Mou Meng Gung Fu
Purple Belt
I am seeing a bunch of Wing Chun terms being thrown out with all manner of ******** fortune cookie speak with a smidgeon of Chinese mysticism thrown in to add some flavor.
When you can name all those techniques, you are not nameless.
Also, if all you know are techniques and not the concepts behind the techniques, as well as the science and physics behind them, you really should not be teaching. Concepts need to be understood, not technique.
Mou Meng Kuen is just a name. Please don't get stuck on it. Someone already mentioned earlier that it's an oxymoronic name for a style. I don't feel the need to address this matter any further. It's just a name, plain and simple.
I do not teach this system to outsiders, only to my closest family and friends. I am not a self-proclaimed Master of Gung Fu, but this is something I've already said before. I guess I should have also mentioned that I'm not interested in mastering other people's concepts and physics. I'm way too busy right now in trying to master my own.
And did you just compare me to a Chinese mystic? I'm not sure whether to be offended or to take that as a compliment (lol). But no, in all seriousness I do agree with you. But I'm not going to address this matter right now, because I feel like it's already been addressed. As time goes on and more posts are being made, I think others will see that not only can I talk the talk, but I can also practice what I preach. I mean, just from the pictures I've posted on here, already you can see a difference in the skill level. So I'm not going to waste my time trying to fit into other people's perceptions (from a WCK or some other perspective). I do what I do and it works for me. Everything else is irrelevant.
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