Mou Meng Gung Fu: The Nameless Art

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No Name was whining about why I was pooping on his thread in a few private messages.

Really? Seems you cannot see the forest through the trees.

Some fake wannabe who teaches "privately" has his panties in a bunch because the adults showed up and started asking why someone with no real discernable background is teaching in the first place.

His second PM states the he supposedly lives near me and that he would love to go out for drinks, or play boardgames.


You were asked some serious questions and deflected pretty much all of them.

You listed a whole slew of Wing Chun terms but I am betting money you really have no idea what you are talking about and even less what you are physically doing. You never claim any teacher but claim training in all manner of things.

Mouthboxers suck.

Stop being one.
Do you two guys (Dale included) even practice martial arts? Or do you just troll the site, flame people's threads, knit-pick at what we say and make yourselves look bad in front of everyone else who's actually trying to learn? If so, how are you not banned yet? It seems like a lot of wasted time and energy to be honest. I mean, if you really have to ask questions like this, then you need to do less talking and more studying. Welcome to the internet. Search for the answer you seek, then return to me when you have found it. Right now, neither of you are ready to taste my tea. You are both way too "challengy" and (judging by your line of questioning) not quite educated enough to pass judgments or make constructive criticisms. Study more. Train more. Talk less. I'm sure the Karate forum, or Google search engine could probably help you out (Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Shotokan and Kyokushin are all tiger-crane styles of Karate), so you might want to try there first before coming to me. This thread is not about Karate, it's about Wu Ming Kung Fu, so I will ask you both again very nicely to please be respectful and mindful of where you are and what you say. After going to work as a security guard (I'm a club bouncer, bodyguard and S.E.O.) dealing with drunkards, drug dealers, prostitutes and challengy idiots who just want to fight all night, the very last thing I need when I get home and check my notifications is to get bombarded by ignorant questions and rude statements from people I don't even know in reference to things that have absolutely nothing to do with my style, or me as a person. So please, have courtesy while you're here or I'll have you reported for trolling my thread. Thank you.

Dale, you were already warned once. I asked you nicely. But since you wanted to continue being rude, I already reported you to the staff. I shall make an example out of you, so that others can see that I'm not messing around. Please leave. Go talk that internet toughguy crap on your own threads. I won't tolerate it here.


I have been training in martial arts for 39 years this October. Longer than you have been alive on this planet. I have lived in Asia for extended periods of time, and can speak, read and write, fluent Japanese and read and write Chinese, and butcher my way through it verbally. I am an Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine here in Florida. So yeah, son, I am more than qualified to question your bullsh it.

Seems you have also challenged me in your post.

"Right now, neither of you are ready to taste my tea."

Your rather pathetic watered down fortune cookie spouting silliness wants none of what I offer for real.

You are not a bodyguard nor a bouncer.

You might be a security guard, but you have some serious delusions that are affecting your ability to deal with reality. You do not deal with drug dealers or whores, etc. You are talking out of your behind.

Report me for asking questions and not taking your fortune cookie speak Bullsh it as gospel?

You are seriously misinformed, son.


I never challenged you, I asked you questions and you deflected pretty much all of them.

Seems you are not what you claim to be.

Stop talking and go find yourself a real teacher.

No one here believes your tales.
I think we'd be a lot more understanding if you list the styles you trained in and for how long and under whom. Example:

-7 years TKD under Joe Bob
-8 years Baoquan under Bob Joe
-5 years BJJ under Job Boe


You say you studied under students of Bruce Lee, cool, share their names with us so we can learn who they are. Share the names of all your teachers and for how long you trained with them as well as the style. At least this way we can give you some benefit of the doubt.
As of today, I'm changing the structure and the way we train in Wumingquan (this isn't the first time) so everything I posted previously on this thread in regards to Wu Ming Kung Fu is no longer accurate or up-to-date. Please keep that in mind, for those who trend this thread regularly. Wumingquan is a living art. The new structure is madeup entirely of Chinese Gung Fu, but that could change again in the future so just as a forewarning, try not to get stuck on it.
Huh? I think a different approach would be better in presenting your style.

