
  • Thread starter Thread starter Norma
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WOW, thank you, so much for replying!

My son does have a black stripe down the center of his belt, and now has a green tape stripe on the end, i'm told if he get 1 more tape stripe on the end, he will go into white belt with yellow down the center.

I truely am proud that he loved it. and want to be able to understand what i see he does.

I'm not to worried about what they learn in the seminar, i'm sure that this man wouldn't put my son in harms way beeing only 4 1/2. And maybe witht he seminar the night before the tournament you never know maybe my son can wow the judge with with helearnd the night beofre for his age and belt group. right?

My family doctor says that most kids don't even know the names of there technique, where my son lisen and remembers all of them. he's the only white belt that can name off his techniques.

Thank you so much again.

I just haveta write something about my broken English, sorry.

When writing on the Internet, I recommend what I recommend to my college students when they're taking exams (on the topic of English, incidentally): the spelling, the punctuation, the grammar, are very far from the important things. The important things in such writing are your ideas, your evidence/experience, your "voice."

Uh, "Cool?" Should I also not use words like, "schmuck?"
Originally posted by Norma

My family doctor says that most kids don't even know the names of there technique, where my son lisen and remembers all of them. he's the only white belt that can name off his techniques.

The naming of techniques often correspond to the type of technique itself. Perhaps your son has awesome memory and because of the way the techniques are named, he is able to remember what they are.

Looks like you may have a talented son there....

- Ceicei
Your posts are on the previous page.

I thought the comment about, "broken English," was funny as hell.

"Schmuck," is exactly the right word.

I'm not going to take up any more off this thread with this goofiness.

Yes my son is very talented, he's some what advanced for his age, witch was another reason why we chose karate you ALWAYS learn some thing new. with other things you just do the same thing over and over agian, or its seasonal activity, karate is all the time and always learning and beeing praised with new belts and such. its givin him a goal he wants to reach green belt ( wont be for a while) but not tomany 4 1/2 year old have goals.
I'm sure my son will reach his goal..

NO NO NO NO NO, aieee and dammit, my "goofiness," I was referring to my squabbling with, "Cool."

Sorry, sorry, my error.
Well i have to agree with you on cool,, i've pretty much givin up anything he says. he seem to make fights out of nothing then bilittles people for not beeing *karate smart* i guess you can call it, Then brings there people education to the mix.

the rest of you's have givin me ALOT of great info, i will take all i can.

How in the world did i bilittle you by telling you all in this thread my son is able to train with a 7th degree if you took ofent to that then my man you need help!

If you look back you asked me about my education level...

Just because i don't know much about karate doesn't give you any right to say i know nothing.. OMG how dare you.

At least i'm taking an effort to learn about.

I could care less about you instructor whow who you have trained with, but by taking offence because i'm excited for my son, is just plane retarded and immature.

I've never givin you a reason to defame me in anyway. Why not read every single reply to this thread many have made comment that you never replied...

I don't know what caused you to attack me. But not in my original or any other post givin you a reason to put me down.

Hey, "kenpo Dude". Way to out argue that mom of a 4 year old kid. You showed her. Gee, maybe she'll get real discouraged and make her son quite something positive like Martial Arts. Real good. :rolleyes:

Not too "cool" "KenpoDude" :shrug:

btw, welcome to the board Norma. Feel free to ask questions, as I know that there are many knowledgeable people here who can give you the answers you need. Also, I think its great that you have your son enrolled in something positive like Kenpo, and that you take an interest in what he is doing. I myself started martial arts when I was really young, and it helped keep me out of a lot of trouble in my teenage years, and helped mold me into an adult. Keep up the good work, and don't let internet trolls discourage you. :asian:
Don't worry i won't let some person like cooldude, influence me.

Obviously i chose a good place to send my son from what other have said...

Why he took offence from the get go is beyond me,, My only opinion is he's Jelous of my 4 1/2 year old. If he's not whatever he sure seems to be acting that way!.

My son loves kenpo karate and i won't remove him for it.

Originally posted by CoolKempoDude
I entered MA way too late. When i reach to my current age, i realize that it is a good time not to learn MA any more.

it will take me many years to be sufficient or "good" in MA . I'm sure i'm death by then.

what a over 64 years old man wants to do beside collecting my social security check and sit back and enjoy my life. ????

tax and death are the only 2 things i can't escape.

So these are your qualifications to give expert advice here? Being rude and arrogant are not qualifications to be a expert in anything. After reading many of your posts over the last year all I see is someone who likes to cause arguments, and throw out insults. Neither of these two things contribute anything to the conversations here.
Mr. Bishop,

Thank you for the voice of reason. I am locking this thread for a few hours to allow the participants to cool off and hopefully resume on a more productive course.

-Michael Billings
--MT Moderator--
I am unlocking this thread at this time. Please direct any questions to me and disregard the recent unpleasantness. I have removed the last post by CKD due to intentionally avoiding the profanity filters and intentional disrespect.
Admin Team
I AM so sorry for comming here, i didn't realize, i would cause a fight. Over small questions.. I had no idea that user's feel this sites should only be for qualifed karate students.

I truely didn't think i would be insulted and belittled the i was by this user. I don't understand how he took offence to anything i asked, i dont even know this man. I've tried my best to not stupe to his level....

I'm a host on another website for the past 5 years, its a peranting site. AND i never cause trouble, i would be more then happy to provide you hosts with the URL so you's can chat with my Comunity manager.

I am a good mother regardless of what this user called me. I want what best for my son, and i had NO idea the word privilege could be hurtfull, i was ONLY saying what i was told.And i'm guessing its a privilege because this high rank man doesn't come here ofter, and i had aid that many time.

I won't let this user could my opnion of this site,, all of you's except this user have givin me great advice.

Again i'm sorry
Don't be sorry for anything. The other user created the problem. He has been dealt with. Continue to ask your questions, there are people here that will help you and maintain our friendly atmosphere. In the future, while visiting us, if you encounter similiar situations, use the "report to mod" button. It will allow us to respond faster.
MT Admin Team
All material that I felt was not relative, inflammatory, insulting, or rude, has been removed. I do apologize if this interrupts the continuity of the thread a bit. Hopefully this gets us back on topic and we will keep it polite and respectfull.

--Michael Billings--
--MT Moderator
I really respect parents like you. If all parents were just half as intrested in what there children were doing and helping them do things correctly and with integrity we wouldn't have the problems with the youth that we have now. Norma you are a example for all of us parents and instructors alike. Thanks You.


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