Mou Meng Gung Fu: The Nameless Art

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Hi Mu Ming, Dale Dugas is one of the leading authorities on Iron palm, an Acupuncturist, and has been training in Chinese martial arts for a long time. He also speaks Chinese. In my opinion I would listen to his advice.

Be that as it may, that still doesn't give him the right to bully people around or be disrespectful towards the deceased. I don't care if you're Gene LeBell, you just don't do that. I will not tolerate it. He's just being sore because I won't come out of my shell. That says a lot more to me than anything you just said.
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Do you two guys (Dale included) even practice martial arts? Or do you just troll the site, flame people's threads, knit-pick at what we say and make yourselves look bad in front of everyone else who's actually trying to learn? If so, how are you not banned yet? It seems like a lot of wasted time and energy to be honest. I mean, if you really have to ask questions like this, then you need to do less talking and more studying. Welcome to the internet. Search for the answer you seek, then return to me when you have found it. Right now, neither of you are ready to taste my tea. You are both way too "challengy" and (judging by your line of questioning) not quite educated enough to pass judgments or make constructive criticisms. Study more. Train more. Talk less. I'm sure the Karate forum, or Google search engine could probably help you out (Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Shotokan and Kyokushin are all tiger-crane styles of Karate), so you might want to try there first before coming to me. This thread is not about Karate, it's about Wu Ming Kung Fu, so I will ask you both again very nicely to please be respectful and mindful of where you are and what you say. After going to work as a security guard (I'm a club bouncer, bodyguard and S.E.O.) dealing with drunkards, drug dealers, prostitutes and challengy idiots who just want to fight all night, the very last thing I need when I get home and check my notifications is to get bombarded by ignorant questions and rude statements from people I don't even know in reference to things that have absolutely nothing to do with my style, or me as a person. So please, have courtesy while you're here or I'll have you reported for trolling my thread. Thank you.

Dale, you were already warned once. I asked you nicely. But since you wanted to continue being rude, I already reported you to the staff. I shall make an example out of you, so that others can see that I'm not messing around. Please leave. Go talk that internet toughguy crap on your own threads. I won't tolerate it here.
I dont think my last post was challenging or rude. You said you studied tiger-crane karate. I ask what that is because I have never heard of a style of karate called tiger-crane. Your next post goes on to mention 6 other styles of karate which all have familiar names but those styles are not called tiger crane karate. So are you saying you studied one of those styles or more than one of those, and if so why didn't you just use the proper name so everyone new what you are referring to? For you to say you studied tiger-crane karate implies that tiger crane is the official name of the style.
Your post was confusing, you should not get up set just because I asked for clarification.
I like you Buka, you seem pretty chill to me. I look for that quality in other martial artists. Sometimes life can be very unchill, so just being around other martial artists who are chill is sometimes a good thing. Thank you for just being who you are. I admire that. :)

You know how it is. You get X amount of Martial Artists together and what do you have?

X amount of opinions about X amount of subjects, details, intricacies, training exercises, fighting methods, styles, terms, rules, procedures, histories, adaptations, equipment, etc. It's all good. Hope so, anyway.
Be that as it may, that still doesn't give him the right to bully people around or be disrespectful towards the deceased. I don't care if you're Gene LeBell, you just don't do that. I will not tolerate it. He's just being sore because I won't come out of my shell. That says a lot more to me than anything you just said.
Who died? I think since we on this site who have been here for a long time and see someone create their own style especially for us who practice Chinese arts we ask questions though some things sound odd to us, I also can agree that I think it is a little odd someone gives you the name wuwei无为 Dale does have a point the characteristics and concepts of your art do sound some what hodge podge with fortune cookie type logic.
I dont think my last post was challenging or rude. You said you studied tiger-crane karate. I ask what that is because I have never heard of a style of karate called tiger-crane. Your next post goes on to mention 6 other styles of karate which all have familiar names but those styles are not called tiger crane karate. So are you saying you studied one of those styles or more than one of those, and if so why didn't you just use the proper name so everyone new what you are referring to? For you to say you studied tiger-crane karate implies that tiger crane is the official name of the style.
Your post was confusing, you should not get up set just because I asked for clarification.

