of people to energize old topics.
I think this usually happens to forums once all the questions have been answered. I agree with MBuzzy, that sometimes you just need new blood to get things started.
I'm not buying that all the questions have been answered; more like that people have asked the ones that are obvious. As far as agreeing and disagreeing go, the USAT has made it easy lately for everyone to agree--that we're not happy with USAT! Disagreeing is as easy as the next sport vs. art thread. At a certain point that becomes a boring rehash.

I've stayed away from some questions because I figure they involve either protecting competitive advantage or proprietary knowledge that I should be learning from my own master rather than pestering other masters online.

To me, learning is interesting. Time to start a thread to ask what others are working on learning. Thanks for the inspiration.

So why is the TLD section been so slow? Is it this way because nobody has been dis0agreeing that much anymore? Do we have to ne at each other to have a jumping forum? Well I for one hopes we can get back to some great decussions about TKD, sorry to say I do not have a topic but of somebody else can come up with one?

TKD Fatigue and busy at work...looking for inspiration

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