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GuroRonin wrote: Man, doesn't anyone just enjoy laying a beating on somebody anymore?

No no no not me......... i am way too old fat and slow for being beaten up on....... hehehe

I keep the wild stuffs in check for realty on the streets, or in sparing, with full gear on within my personal limatations, again tis my personal path and correct for me based on my limitations now.

As far as in the training hall, again i am way too old fat and slow to worry about ego and body bashing, i have had enough broken bones and burses training and facing life in my past to have enough wisdom to learn, that when your old fat and slow you dont need to get whooped on or whoop up on someone just for fun without proper gear on at least.

if itÂ’s any consolation though for you.....:)

you will see me on occasion watching everyone else get whooped up on for fun and wishing i was not old, fat, slow, handicapped and could be out there whooping up for fun.......
that or watching my students have fun beating each other up on occason..... though thats fun its also part of the job......:)

Aggression and the study of it brings each of our responses into prospective, Tuhon Bill did an interesting article on human aggression with in the past year, i dont know he has it on his site still. If not let me know and i will forward the copy i have of it here if anyone is interested. again just another prespective to look at and a differant path...

Ms. J.... the wana be *** whooper....... :samurai:


PS. Please note healing-spirituality and Empowerment did not come up until askedÂ…:) but since you did......

when your old fat and slow,

1) healing has to come first because your always in pain,

2) spirituality :angel: comes because you cuss and groan a lot when your getting out of bed in the morning and have to much praying to make up for it.

3) Empowerment comes because you managed to do itÂ… i.e. get out of the bedÂ…..:)

I agree Gou, like the dog brothers, "Higher conciousness through harder contact". Age, man, I can feel the bumps, breaks and bruises, surgeries, strains,sprains and pains of the years. I think this iss the part where the great insights and awarenesses are suppose to come
Thanx guys and girls. You all made my morning!

By the way did you hear that Jaybacca? Mz J said that I should have proper gear on before you start beating on me! Ya %$#@er!

Oh Icepick...I feel your pain...
Hey, i did not say that.... I said i need to have proper gear on before i let anyone beat up on me because i am old fat and slow...... heheheh.......

I am more then willing to watch you get whooped on without gear on if you like, and i am even willing to come and take pictures for you lol.....

As Far as harder contact and the dog brothers, there is much i could say on this but it would be from a number of perspectives. not just one.

Again, there is validity in many training methods based on the requirements and needs of each student individually, do i believe you have to go and be whooped on with only shorts in the park?

I believe that for some yes it is a part of their path.......

In addition, I understand the core concepts of where and why...... regardless of me covering the other issues....... remember my frist instructor nearly 20 years back in FMA was Filipino and use to hang out in the park with his friends growing up. And why he would chaise me on the beach with his stick saying I am not aggressive enough. Hahaha

Ms. J bows deeply....

"When i am an old women, I do not want them to say,
"She is such a charming old women"
I would rather them say,
" Be carfull that old women is armed and Dangerous!!!!!!!"


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You're not helping me out any here.

God I hope Jaybacca isn't reading this.

What am I saying?

He can barely read. I should be ok.

I hope...

552 and 582 posts from Gou and guys are in great computer condition......When do you train?:D

I think the proper responce to that is

"I Acsept"

Despair Bear
Ms. J gets this evil grin in on her face and glint in her eye..... :angel:

552 and 582

is that the number of posts they made or is that the number of words they posted?

" The old Wickad Woman Ms. J....."
Actually, I use dynamic tension with each stroke of the finger on the keyboard. Also, I clench my butt muscles 1000 times/hour while in the chair, so I can now squeeze coal to diamond. Ugh. Unpleasant images :D My wife just read that and is laughing her a$$ off.

I usually train twice a week in a class and solo as often as my daughter permits. Every time I do kata, she wants to get up and 'dance' with me. It's cute, but makes it very difficult to train kata when she's awake :) Also, I train my brother whenever he manages to come visit.

I'd like to get more physical training in as well. I once made a makiwara post, and that was a great workout and tension reliever. Then I went and broke the damn thing. I'm hoping to get some type of striking bag eventually...WaveMaster, B.O.B., heavy bag, something. Maybe I'll make another makiwara post. Dunno.

With the exception of the last 3 weeks due to a personal problem I train every night thank you. In about 5 days I will be able to resume my schedule. I spend my time either working out in my own garage, or at other schools.

Some of us ARE just that good.
I just happen to be an opinionated S.O.B. whose read far too many books about the martial arts and has found a venue to inflict the results of that reading upon an unsuspecting world. That's one long sentence :)

I would ignore the comment about the number of posts you guys have made. he is just jealous because he ahsn't had anything worth while to say.
Thats why the servers had thos hiccups....its been trying to do a word count here.... :)
Rob who? No I am just trying to fake it ? :rolleyes: . Diamonds out of coal. yeah baby, good trick. Gou...hope you know it was a joke. I am sure you train every night. I have heard, or read I should say. Me I am also nursing a back surgery and training has been frustrating. Still teaching every night but training.....well. Let's just say I have been doing a lot of sensitivity drills
Slow down there kids. IFAJKD was only thowing out some jabs. I don't think he was serious. Let's not turn on ourselves here.

I too for a bit here have had a string of bad luck but you deal with it and move on. Train when you can and where. Luckily I have my garage set up as a training place.
I was only joking with the nothing better to say comment. I hope no offence was taken by it.
No offence taken. I've always hated each and every one of you all equally.
Ya Gou I know that you hate us all equally, that is why we all love you. You treat everybody equally.... like the dirt between your toes.
I take no offense Rob. Injuries...bad luck yeah. I was doing a very slow take down on Erin, (Vu,s wife) and as I set her down she rolled towards me and pop, dislocated my finger. It was like this kind of thing aways happens at the worse time. Oh well poped it back taped it up and finnished the weekend...Still trying to hold a fist...what does anyone know about dit da jow, not sure on the spelling. I used it once on an elbow wrench, actually a snap and it healed well in terms of brusing but this was old world stuff complete with beatles and ?????. Where can you get legit stuff and has anyone used the comercial stuff out there?
I think I've responded to a dit dat jow question a loooong time ago :)

I tend to stay away from the stuff, myself. Recipes seem to vary from person to person, as well as preparation methods. I've heard of one version that called for the maker to bury the mixture somewhere to let it ferment or something. Someone else pointed out a blood toxin in the ingredients of another ddj recipe.

As much as I like studying Asian culture (and being part Asian myself), I think I'll stick to Western medicine for my injuries :) They've done right by me so far.


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