Sarah Palin for President?

Whos big idea was this?

That guy whose head is stuck onto one of the McCain fenceposts in Phoenix....:lfao:

Seriously, they spent waaaaayyyyy too much-she still looks sooooo TJMaxx, honestly! :lfao:

I mean, I'm disgusted-remember all the grief they gave John Edwards about campaign funds (later reimbursed) for a $400 haircut? If he got one of those every week, it would take nearly seven and a half years to spend what the RNC has spent on Palin clothes in one month.......:lfao: :lfao:

I mean, do any of you have any idea how hard it is to spend that much on clothes? Think about it-Obama's suits cost $1500, which means he'd have to get fitted for and purchase 100 of them. Heck, he could buy $5000 suits, and have bought only 30, and still have about 20 suits more than he needed (especially since he seems to stick with basic black very well....) You can do it, obviously, but you either have to really be trying, or just not give a ****. Since she's not from the "just don't give a ****" camp, it must be that she was really, really trying-like they told her how much had been allotted, and she spent it on, from what I can tell, off-the-rack stuff that she could have bought knock-offs of for less than half the price.

I see the hand of Cindy McCain in this.......:lfao:
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I have just the one suit.....
I didn't buy it on MT Member contributions.
I have just the one suit.....
I didn't buy it on MT Member contributions.

I won't go all Emily Post on you and say that you need three, because you probably don't.

I will say that I have more than three, last time I counted.....:o

Of course, I need them-and, unlike a lot of men-I like them, and I've been wearing them...... all my life.....just not to hunt :shotgun:, chop wood :hammer:, garden, go boating or fishing %-}, motorcycle riding (well, maybe sometimes!), or hiking.....:lfao:

...and, of course, I paid for all of them myself. :lfao:
It should be said,first of all, that candidates are allowed to spend campaign contribution money on attire, travel, accommodations not just for them but their families as well. Whether that's okay or not ... well .... ;)

I believe the provision was made on behalf of candidates who, like Bob, own one suit.

As far as fancy hotels, there *is* the argument that higher-end suites are easier to secure than lower-end ones ... access to the floor is monitored more carefully, etcetera.

Jerry Brown - (pause to wait for you all to finish barfing) - refused to fly private jets or charter private jets, he flew coach on public airlines, rode in a Honda around town, lived in an apartment in the city and opened parts of the Governor's mansion for tourism to generate revenue for the state.

It's just an example of personal ethics versus taking advantage of allowed provisions in a horrible economy.

It's a BAD SCENE. Sorry, it's true. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

Oh - and btw - men like their Armani suits too, ya know. And don't get me started on the free tailoring y'all get. :miffer: ;)
I have just the one suit.....
I didn't buy it on MT Member contributions.

Uh ... it's your private business, Bobo. You'd be allowed to pay yourself your salary from this site and hence buy your attire. I think anyone who posts here more than 100 times should have to pay for a membership. And I want a cut because I thought of it. LOL
Uh ... it's your private business, Bobo. You'd be allowed to pay yourself your salary from this site and hence buy your attire. I think anyone who posts here more than 100 times should have to pay for a membership. And I want a cut because I thought of it. LOL

shhhhhhhh.. says the guy that just posted his 8,852nd post... and is not a paying member.... but just as soon as I figure out a way to get the state to pay for it I will join :D

Maybe I need to run for office....YEAH that's it.... Then I can join :D
So.....what I'm hearing is that an Armani suit can take this and make it look like this?
I'm gonna have to see if that $40k offer on MT is still there. Those suits can make me look good! :D
Where'd you get that picture of me?! {whisper}You note I don't say which :lol:{/whisper}
One of the other things that bothers me about Sarah Palin.

Her mouth, or rather, what comes out of it.

I'm sorry, but this does not sound like an educated woman. She sounds like a hick who was told to use some big words in a sentence. Dubya is hard to listen to, but she gives me a headache.

It's a minor point, but, I'd hope that the top seat would have passed English 101 at least.
Also, I don't know if it was the Cyclon comic vid that made me pay attention to it but if you watch her being interviewed she has a totally expressionless forehead and emotes very little. Control of emotions is a good thing and something that I used to be very good at pre-accident but expressionlessness is a scary trait.
The per diem charges were for nights spent at the Palin home in Wasilla.

As for the clothing allowance, while it's bothersome, it's also evidence of a kind of double standard at work. No one has said anything about Obama's $1500 suits (although he's probably going to be our first GQ President) or McCain's $500 shoes, or where the money came from-until this came up. When Hillary was running, though, there were stories about her hair and her clothes? Why? Because she's a woman, that's why. Much as we may not like it, part of Palin's campaign rests upon her image as a woman, and a proper campaign wardrobe, however hypocritical, is absolutely necessary. The fact that it's all pretty much above board and legal (as long as the clothes are given to charity) should make this a non-issue, but, of course, it's not.The other, far more questionable and damning things in her past are issues, and probably should be, and would be for any candidate, male, female, black, white, Republican or Democratic.
Exactly my point, though. I understand, personally, and have no significant problem with the DNC or the RNC paying to purchase some clothes if necessary. A suit here and a pair of shoes there, fine. Part of the game. But $150k in 2 months? Really? As I said, I'm not sure where exactly the line falls, but $150k is definitely over it. Way over it.

Regarding charity, I've heard that in matters like this, Sarah Palin's going to have to pay a taxes on these clothes (or specifically, the amount the clothes depreciated), even if they're considered a "loan". Any tax experts that can explain that to me?

As for the suites and travel purchased for her family, she didn't spend campaign funds on those. Right? Those were billed to the state of Alaska. As I said before, that seems very wrong to me.
All this talk about Armani's and Palin reminded me of this:

"Should we go after him, Jaque?"
"Nooo Francoise, let that one go. He has spirit. Some day he may be Vice President"
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I am 42 and quite grown, thank you

wanna get into the details of just how un-american the san fran attitude is? or just concede defeat now?

please define "the san fran attitude", and make your point.

ever been here? do you actually know anyone from San Francisco?

then grow up.

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