Here is an example of presenting a style created. We will call it Lee style Baguazhang.
Lee style Baguazhang was created by Henry Lee after his training in liang style Baguazhang after more than a decade as a private student of the inheritor of the 5th generation liang style master David liang.
Master Lee who also is a first degree black belt in judo and escrima, wanted to add more of a throwing approach and knife orient empty hand technique to his Baguazhang.
I think we'd be a lot more understanding if you list the styles you trained in and for how long and under whom. Example:

-7 years TKD under Joe Bob
-8 years Baoquan under Bob Joe
-5 years BJJ under Job Boe


You say you studied under students of Bruce Lee, cool, share their names with us so we can learn who they are. Share the names of all your teachers and for how long you trained with them as well as the style. At least this way we can give you some benefit of the doubt.

This would mean we would actually find out that he has not really studied under anyone.

Me thinks he has read books and watched a lot of youtube instruction.

He deflects direct questions...
This would mean we would actually find out that he has not really studied under anyone.

Me thinks he has read books and watched a lot of youtube instruction.

He deflects direct questions...
Weird question but do you go to the Baltimore competition? Your name is so familiar...
Which field? I have tested it repeatedly in sparring, modifying things ever so slightly as I progressed. In fact I'm still modifying things as I go. Sometimes it seems like there's always something to learn. As I learn, I grow. As I grow, I change. That too has much to do with Wumingquan's philosophy. However, the core foundation of Wumingquan remains very simple and unchanging. The techniques are very basic beginner level. Somewhat similar to Krav Maga in a little way, but different.

I have only been to three sport fighting events in my life. I earned a 1st place trophy for Sanshou kickboxing, a 2nd place trophy in amateur Western boxing, and a 3rd place trophy in Judo wrestling. That was between the years of 2005 and 2010, if my memory serves. Other than that and a few bare-knuckle street fights here and there, I've never really had to use my style in the field to be honest.

Quoting all his posts before he backpeddles.
Some of the CMA elements in Wumingquan include:

- Siu Nim Tau
- Dok Gerk Siu Nim Tau
- Jee Yau Bok Gik
- Chi Sau
- Chi Gerk
- Gor Sau
- Lin Sil Die Dar
- Chung Seen
- Chum Jong
- Ji Gok Geng
- Duen Geng
- Tui Sau
- Bong An Chi Sao
- Don Chi Gerk
- Sui Jow
- Ying Jow / Fu Jow
- Chui Ying
- Churng Wai
- Da Sa Bao
- Dit Yeung Juk
- Faan Sau
- Pak Sao Ngoy Da
- Jik Chung Choi
- San Sau

Who did you train in Wing Chung with?
Well, that's the thing about my style. It's not unique. It's not new, except for the name of it. I coined that term just recently. But the style itself isn't new, it's been in practice now for over a decade. And there's nothing unique about it. Now if I really wanted to, I suppose I could present a crazy argument that my style is "like JKD but with TCMA forms" but then that still wouldn't make it very unique now would it? So really, the only thing unique about my style is it's name and the fact that it's not Jun Fan.

He thinks he is Bruce Lee...
The reason I say that my style is self-defense system is because we practice techniques which are illegal in most sport fighting competitions. Mou Meng Gung Fu (or Wu Ming Kung Fu, whichever you prefer) utilizes snake-like finger strikes, tiger-like raking nails and eagle-like gouging or clawing techniques as well as some dragon-like elbow and knee strikes targeted at the groin area or the back of the head. There are also some mantis-like trapping and bone breaking methods incorporated into this system as well, while our footwork and defensive techniques are almost crane-like in nature. Another reason I decided to call it Wumingquan, for its Chinese roots. Wumingquan favors the usefulness of any means to defend oneself, even to the extent of grabbing hair or clothes. Brass knuckles, electrical stun guns, pepper spray, knives and firearms are also not out of the equation in this style. We don't train in weapon forms or drills per say but we do train with weapons. We also keep our shoes on most of the time when we train, unless we're on the mats. Another thing people will notice is that this style does not have height or weight divisions, nor does it separate gender.

if you have never trained in these styles? How do you know these skills are like them?
Thank you for your response. I'll try to answer your question the best I can.

