Mou Meng Gung Fu: The Nameless Art

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I am seeing a bunch of Wing Chun terms being thrown out with all manner of ******** fortune cookie speak with a smidgeon of Chinese mysticism thrown in to add some flavor.

When you can name all those techniques, you are not nameless.

Also, if all you know are techniques and not the concepts behind the techniques, as well as the science and physics behind them, you really should not be teaching. Concepts need to be understood, not technique.

Mou Meng Kuen is just a name. Please don't get stuck on it. Someone already mentioned earlier that it's an oxymoronic name for a style. I don't feel the need to address this matter any further. It's just a name, plain and simple.

I do not teach this system to outsiders, only to my closest family and friends. I am not a self-proclaimed Master of Gung Fu, but this is something I've already said before. I guess I should have also mentioned that I'm not interested in mastering other people's concepts and physics. I'm way too busy right now in trying to master my own.

And did you just compare me to a Chinese mystic? I'm not sure whether to be offended or to take that as a compliment (lol). But no, in all seriousness I do agree with you. But I'm not going to address this matter right now, because I feel like it's already been addressed. As time goes on and more posts are being made, I think others will see that not only can I talk the talk, but I can also practice what I preach. I mean, just from the pictures I've posted on here, already you can see a difference in the skill level. So I'm not going to waste my time trying to fit into other people's perceptions (from a WCK or some other perspective). I do what I do and it works for me. Everything else is irrelevant.
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More of the secret ninja like fu master who has Wu Wei as his Chinese name. Umm, no your Chinese name is most definitely not Wu Wei. No Chinese would ever give you that name, you chose it yourself. It is evident...

You came here to proclaim about your supposed style with no name. But the "techniques" are pretty much Wing Chun terms. Umm, I getting the feeling you are either just a nutbag or your a troll looking for kicks.

You are not offering anything but BS and made up chop suey wing chun mixed with whateverelse.

The fortune cookie speak is the give away.

the "I only teach privately" is more BS, you really have no clue as to what you are doing, if you did you would not post up about your made up mess on a martial arts forum.

25 years? I think not. If you had 25 years in the Chun, you would not be posting up this nonsense son.
The reason I say that my style is self-defense system is because we practice techniques which are illegal in most sport fighting competitions. Mou Meng Gung Fu (or Wu Ming Kung Fu, whichever you prefer) utilizes snake-like finger strikes, tiger-like raking nails and eagle-like gouging or clawing techniques as well as some dragon-like elbow and knee strikes targeted at the groin area or the back of the head. There are also some mantis-like trapping and bone breaking methods incorporated into this system as well, while our footwork and defensive techniques are almost crane-like in nature. Another reason I decided to call it Wumingquan, for its Chinese roots. Wumingquan favors the usefulness of any means to defend oneself, even to the extent of grabbing hair or clothes. Brass knuckles, electrical stun guns, pepper spray, knives and firearms are also not out of the equation in this style. We don't train in weapon forms or drills per say but we do train with weapons. We also keep our shoes on most of the time when we train, unless we're on the mats. Another thing people will notice is that this style does not have height or weight divisions, nor does it separate gender.

Oh, watch out the deadly not for sport material from all manner of styles.

You are 33 and claim 25 years of training.

You have been watching too many kung fu moves and not actually training.

If you did not train in tiger, or mantis, or dragon, you do not understand the concepts underlying all your no name techniques.

Fly Fly No Name...

Fly Fly.....
Which field? I have tested it repeatedly in sparring, modifying things ever so slightly as I progressed. In fact I'm still modifying things as I go. Sometimes it seems like there's always something to learn. As I learn, I grow. As I grow, I change. That too has much to do with Wumingquan's philosophy. However, the core foundation of Wumingquan remains very simple and unchanging. The techniques are very basic beginner level. Somewhat similar to Krav Maga in a little way, but different.

