That's a really good point. Some friends will ask about it because they know it's a huge interest of mine, but I can easily steer the conversation away from belt tests/rank, etc to the training. I'm sure they would much rather hear about how I fell on my butt after attempting a high double kick than being advanced another rank
Faerie2, from one woman to another - there are people who are
always going to be shocked by your advancement, not because of the speed, but because of our gender. I started TKD in 1987 - and every year someone else finds out about my involvement, asks what rank I am (I'm a IV Dan - but most people don't discriminate between ranks of BB unless they're in a martial art) and I get the same response every time: "Really? You don't
look like a black belt!" I've never figured out just what I'm supposed to look like - but the descriptions I get either come out to a short Asian, or someone tall with a swimmer's physique - and either way, the expectation is that BBs are
As I said before - if you trust your instructor, then trust that he has a reason (or reasons) for moving you through the ranks faster than most. Remember that you are training 2-3 times more than most people, and that you are in better shape than most people - those two factors are both relevant in the speed with which you advance; many instructors look at total hours in training as much as they do the time since the last testing; someone who trains 6 times a week for 90 minutes will sometimes advance faster than someone who trains 2 times a week for 90 minutes, and sometimes not - it depends on
how you're training as much as
how often.
Remember, too, that
you may not feel you're good enough - but that doesn't mean you haven't met the standard, just that there's still room for improvement.... and there's
always room for improvement, no matter how long you've been training.
Either you trust your instructor's judgment - in which case you should trust the speed with which he's advancing you - or you don't, in which case you really need to sit down and consider
why you don't trust it, and then discuss it with him. If you feel that you
can't discuss it with him - that should tell you something as well.
Good luck, and keep us up on how it's going.