To be honest, I'm not upset with you. I'm upset with Dale, so I may have been too harsh on you just now. My apologies. Allow me to stress something for you one more time if I may. I no longer believe in styles. I no longer believe that "this" style is better than "that" style or what have you. So although it may seem rather vague of me sometimes, you have to taste my tea before you can understand my point of view. I already answered one or two questions in regard to my previous "style" training experience. But the more I get caught up in looking backwards towards my stylized past, the less I look forward to my nameless future. One should not confuse what I do with anything else. If you try to perceive my art from a Wing Chun perspective or a Karate perspective, you will miss the mark entirely. Mou Meng has no perspective. We see things simply as they are and do not try to specify it or form any opinion of it. That is why I said "tiger-crane" style Karate, in a more broader sense (Karate being the umbrella term in this case as opposed to a specific style). I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I hope this helps.
To be honest, I'm not upset with you. I'm upset with Dale, so I may have been too harsh on you just now. My apologies. Allow me to stress something for you one more time if I may. I no longer believe in styles. I no longer believe that "this" style is better than "that" style or what have you. So although it may seem rather vague of me sometimes, you have to taste my tea before you can understand my point of view. I already answered one or two questions in regard to my previous "style" training experience. But the more I get caught up in looking backwards towards my stylized past, the less I look forward to my nameless future. One should not confuse what I do with anything else. If you try to perceive my art from a Wing Chun perspective or a Karate perspective, you will miss the mark entirely. Mou Meng has no perspective. We see things simply as they are and do not try to specify it or form any opinion of it. That is why I said "tiger-crane" style Karate, in a more broader sense (Karate being the umbrella term in this case as opposed to a specific style). I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I hope this helps.
Actually no it doesn't help.
So what your saying is that I'm to stupid and uneducated in martial arts to differentiate between a martial art that you studied in the past and what you are practicing presently and that I would confuse the two and would not be able to comprehend the subtleties between the two, if you were to divulge the name of the karate style you did in the past.
If I promise to not judge your new practice based on the name of a karate style you studied perhaps years and years ago would you please disclose the name of karate. Because my question is not pertaining to your personal present practice but rather you as a person and your background. It's simple inquiry with a simple answer. You stated you had studied karate, I was curious as to the style. Does not seem like an irrational query for a conversation about martial arts. As an analogy if we both owned and liked corvettes it would not be unreasonable to ask what year you had.
I think you don't like me because you have not answered any of my questions. You have been very deceptive in your posts. I have been very direct.
What style of karate did you train in?
Who was your teacher?
Simple question, simple answer and they have nothing to do with your current art.
Who died? I think since we on this site who have been here for a long time and see someone create their own style especially for us who practice Chinese arts we ask questions though some things sound odd to us, I also can agree that I think it is a little odd someone gives you the name wuwei无为 Dale does have a point the characteristics and concepts of your art do sound some what hodge podge with fortune cookie type logic.

I'm not sure if your translation of Wu Wei is the same as mine. This is not wuwei (no-action), like I said before. Wu is my Chinese family name. I'm not exactly sure of the meaning, it appears to be a common name. Wei is my Chinese given name, which means "to protect" or "defend" (This is also the meaning of my name in English, Celtic, German, French and other languages). As for my style, Wumingquan, that is the name I chose for my system. Surely you've all heard much stranger and more cartoonish names for a martial art system. Why get stuck on this one? Anyways, names aren't that important. What's important is that it works for me and I'm okay with that. If that's what it takes to distinguish my style from other styles, then so be it. Wuxingquan is a rather strange name for a style which still has shapes and forms, but nobody bickers about that style. So please, don't bicker about mine. It's my style, I will call it what I want.
What style of karate did you train in?
Who was your teacher?
Simple question, simple answer and they have nothing to do with your current art.

I had 2 different Karate instructors. That was many years ago. One of them was a Kyokushin black-belt named Erick Klow, and he was my younger brother. My other instructor was a Shotokan brown-belt named Sensei Rokko, and I was his only student (to earn his black-belt, he was required by his own Sensei to teach me 1-on-1 through private backyard training).