I have only been to three sport fighting events in my life. I earned a 1st place trophy for Sanshou kickboxing, a 2nd place trophy in amateur Western boxing, and a 3rd place trophy in Judo wrestling. That was between the years of 2005 and 2010, if my memory serves. Other than that and a few bare-knuckle street fights here and there, I've never really had to use my style in the field to be honest.

So you have been in a few street fights? What did you break? Were you injured? What happened to the people you supposedly fought with?

And yet you claim to teach self defense without really being in many fights. How do you know your material will work in the street?
Some of the CMA elements in Wumingquan include:

- Siu Nim Tau
- Dok Gerk Siu Nim Tau
- Jee Yau Bok Gik
- Chi Sau
- Chi Gerk
- Gor Sau
- Lin Sil Die Dar
- Chung Seen
- Chum Jong
- Ji Gok Geng
- Duen Geng
- Tui Sau
- Bong An Chi Sao
- Don Chi Gerk
- Sui Jow
- Ying Jow / Fu Jow
- Chui Ying
- Churng Wai
- Da Sa Bao
- Dit Yeung Juk
- Faan Sau
- Pak Sao Ngoy Da
- Jik Chung Choi
- San Sau

You have no true understanding of these.

Remember you said you have not had to use your material for real in the field.

Hence you have no real understanding of the concepts of ALL these techniques and how to apply said concepts in the "field".
Well, my philosophy is the same as others, just like my punches and my kicks. I just chose to call it Gung Fu to be honest, because I like Chinese martial arts. (And because I used to practice CMA, moreso than other styles). Wumingquan incorporates a lot of the same techniques, methods and theories found in the southern Chinese Boxing systems in the Hong Kong area. I suppose you could attach it to their Taoist or Buddhist philosophies. As for me personally, I was influenced by Bruce Lee's philosophy, like everyone else.

I was not influenced by Bruce Lee, as he is dead, buried and rotten. His supposed "kung fu' skills were not that good. He died in his 30's.
So you have been in a few street fights? What did you break? Were you injured? What happened to the people you supposedly fought with?

And yet you claim to teach self defense without really being in many fights. How do you know your material will work in the street?

Good question. :)

Just for the record, I do not promote violence in any way. Sometimes things happen that we have no control over. Yes or no? And sometimes we may end up in situations where you have to fight your way out. Yes or no? So what I'm going to tell you is very honest and personal. I have been in a few brawls out in the street (maybe I'm just being humble). Sometimes things got broken. Sometimes people got injured. Not all the time, but sometimes. I have received several sprains and fractures over the years, usually due to my own stupidity and improper body alignments. Most of the injuries I received were to my hands and feet. But over the years, I am improving and getting better at not getting injured so much. Of course, I don't get in as many fights as I used to either. I guess now I just have to have faith that I can defend myself in a street fight. Until then, I'll just keep on training.

As for the 6 other posts you just blasted me with, I have no comment. But please do not blast me on my own thread.

Fair enough?
yeah .....we will have your T shirt sent to you.

What part of what I said in that short statement you quoted (or in anything I said on this forum for that matter) suggests that I want a T shirt? However, if you want to send me a T shirt, I'll wear it. I'll even send you pictures, if that'll make you happy. :D
Well with all due respect, if you are gonna come on a martial arts board and introduce a new martial arts style that you should expect to have to defend it against critics.

Of course, and I welcome criticism. It comes with the territory. But that doesn't mean I have to respond to it or take abuse from it. Jenna taught me that earlier during this thread. ;)

And to whomever it may concern, please do not disrespect another martial artist in my threads. I don't care if it's Bruce Lee, or another member of this site. Don't do it. I happen to have a lot of respect for Bruce Lee, and I feel like some people are just being rude, regardless of whatever they say is true or not. Just please don't be rude, that's all I'm asking.

Fair enough?
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You are 33 and claim 25 years of training.

If you did not train in tiger, or mantis, or dragon, you do not understand the concepts underlying all your no name techniques.

