Scenario/Role play

So you're saying, study and train martial arts, but don't ever put yourself in a position to help another person with what you've learned?

Not so one can use their new found skill. See, that is an ego trip. It is self serving. IMO, you are wanting to help, not because you want to help, but to serve yourself by using your art.

Didn't anyone ever mention that ego can get you killed?
this has worked in the past for me except the dispatcher could hear the disturbance over my phone. How close are you willing to get to the fire to help pull the person out?

As close I need to get in order to make an informed decision weather it is a life or death situation and I may need to step in and try to help someone, after calling 911; or if it is just a yelling/pushing match in which case you call the pros, everytime and stay out of the situation.

I am no superhero my powers are only observation and reporting as a citizen. However in doing so you can become the focus of the angry bad people because you're calling the cops. Sometimes if you don't call the cops and have the balls to deal with a situation yourself you can gain respect from the people you help. It is dangeerous it is not recommended but is is the way i see it.

The section I bolded disturbs me the most. Sometime you may be right, other times you may be DEAD, and didn't help a damn thing by trying to do something you are not trained to do.

Making some one do counselling is futile unless they are willing to accept the information and see the need for change.

You are correct in this statement, but you as a neighbor cannot get the person to go to counseling. Why are you making the decision that the person doesn't want help making a change? That is a pretty presumptious decision for you to make.

It might seem foreign to you guys but not everyone likes the cops rocking up to their house. Sometimes they like to find out who called the cops. This is a bad thing if they live next door.

Now you are talking apples and oranges. What happens in their own home, is usually vastly different that what a person is willing to do to someone else. If they do bring it to your property or your person, then it is a totally different situation than butting your nose into their house and playing g-man. I have in the past, and will do again if I need to, stood in full sight, 10 feet from a neighbor and called the Police on them. Amid the threats from him I just smiled and continued to dial, then explain the situation to the Police Chief who then came right down and took care of the situation. Was the neighbor mad? Oh he wanted me dead I think, but the difference is, he already knew I would do what I needed to do, weather call the LEO's, or more.

You need to grow up a bit, you are acting like a 6 year-old with hurt feelings. You presented a scenario, got unexpected answers, and are now trying to force your point of view on the rest of us. We are not buying, drop it already, you are acting like a troll again. Yes I said the nasty 5 letter word again. TROLL, you stop acting like one, and I'll stop calling you one. You have had some good posts in the past, get over hurt feelings because you got sound advice from several people that you don't happen to agree with. And yes I did ding you for your smart-assed answers and behavior on this thread.
Either stay out of it or call 911. Going over there is really not a wise thing to do.

YES....NEVER get involved in domestics unless you see a neghibor on his front lawn beating his Wife, Son, Daughter..Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until the marked units arrive and give as MUCH information to the responding units and the dispatcher center as possible...
Sometimes if you don't call the cops and have the balls to deal with a situation yourself you can gain respect from the people you help.

And.... Just how much respect would you give someone meddling in your personal affairs?

It might seem foreign to you guys but not everyone likes the cops rocking up to their house. Sometimes they like to find out who called the cops. This is a bad thing if they live next door.

I would think this answers the question above. :)

Don't flatter yourself. Respect will not be gained.
It might seem foreign to you guys but not everyone likes the cops rocking up to their house. Sometimes they like to find out who called the cops. This is a bad thing if they live next door.

Which is why responding units do not deluge that information..When I respond to a domestic and the offending party asks "Just who flipping called you??" I usually answer "That's not your concern!"

Don't flatter yourself. Respect will not be gained.

Damed good post...
Which is why responding units do not deluge that information..When I respond to a domestic and the offending party asks "Just who flipping called you??" I usually answer "That's not your concern!"
Furthermore, you can tell the dispatcher that "I do not wish to be contacted." This way, you eliminate the chance of the neighbor seeing an officer walk up to your front door to talk to you.

I definately agree with those who say to just call the police and keep your nose out of it. Yeah, if I actually saw someone assaulting a weaker person (wife, child, etc.) I might do something...otherwise, trying to intervene in this type of situation will probably cause nothing but more problems. Someone made the excellent point that in many domestic situations, even the victim will turn against the officer because they consider their private dispute to be just that--private. If they don't appreciate police "interference," how appreciative are they going to be of your interference?
Someone made the excellent point that in many domestic situations, even the victim will turn against the officer because they consider their private dispute to be just that--private. If they don't appreciate police "interference," how appreciative are they going to be of your interference?

100% correct..I have had victims and well as the offenders get in my face when called to a domestic scene..You can only imagine the reception a private citizen will get for getting involved..
In a domestic situation unless you actually witness it you cannot be sure what is going on, you actually have no proof that the father was hitting the son. How do you know it wasn't a computer type game they were playing that got them excited and yelling? Maybe no-one was hit, maybe the son was beating up the father, maybe the mother was the one doing the beating maybe... maybe.......maybe...
The advice given here is the only option, phone the police! (999 here!) if you believe there's a domestic violence situation or have reason for concern.
I love it. The cops arent able to do anything, and counseling is useless, but the [trumpet fanfare] MARTIAL ARTIST [/trumpet fanfare] next door coming over, well hes just gonna save the day.

I love it. The cops arent able to do anything, and counseling is useless, but the [trumpet fanfare] MARTIAL ARTIST [/trumpet fanfare] next door coming over, well hes just gonna save the day.


Does he wear tights and have a cape?

I know. It often seems that way when you've said something really wrongheaded and all these pesky people keep pointing it out... and then there you are, stuck with defending a position that any 10 year old with common sense could tell you is hopeless... because you're so worried about gaining `respect' that you can't acknowledge that maybe your premises were pretty hopeless to start with... :sadsong:
If theres any police officers reading, if you were at home off-duty, would you go next door to deal with your neighbors domestic?
If theres any police officers reading, if you were at home off-duty, would you go next door to deal with your neighbors domestic?

Nope..The problem with domestics has gotten so bad as far as officers becoming targets when attempting to intervien that normally to unit are dispatched..If the dispatcher hears alot of yelling and screaming on the phone then 3 will be sent...Now if it move to the front lawn and I see someone being beaten I'll STILL call it in and add that an off duty is already on scene..
If theres any police officers reading, if you were at home off-duty, would you go next door to deal with your neighbors domestic?

Very unlikely, unless it was during the day when I was sleeping off nights and they were making a real noise then I'd be pissed and tell them to shut up lol! Luckily I have good neighbours who I've previously terrified into submission as I am that MARTIAL ARTIST! Rofl.
You need to take a kick bag/dummy out onto your front garden, beat it heavily with all your best moves wearing a pristine white Gi and black belt, plenty of loud kiais and hey presto you've sorted your neighbours out! They will respect you forever now, bowing as you walk past.
They will respect you forever now, bowing as you walk past.

Excellent...I use to practice with the "chucks" in the backyard..No problems..
Looks as though if I were to clean my shotgun while wearing my black Gi in my backyard I should have no problem then right? :)
Excellent...I use to practice with the "chucks" in the backyard..No problems..

Swords are good too.... if you happen to behead a passing child or two it just increases the respect.
Should be amusing enough for stabpunch to stop being bored and gain repsect.
Looks as though if I were to clean my shotgun while wearing my black Gi in my backyard I should have no problem then right? :)

None what so ever...