And please don't take this the wrong way. But honestly, I don't really like your type (not singling you out specifically). I know your type. All they do is concern themselves with styles, ranks, ribbons, belts, trophies, lineages and things that don't really matter. Wumingquan has no ranks or trophies or belts or certificates. My type are not concerned with such things, just to be fair. Nothing personal.
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I'm not sure if your translation of Wu Wei is the same as mine. This is not wuwei (no-action), like I said before. Wu is my Chinese family name. I'm not exactly sure of the meaning, it appears to be a common name. Wei is my Chinese given name, which means "to protect" or "defend" (This is also the meaning of my name in English, Celtic, German, French and other languages). As for my style, Wumingquan, that is the name I chose for my system. Surely you've all heard much stranger and more cartoonish names for a martial art system. Why get stuck on this one? Anyways, names aren't that important. What's important is that it works for me and I'm okay with that. If that's what it takes to distinguish my style from other styles, then so be it. Wuxingquan is a rather strange name for a style which still has shapes and forms, but nobody bickers about that style. So please, don't bicker about mine. It's my style, I will call it what I want.
Ya who knows what Wu it is strange your family names you a Chinese name but doesn't teach you Chinese. Wei is also used in the word for toilet 卫浴:joyful: or maybe they named you 无谓.
Well considering that there is an actual movie in China that the guy uses is called Wumingquan I would say not really except for the guy who really called his style fist of the north star.

You do know that Wuxing 五行 means five elements in reference to the five elements found in Daojiao.
Xingyiquan 形意拳 means form intent boxing in my opinion the form is created by the intent meaning like Bengquan the intent(意) is to be like an arrow straight in which creates form(形)intent and form are one in the same in my opinion. With out intent there is no xingyiquan, without correct form or expression of the intent there is no xingyiquan this is the concept and why there is so much power in the punches.
I had 2 different Karate instructors. That was many years ago. One of them was a Kyokushin black-belt named Erick Klow, and he was my younger brother. My other instructor was a Shotokan brown-belt named Sensei Rokko, and I was his only student (to earn his black-belt, he was required by his own Sensei to teach me 1-on-1 through private backyard training).
Thank you.
I hope you understand that martial arts has always been scrutinized and full of misunderstanding over the years. We tend to be sensitive about dishonesty. The people on MT are a good group with a lot of knowledge, honesty will get more respect than titles, rank or boasting. Anything anyone says that is not fact or accurate or a lie will quickly be flushed out. We are kinda unforgiving like that.
Ya who knows what Wu it is strange your family names you a Chinese name but doesn't teach you Chinese. Wei is also used in the word for toilet 卫浴:joyful: or maybe they named you 无谓.
Well considering that there is an actual movie in China that the guy uses is called Wumingquan I would say not really except for the guy who really called his style fist of the north star.

You do know that Wuxing 五行 means five elements in reference to the five elements found in Daojiao.
Xingyiquan 形意拳 means form intent boxing in my opinion the form is created by the intent meaning like Bengquan the intent(意) is to be like an arrow straight in which creates form(形)intent and form are one in the same in my opinion. With out intent there is no xingyiquan, without correct form or expression of the intent there is no xingyiquan this is the concept and why there is so much power in the punches.

Someone else had mentioned that there was a movie called Wumingquan (or was that you?), but I've never seen it. I'll have to check that out some time. And the Wuxingquan that I was refering to was Shapeless Boxing, a northern Shaolin style with several shapes and forms.
Thank you.
I hope you understand that martial arts has always been scrutinized and full of misunderstanding over the years. We tend to be sensitive about dishonesty. The people on MT are a good group with a lot of knowledge, honesty will get more respect than titles, rank or boasting. Anything anyone says that is not fact or accurate or a lie will quickly be flushed out. We are kinda unforgiving like that.