I have over 25+ years of off and on experience in martial arts. That is correct, but that's not what you said. Please quote me in the future.

I do not having any formal training in the traditional northern or southern mantis, dragon, eagle or tiger style Kung Fu systems. I noticed you also didn't mention crane. But I did train in tiger-crane style Karate and in snake-crane style Kung Fu, and actually I did give you the Chinese names of some of the techniques we practice in Nameless Boxing, twice if you want to get technical. But I digress. Animal imitating movements and techniques exist in a lot of martial arts and are not just exclusive to one method or system. Nor is every style the same. So please don't confuse what I do with what others do. This is Wu Ming Kung Fu and our ways are different.
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I have over 25+ years of off and on experience in martial arts. That is correct, but that's not what you said. Please quote me in the future.

I do not having any formal training in the traditional northern or southern mantis, dragon, eagle or tiger style Kung Fu systems. I noticed you also didn't mention crane. But I did train in tiger-crane style Karate and in snake-crane style Kung Fu, and actually I did give you the Chinese names of some of the techniques we practice in Nameless Boxing, twice if you want to get technical. But I digress. Animal imitating movements and techniques exist in a lot of martial arts and are not just exclusive to one method or system. Nor is every style the same. So please don't confuse what I do with what others do. This is Wu Ming Kung Fu and our ways are different.
Ok I got to ask what is tiger crane karate.
Mouthboxing fakes need not be teaching made up chop suey.

delusion at it finest.
Ok I got to ask what is tiger crane karate.

Do you two guys (Dale included) even practice martial arts? Or do you just troll the site, flame people's threads, knit-pick at what we say and make yourselves look bad in front of everyone else who's actually trying to learn? If so, how are you not banned yet? It seems like a lot of wasted time and energy to be honest. I mean, if you really have to ask questions like this, then you need to do less talking and more studying. Welcome to the internet. Search for the answer you seek, then return to me when you have found it. Right now, neither of you are ready to taste my tea. You are both way too "challengy" and (judging by your line of questioning) not quite educated enough to pass judgments or make constructive criticisms. Study more. Train more. Talk less. I'm sure the Karate forum, or Google search engine could probably help you out (Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Shotokan and Kyokushin are all tiger-crane styles of Karate), so you might want to try there first before coming to me. This thread is not about Karate, it's about Wu Ming Kung Fu, so I will ask you both again very nicely to please be respectful and mindful of where you are and what you say. After going to work as a security guard (I'm a club bouncer, bodyguard and S.E.O.) dealing with drunkards, drug dealers, prostitutes and challengy idiots who just want to fight all night, the very last thing I need when I get home and check my notifications is to get bombarded by ignorant questions and rude statements from people I don't even know in reference to things that have absolutely nothing to do with my style, or me as a person. So please, have courtesy while you're here or I'll have you reported for trolling my thread. Thank you.

Dale, you were already warned once. I asked you nicely. But since you wanted to continue being rude, I already reported you to the staff. I shall make an example out of you, so that others can see that I'm not messing around. Please leave. Go talk that internet toughguy crap on your own threads. I won't tolerate it here.
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If there are t-shirts to be given out, I want one, please. (I so love martial arts t-shirts. A weakness, what can I say?) As for everything else, might be best to chill out. Chilling out is never a bad thing.
If there are t-shirts to be given out, I want one, please. (I so love martial arts t-shirts. A weakness, what can I say?) As for everything else, might be best to chill out. Chilling out is never a bad thing.

I like you Buka, you seem pretty chill to me. I look for that quality in other martial artists. Sometimes life can be very unchill, so just being around other martial artists who are chill is sometimes a good thing. Thank you for just being who you are. I admire that. :)
Hi Mu Ming, Dale Dugas is one of the leading authorities on Iron palm, an Acupuncturist, and has been training in Chinese martial arts for a long time. He also speaks Chinese. In my opinion I would listen to his advice.
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