Moving on up

Maybe it's the cold I have, but I kept misreading this:

"Lightning Duck Of Unkickable Head"]

(my mind is playing tricks with me- and no, I won't say what I thought it said because it's too wacky!)

Congratulations on your belt test!
Congratulations Jay!

What you have to do for your test?

What do you get to learn now as a new blue belt?

I earned my Yellowbelt sometime last month, but just got it from the company. Since I got my yellowbelt my whole additude on life has changed. I'm a lot more dedicated to everything and it rocks. I wounder what'll happen wiht my next belt?

CONGRADUALTIONS and good luck!
Agrosch said:
I earned my Yellowbelt sometime last month, but just got it from the company. Since I got my yellowbelt my whole additude on life has changed. I'm a lot more dedicated to everything and it rocks. I wounder what'll happen wiht my next belt?

CONGRADUALTIONS and good luck!

Congratulations to you too Agrosch! What do you get to learn as a yellow belt at your dojang? What did you have to do to earn your yellow belt?

Missed this before, Miles

For my belt tests I had to do all the forms up to this point, a lot of execution of all the technique I know so far, with combinations, and all the self-defense moves up to this point, plus some improvised self-defense
Cool Jay!

You didn't mention any breaking/kyukpa or sparring/kyorugi? Did you get to do either or both? If not, when in your school do you get tested on these?

I'm a little intimidated because at my Albuquerque school I would not have the time-at-belt to test, so this kinda comes on sudden to me. On the other hand, if, in his judgement, I can do it then...I'll do it.

The step-sparring doesn't worry me because I've sparred at length before, the breaking is a bit different. This weekend I broke for the first time (two boards, rear leg sidekick), and I missed the first two tries (mostly mechnical because of nervousness). I should do okay now that I've gone through the butterflies'll be different

FearlessFreep said:
Just passed my test for blue belt.

Wow, every time I move up a rank I feel "OK, time to get more serious" like the rank means that more is expected of me and that I should be better. I know my instructor would not have me test if I was not ready, but...still seems to me I have an awful lot to learn

Grats dude.. Keep practicing harder!
I tested tonight for 3rd Gup at the school I'm training at. (My NM instructor was proud because he has high standards and is a stickler for details so he said he was not too suprised I was being tested)

It went really well...was a lot of fun. Only had to do one break (1 board, sidekick) but that's the thinhs I work least on so was probably mst concerned.

No results yet....but I feel prettu confident
I have a hunch you did just fine, so I'm going to congratulate you now. :)

How different is the belt structuring?
Congrats FF! 3rd Gup, that would be High Blue for us. We do a jump round kick through one for that. We called it Blue Stripe then, and it was a red stripe on a blue belt, something for the blood. :) No actually my instep didn't bleed, but it hurt for awhile. Yes, you are moving on up, hope you enjoy the journey-it never ends, the hill just gets bigger. TW
Way to go feerless, you are one with the Art keep up the great work.
I told mt home instructor that it's like climbing a mountain. As you go, you get better at climbing, but he mountain gets steeper and more challenging. So I feel even as I've come this far, I still feel like there is an awful long way still to go.

The journey is challenging, and fun, thoug, so I'm enjoying the scenenery as I climb

(and that's just to get to Black Belt, which I sorta feel like that's basically saying "OK, now you know how to climb, time to use it all to climb some *real* mountains")