Senior Master
I didn't deny HAMAS' violation of the order. In fact, I stated Iran is helping them and that HAMAS needs to be dismantled and sanctions need to be put on Iran. I agree, Iran is encouraging this garbage. However, children who have nothing to do with this do not deserve to starve to death. It disgusts me when I hear people say "go ahead, kill them let them starve." Have you been to war? Have you seen people starve to death? The problem is many Americans have never seen the effects war has on a society. I hope war never touches this soil. 9/11 was bad enough, but, 9/11 was a one day event, an attack. I'm talking a war that lasts for years. If that ever kit American soil, so many Americans would change their views on war in a snap. It's easy to declare a war, but, it's not easy to fight one. Scots-Irish ancestors dealt with that kind of conflict for decades as they settled America....and it did nothing but harden their resolve and make them more lethal! Who do you think fought the native Americans tooth and nail for every inch of this land? I think you're mistaken about the American Spirit......WE have lived so long without this kind of conflict PRECISELY because, historically, America was founded by hard and violent people who didn't tolerate enemies on their borders!
And if Mexico were launching rockets in to Texas, MEXICO would cease to exist as a separate entity, we'd annex it, turn the current Mexican side of the border in to a demilitarized zone, and begin HANGING terrorists!
What Israel's situation PROVES in reality is that HALF-MEASURES don't work......TOTAL war works. The enemy submits, or the enemy gets ANNIHILATED! Israel is not responsible for PALESTINIAN women and children, Palestinian men are....THEY know what needs to be done to protect their women and children, and if they had an INTEREST in it, they wouldn't HIDE AMONGST THEIR WOMEN AND CHILDREN!
However, we live in a modern world where WESTERN CIVILIZATION has become a whipped sorry version of itself, and is too timid, cowardly and morally confused to understand effective action.......action that the EASTERN WORLD still understands quite well. The UN and all the moral handwringing about 'Negotiations' and 'Peace Settlements' is nothing but an example of how the west has lost it's TESTICLES! In another 50 years or less we'll have lost everything else as well.
Simply thinking deep intellectual thoughts about war, and how awful it is, and how you would give EVERYTHING to avoid it, ironically enough, actually INVITES ATTACK! You can have no PEACE without VICTORY!