Say Fong Kuen

  • Thread starter Thread starter RHD
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You could also make up forms based named after Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors.

Feel the power of DJ's Candy Drawer number 1!
Yes Tgace there must be a video course, and you can join the association, naturally, a lifetime membership is preferable. The videos will cover how to baffle with bull#@$@ any nonma or ma for that matter, with obscure terms in various different asian languages . Also will be included: how to throw out zen like statements that no one will understand, how to appear deep and mystical , and how to handle adoration. If RHD doesn't come back, I am going to form a splinter group as I am not sure he understands the REAL Say Fong Kuen.
RHD,Thank you so very much for that insiteful PM.I shall drop all of my other affiliations and become one of your followers.Should I shave my head?or anything else?Where do I go for my Tatoo?Bowing-I'm not worthy!,I'm not worthy,I'm not worthy!!!
lonecoyote said:
Yes Tgace there must be a video course, and you can join the association, naturally, a lifetime membership is preferable. The videos will cover how to baffle with bull#@$@ any nonma or ma for that matter, with obscure terms in various different asian languages . Also will be included: how to throw out zen like statements that no one will understand, how to appear deep and mystical , and how to handle adoration. If RHD doesn't come back, I am going to form a splinter group as I am not sure he understands the REAL Say Fong Kuen.

lonecoyote, I am officially promoting you to "sifu". You have displayed a strong grasp of the Say Fong Kuen system. For those who are inquiring about video training, please contact me through private e-mail and I will send you a $price$ list. Since this wonderful art is secretive and ancient, and you will be learning from me: THE GRANDMASTER, it ain't going to be cheap...
And remember, when confronted by those who question, don't give straight answers. Instead, use philosophy and avoidance techniques, and if possible complain to forum moderators about your detractor's.

The secretive practice
Say Fong Kuen in the meadow
The grass grows by itself.

I spin, drop, stand again,
turning this way and that,
finding stillness in lunacy.
So what is the translation of Say Fong Kuen?

Also, how do you practice your techniques, since they sound too dangerous to warrant sparing (even with heavy pads)? Hell, I'd think twice before using it on a heavy-bag...Or anywhere, for that matter. You'd be surprised how easily ancient secret weapons can knock down moderate sized buildings when handled improperly.
flatlander said:
The secretive practice
Say Fong Kuen in the meadow
The grass grows by itself.

I spin, drop, stand again,
turning this way and that,
finding stillness in lunacy.

That sounds less like spontaneous movement and more like what happens before the technicolor yawn. I suggest practicing spontaneous movments in your backyard in your underwear at 2AM...The elemental forces are strong then and one can really feel "oneness".

Translation: Say Fong Kuen means "Four Direction Fist" as in forwards, backwards, right and left...of course it all depends on which way I'm facing.

RHD said:
That sounds less like spontaneous movement and more like what happens before the technicolor yawn. I suggest practicing spontaneous movments in your backyard in your underwear at 2AM...The elemental forces are strong then and one can really feel "oneness".
I have done this, but perhaps I'm confusing "oneness" with "aloneness".
I must inform the members of this forum that , after being promoted to the rank of sifu in Say Fong Kuen, I am now splitting from RHD. I am now promoting myself to GRANDMASTER of my own, better system which will either be called either Sa Fung Kwoon, Say Fong Kuen Concepts, Modern Say Fong Kuen, Shaolin Chuan Fa Hop Bup Choy Kwan Mu Do La Di Da, or simply, Red Dragon. It was only after long and studied consideration that I made this move. I could no longer tolerate the politics of Say Fong Kuen. Those who remain loyal to RHD, I assure them that my new system is better because we have now integrated nonsensical terms in Portugese guaranteed to mystify BJJ stylists. This is much better for the cage.
I practiced some Say fong kuen in my backyard yesterday, and I kinda hurt myself. Also, all of my neighbors were laughing and didn't seem to fear my skills. Am I practicing spontaneous movement incorrectly?
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHA! This is getting too funny!
lonecoyote said:
I must inform the members of this forum that , after being promoted to the rank of sifu in Say Fong Kuen, I am now splitting from RHD. I am now promoting myself to GRANDMASTER of my own, better system which will either be called either Sa Fung Kwoon, Say Fong Kuen Concepts, Modern Say Fong Kuen, Shaolin Chuan Fa Hop Bup Choy Kwan Mu Do La Di Da, or simply, Red Dragon. It was only after long and studied consideration that I made this move. I could no longer tolerate the politics of Say Fong Kuen. Those who remain loyal to RHD, I assure them that my new system is better because we have now integrated nonsensical terms in Portugese guaranteed to mystify BJJ stylists. This is much better for the cage.

Dammit, I knew this would happen.
Lonecoyote, I banish you from Say Fong Kuen for disloyalty. I suggest you go to Hawaii and study a much more legitamate art: Yee Chuan Tao :rolleyes:

And now, my jerry springer impersonation....

Lonecoyote, looks like you just got own3d by your old grandmaster. Are you going to take that?
Banish me if you must, but I think you and I both know it is because Modern Combat Sa Fung Kwoon Concepts (MCSFKC) is much better for THE STREET. I will trademark both terms, MCSFKC and THE STREET. Our spastic, jerky spontaneous movements are different than the classic ,flowery spontaneous moves of traditional Say Fong Kuen. We also practice in combat fatigues instead of the traditional Say Fong Kuen jockey shorts. Our terms are different too, Try this on for size- the ultimate ground fighting joint dislocating move- the OMOGUNGAPLATACANACHIQUITABANANA.
I'm begining to doubt the legitimacy of Say Fong Kuen. Could you drop a few famous names to put my mind at ease? Autographed pictures if possible.

Also, could you tell me about any sort of streetfighting experience you may have had with SFK? I will not accept anything less than deadly tournements that take place in secluded Island kingdoms that I haven't heard of.
auxprix said:
I'm begining to doubt the legitimacy of Say Fong Kuen. Could you drop a few famous names to put my mind at ease? Autographed pictures if possible.

Also, could you tell me about any sort of streetfighting experience you may have had with SFK? I will not accept anything less than deadly tournements that take place in secluded Island kingdoms that I haven't heard of.

Sure, here's some names:
Lai Hong, Wing Wen, Chow Tai, Lueng Bing....etc...
And for my deadly fighting experience please read the original post. Doubt if you must, but try to prove me wrong since there are no documentable facts. And remember, if you keep this up my students and friends will appear online to talk philosophy at you and dodge more questions!

Lonecoyote, I must admit, your combat fatigues uniform is quite impressive. However, it doesn't match the flowing movements of Say Fong Kuen done in either a blaze orange wrestling singlet or in one's underwear. Sorry, your splinter art is an illigitimate bastard child of the real thing. Of course there are way$ in which you could return to the fold...

Mike the GRANDMASTER of Say Fong Kuen
I like ninja smoke bombs. They make me dissapear faster.

So was that endless philosophy remark aimed at me? Geez. That was pretty mean! I wanna be a ninja too.

I want to be able to fly. Can Say Fong Kuen teach me to fly? Maybe I should ditch out on my sifu so I can learn how to fly from you guys. And those names! Those were way cooler sounding than the names of real people that Sifu Mike uses as references. I no longer wish to partake in a martial art that defaces and disgraces kung fu as a whole. Please oh wise one please! I beg of you! Accept me as your humble student...
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