Return to some old styles...

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I said this before, and it still stands, I am retired from Yang Stykle Taijiquan.... since then I have tried to go back to some JKD, some Wing Chun, and made my own taijiquan form based on my over 30 years of experience in taijiquan. That form by the way is done and I still do it, and I am working on a 13 postures form to go with it. And I am still working with Sun style, and plan on getting into that deeper soon, hopefully with a guy I know that was trained by the Sun family. I am still thinking about giving another style a try. I have not yet, more on that later possibly. But in all honesty that style would only be to support the old styles I seem to be gravitating back to.

I should say, I do really like JKD, and if I were younger, I would keep at it, but I have come to the conclusion, that in my early 60s, I am not fast enough, not flexible enough, and to stuck in my ways and previous styles to ever really be any good at it. It was a great school, great folks were training there, and some real impressive fighters too. But I just felt like I was causing more hrm that good when training, both to myself (I'm already old and beat up) and others by them needing to lower their standards to accommodate the old guy. Wing Chun, also rather enjoy it, and I would recommend this sifu over any other if you want to really learn Wing Chun and get a rather effective martial art, and I have not yet stopped going, but I feel it coming.... Wing Chun is just not me.

I got some bad news about a friend and fellow martial artist this past week, he has been a rather hardcore martial artist too. It got me thinking about retirement and what I want to be training.possibly teaching, when I get there, and it kept coming back to the same thing....The Chinese internal martial arts (CIMA) styles I have trained over the last 30 years. Oh speaking of retirement, @Buka, Mrs Xue changed the state I am allegedly retiring to, it is no longer Maine, although we are keeping the place there. It is now New Hampshire.... and I'm rather ok with that too.

I am working with Chen style again, nothing new, just working with the 19 form, and considering working with the 18. If that goes well, maybe the 38. But I doubt I will return to Laojia Yilu. Also started back with some Xingyiquan, that will not really come as any surprise to people who have been in MT awhile.... I am addicted to the style, can't seem to quit it no matter ow hard I might try...And if that goes well, I may work at getting my Cheng style Baguazhang 8 palm back, and no one is more surprised than I am at my wanting to do that...

Also I had this thought tonight about stance training as I was sitting in front of the TV watching an old movie (Key Largo), who has the time these days to stand in a posture for 30 minutes to an one..... then I realized I had been sitting here watching TV, doing nothing, for over 2 hours..... so I went down stairs and started stance training again...not to long yet, but it appears that I have at least 2 free hours a day to do it.....

Started back down the CIMA path this evening, and started at the beginning, mostly
- Started with work on internal energy, and rooting
- then stance training, Zhan Zhuang, Santi Shi, and something kind of new from Cheng Bagua, I think it is called dragon standing
- I did my form, sun short form, worked on the Chen 19 form

I do not plan on moving into this with any great speed, I plan on starting from the beginning...stance training... and going from there. As I have heard before, its not a race, its a journey....besides, I'm to old an beat uo to be winning many races these days :)
Why do you care about "style"?

When I walk on the beach and train "jab-hook-uppercut" combo, I don't care what style I'm training. I just know

- it's good for combat,
- it's good for health, and
- I enjoy of doing it.

I can just drill this combo 1,000 times. That will give me 3,000 punches for a good work out.

I can drill different combos on different days. By using jab, cross, hook, uppercut, overhand, back fist, I can have 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 different 3 punches punching combo to work with. Of course, some combos may not make sense. Trying to keep logic combos and discard non-logic combos can be an interested task.
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made my own taijiquan form based on my over 30 years of experience in taijiquan. That form by the way is done and I still do it, and I am working on a 13 postures form to go with it.

Care to show your work, with a little commentary on the basis for development? It might help others in developing their own style. 🙂

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