From what I've read it seems that the Indian students have a lot of part time jobs , which means that they are travelling on the trains at odd hours.
This makes them easy prey for the low life thugs that are targeting them , what needs to happen is the security on the trains and stations need to be increased dramatically .
Do any of you remember the Guardian Angels ?
One of my instructors was in that , and they used to patrol the trains in Sydney. I don't remember what happened to them does any one know why they stopped ?
I suspect that the powers that be might have been embarassed that they were doing their job for them and shut them down.
Maybe its time for the Guardian Angels to reform , since it looks like the government and the police aren't up to the job. It would be a legal mine field though , what powers would such a group have ? If any , except maybe monitor a situation or a citizens arrest.
I don't know , damn it , just put a few teams of huge Maori , Tongan and Samoan security guards on the trains , that'll sort the bastards out .
Totally agree with everything you've said thus far.
My experience with racism in Australia is that the Ethnic communities dish out more than they take these days. When "Anglo" Australians call an ethnic a "Wog", it is usually in jest and light hearted, although it does still occur.
On the other hand, my friend at his school gets bashed because he is a 'skip dog', I have been targeted myself at parties and such, not because they didn't like the look of me, because I'm an 'Aussie'.
Some of these people have an utter hatred for Australia and everything Australian and it disgusts me that the majority of it is the youth who were born here.
Walking home about 2 months ago, I was approached by 4-5 Ethnic youths. I am 16, these guys were about my age, maybe a little bit older, but only one was of a big build. I copped a "Watd you say to my cousin", I kept walking away. I then copped "Don't turn your back to me you Aussie dog". I turned around, I didn't give a **** if I would get bashed, I'm not going to stand there and take that. He tried to grab me by the shirt and I proceeded to dislocate his elbow, which left all his mates angry, but not willing to get their arms broken.
Two of my best friends are of Lebanese decent, another of Macedonian, another is Serbijan, and another is Bosnian. We all get along just fine and they always express to me their hatred for the racist 'pieces of ****', that are these ethnic youths. The majority of my friends weren't even born here, yet they speak without an accent and assimilate in Australian culture quite well.
Of course "Anglo"s dish out racism, but from my experience it is nothing as compared to the ethnic community.