Completely understandable.
Someone else had mentioned that there was a movie called Wumingquan (or was that you?), but I've never seen it. I'll have to check that out some time. And the Wuxingquan that I was refering to was Shapeless Boxing, a northern Shaolin style with several shapes and forms.
The Wuxingquan form in references to Shaolin is the five animal form Wu also means five. I could not find a Shaolin one in regards to no form, shapeless style in English , Pin yin or hanzi. There is a Wudang style that has a shapeless boxing though.
I guess I should say this. I had many teachers in the past. Most of them are dead now, and I don't like to talk about it much, so I apologize for being somewhat secretive about my past. I am emotionally attached to my family and I take my art very seriously. I get really offended when people disrespect the dead. In this case, someone mentioned Bruce Lee, who I never met in person but who I am also very fond of as a martial artist. Some of Bruce Lee's students were my teachers for a while before they passed away, so I tend to get a bit touchy whenever someone talks about Bruce Lee's "rotten" corpse. I really don't feel that was necessary. But I digress. Please don't judge me for my anger earlier, as I feel it was justifiable. Happy Easter to everyone on MartialTalk (yes Dale, that includes you too). :)
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The Wuxingquan form in references to Shaolin is the five animal form Wu also means five. I could not find a Shaolin one in regards to no form, shapeless style in English , Pin yin or hanzi. There is a Wudang style that has a shapeless boxing though.

Thank you for the correction. I wish I could edit my previous post now, but it has a time limit for doing so. I will be more careful next time.
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As of today, I'm changing the structure and the way we train in Wumingquan (this isn't the first time) so everything I posted previously on this thread in regards to Wu Ming Kung Fu is no longer accurate or up-to-date. Please keep that in mind, for those who trend this thread regularly. Wumingquan is a living art. The new structure is madeup entirely of Chinese Gung Fu, but that could change again in the future so just as a forewarning, try not to get stuck on it.
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Well, my philosophy is the same as others, just like my punches and my kicks. I just chose to call it Gung Fu to be honest, because I like Chinese martial arts. (And because I used to practice CMA, moreso than other styles). Wumingquan incorporates a lot of the same techniques, methods and theories found in the southern Chinese Boxing systems in the Hong Kong area. I suppose you could attach it to their Taoist or Buddhist philosophies. As for me personally, I was influenced by Bruce Lee's philosophy, like everyone else.

I'm going to be rather straightforward with you here, and repeat the words of wisdom passed down by Bob, the former owner of this forum...

You are *NOT* Bruce Lee.

If you're going to synthesize your own system, you'd better have real credentials that can be proven, and solid footing in at least one respectable martial art. Being a dilettante in the martial arts world doesn't make you an expert, especially if you don't have the credentials to back you up.

The above suggestion isn't done out of malice. I'm simply trying to tell you how to avoid a lot of trouble in the future. Otherwise, you're going to be constantly on the defensive, trying to justify your art's existence to a multitude of critics. These critics are going to be far more acerbic than why you see in this community.

You already have a lot of suspect info in your description of your training. For one thing, no self-respecting Shotokan kyu rank holder (the brown belt you mentioned) would have the gall to call himself "Sensei." If his actual sensei made him teach out of his garage, with no supervision from at least an established dan grade holder, then it shows irresponsibility in a glaring manner. Furthermore, if you claim lineage from a black belt holder in Kyokushin Karate, it's a sure bet that there will be a lot of people interested to know who this "Erick Klow" character was, since almost every Kyokushin school keeps records of who earned their black belts from them.

Again, you may very well have the credentials, and I'll simply remind you that when you make such statements, you're going to be scrutinized.
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Good question. :)

Just for the record, I do not promote violence in any way. Sometimes things happen that we have no control over. Yes or no? And sometimes we may end up in situations where you have to fight your way out. Yes or no? So what I'm going to tell you is very honest and personal. I have been in a few brawls out in the street (maybe I'm just being humble). Sometimes things got broken. Sometimes people got injured. Not all the time, but sometimes. I have received several sprains and fractures over the years, usually due to my own stupidity and improper body alignments. Most of the injuries I received were to my hands and feet. But over the years, I am improving and getting better at not getting injured so much. Of course, I don't get in as many fights as I used to either. I guess now I just have to have faith that I can defend myself in a street fight. Until then, I'll just keep on training.

As for the 6 other posts you just blasted me with, I have no comment. But please do not blast me on my own thread.

Fair enough?

Fake mouthboxers need not be respected nor shown any respect.

They need be shown the door.
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