I no longer see styles, so I no longer think in terms of "this style is better than that style" or what have you. I'm not really in the martial arts to compete, I'm just in it to train and better myself. It's a very personal thing for me, which is why I don't teach publicly. And I will be the first to tell you that my style isn't everyone's cup of tea. I'm not trying to build a clan like the Gracies, or go out and look for fights against other martial artists. My system offers basic self-defense training. Nothing more and nothing less. The beauty of my style is in its simplicity. I never said it was all-encompassing or the best style out there. My style wasn't designed to make people the best. It was designed to make people better and to arm them with something so that they are not completely defenseless if they ever find themselves in a situation. I encourage everyone to go out and learn new styles and new methods, because my art is open to learning new things. It's very simple and open to improvement. But I also encourage people to master the basics before attempting to go out and learn new things, and that's really all I have to offer is the fundamental basics of self-defense. If someone were to learn only a single takedown, but then practice that one takedown for several years until they have mastered it, then what good will ten thousand punches and kicks be against that one takedown? That's kind of the philosophy that I have when I train in martial arts. I hope that answers your question.

The reason I decided to join this MA forum is to be around people that I can identity with. It's fun to talk about martial arts. And of course, yes, I wanted to present my style to the MA circle so that others will get a better understanding of me as well. I couldn't come in as a TCMA practitioner, or as a MMA practitioner, or as a JKD practitioner or what have you. So I came forward as a Wumingquan practitioner. This is my style, as opposed to what they do.

Seems he has not had indepth instruction from real teachers. Why else would he do the fortune cookie speak deflection.

Remember, he is claiming to be a Bodyguard Bouncer S.E.O.
I didn't incorporate any styles into Wumingquan, only the techniques. Wumingquan has only one form or taolu. Everything else is mostly two-man drills and sparring. So the answer is not as straight forward as one might expect, because there were a lot of different styles and teachings over the years. Wumingquan borrows ideas from a lot of different styles, not always evenly either. Some styles will have had more influence than others, and that will reflect in the way a Wumingquan practitioner focusses himself and trains. But as far as the very basics and what we have written, Wumingquan in its current state was influenced by TCMA, MMA, JKD, Judo or Aikido and bare-knuckle boxing. That's not all there is to it, but of all the styles I came into contact with, I would have to say that those 4-5 styles probably had the most influence. TCMA being mostly a reference to the southern Shaolin short-fist styles like Wing Chun Kuen and other styles associated with the Five Elders.

On a side note, it's always funny when I train with my buddies and people approach us wanting to learn Wumingquan, because they always go to the biggest person in our group. The biggest person in my circle right now is a man who weighs about 400 lbs. Everyone always thinks he's the headmaster because he's so big and in Wumingquan we don't wear any special uniforms or belts to distinguish ranks, so people tend to automatically assume that the biggest student must be the headmaster. We've actually had some fun with people because of that. I'm rather small compared to some of the guys I train with, so it throws people off when they walk up and discover that the 400 lbs wrestler is actually a student of the 140 lbs. kickboxer. It makes for some fun pranks. Good laughs. I love my family.

More BS about making a system from other systems he knows NOTHING about.
He will never post up video, as then we can see how horrific this BS is.

His photos show some horrific material as well with elbows up, huge openings and offerings that a real fighter would exploit.

Thank god, he is teaching this made up chop suey drek privately.

Bruce Lee Wannabees mouthboxers suck.
Man, this thread turned savage.

BS never should be respected nor reverred.

Mouthboxing and those who purport it, suck.

Maybe those who make up chop suey should not and then attempt to bring it on a real martial arts forum?

Remember this guy is claiming he is teaching this BS privately and not out to publicize or promote it yet his avatar says the complete opposite. Why would you create an avatar with the uber private secret squirrell mishmash you teach, unless you really want people to know what it is....

He seems unable to wear his big boy pants.
This reads like a very angry thread. Anger can make it difficult to assimilate passionate disagreement and can render that argument like whistling in the wind.. just sayin

and who asked your opinion?

no one...
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