This thread has been a bit interesting to say the least. I think some of the misunderstanding is due, in part, to all the missing posts of late. Oh well. That stuff happens...
Bottom line, for me...
Who cares where Bruce Tegner got his training, or what rank he was given, bought, aquired, stole, earned or otherwise...?
The fact is, he did as much, if not more then anyone, for the martial arts in this country at the time of their infancy.
I bet he has done more to promote study, students and training then most IF NOT ALL of the other seniors and "leaders" out there... So what if he was only a white belt? (which I, personally, do not believe) He still did more then most of the rank and file "masters" and "grand masters", etc...
Let's just say he was better then most, as good as many and not as skilled as some, and let it go. His written work was an inspiration to many thousands of students, me included.
And, forgive me I mean no personal offense to anyone... But those who are not willing to give their real names when asked, should not be stirring the pot, or calling B.S. on others... Unless you have a real name, and are willing to share freely, then you are just a "keyboard warrior", in my, and many others opinion.
My respect goes out to those open and honest participants out there.
End of rant...
Thank you,
Milt G.
In edit I will include my full name; Milt Guinette