Bruce Tegner

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what are my credentials? well, for one thing, my instructors were actually RANKED in what they taught.
Oh btw, what exactly do you teach, that's right American TKD with a little kenpo added. Those people on your testing board, you know, the one's who didn't have a clue what you were doing, who were they? How much did you pay 'em?
i wasnt being promoted in Kenpo Yorky. I was being promoted in TKD, and you are simply not qualified to evaluate wether or not i am qualified for that rank in TKD.

Further more, my TKD instructor wasnt a rank chasing laughing stock, she has been promoted by the SAME PERSON from 1st to 6th, and has owned a school since 1991, so i feel pretty good about my promotion, even tho i didnt ask to test, I didnt ask to skip 3rd, and honestly, dont feel like i deserved a 4th Dan.

yeah, i had begineers demonstrate beginner level Kenpo techniques. Did they do them badly? i didnt think so.

I teach them a number of kenpo techniques. Delayed sword, 5 swords, alternating maces, mace of aggression, hooking wings, cross of destruction, shield and sword, and they learn more progressive techniques as they learn more.

BTW-i learned those techniques from the same person you did. so if my knowledge of kenpo is limited........
Further more, my TKD instructor wasnt a rank chasing laughing stock, she has been promoted by the SAME PERSON from 1st to 6th, and has owned a school since 1991, so i feel pretty good about my promotion, even tho i didnt ask to test, I didnt ask to skip 3rd, and honestly, dont feel like i deserved a 4th Dan.

If you were being tested in TKD, why the Kenpo? Why do you find it so offensive when someone quizzes you in the same vein as you quiz them. If anything I have been more polite in this instance than you have.

As for your rank, you're right I know nothing of TKD. I've never had any interest. I know nothing of dance either, but if I'm sat with the wife watching 'Dancing with the stars' (or any other dance show she insists on watching) and I see a guy flapping around like an untrained walrus, I know that he's not exactly a master of the Tango. From what I've seen from you, the same applies. Your multiple attack section, even though it was impromptu, was quite frankly WANK.

BTW, I learned Kenpo in Europe, I trained and taught classes at Spry's, but by then, I already had 13 years in. But you're right, you know little of Kenpo, that's why you steel techniques instead of principles for your system.
Just so I can keep up...

That's a "NO" to the question as to whether or not Mr. Tegner trained with a "live" karate instructor...right?

However, his Judo skills and rank are not in dispute...right?

Ah I see.


They aren't playing nicely though are they?
If you were being tested in TKD, why the Kenpo?
Why the kenpo?
several reasons. 1) my instructor likes to see her BB's going BEYOND what she teaches. 2) i was demonstrating what I teach. And I use Kenpo for self defense, i find it gives better skills that pure TKD

If anything I have been more polite in this instance than you have.
i DIDNT QUESTION ANYONE, all i did was tell someone to back up off of Danjo. And you couldnt be polite if someone put a gun to your head.

Your multiple attack section, even though it was impromptu, was quite frankly WANK.
Where is the film of you, if you are so skilled and I suck so bad? please, show me something. I am always willing to learn, thats why i am learning a new system now, I am ALWAYS learning.

that's why you steel techniques instead of principles for your system
learn to spell chap, it's "steal" not "steel"
Guys, seriously you are going to have this thread locked down if the personal insults don't stop flying around. And 'wank' is not a nice word to use on a public forum.
If you were being tested in TKD, why the Kenpo?
Why the kenpo?
several reasons. 1) my instructor likes to see her BB's going BEYOND what she teaches. 2) i was demonstrating what I teach. And I use Kenpo for self defense, i find it gives better skills that pure TKD

If anything I have been more polite in this instance than you have.
i DIDNT QUESTION ANYONE, all i did was tell someone to back up off of Danjo. And you couldnt be polite if someone put a gun to your head.

Your multiple attack section, even though it was impromptu, was quite frankly WANK.
Where is the film of you, if you are so skilled and I suck so bad? please, show me something. I am always willing to learn, thats why i am learning a new system now, I am ALWAYS learning.

that's why you steel techniques instead of principles for your system
learn to spell chap, it's "steal" not "steel"
There is plenty of film of me, you just have to know where to look. You shouldn't put such tripe out there on youtube and expect no-one to call you on your nonsense.

I'd like to point out a few things concerning grammer, don't forget the apostrophe and use an upper case letter at the start of a sentence. Speaking of apostrophies, why did you use one after BB? Why the question mark after bad? It just doesn't make sense.

One more thing matey boy, I want it to be known here and now, that if anyone ever puts a gun to my head, I WILL BE POLITE!!
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Hey Tygart! You need to lay of Yorkshire. ;) Save the fighting for the wheel of torture, babe.
Apostrophe and apostrophies.
People with chips on their shoulders are boring.

Now go have a drink and calm down lol.
post it up!

come on, show us those elite skills you got!

i wanna learn
You know my name, do a little diggin'. After all this skullduggery, I'm not going to make things easy for you. I don't want you steeling....ugh..stealing my touchless 'Dim Mak' techniques for your own system, like you did with Spry and his version of 'Delayed Sword'.
Apostrophe and apostrophies.
People with chips on their shoulders are boring.

Now go have a drink and calm down lol.
I'll go back and correct that before Tygart sees. Thanks.
Btw, according to John, it's thier not their and he knows.
Stop it, gentlemen, if you please, before someone gets hurt.

You do yourselves no honour with such behaviour.
Stop it, gentlemen, if you please, before someone gets hurt.

You do yourselves no honour with such behaviour.

Something told me, after reading the Title and OP, this was not going to be an honorable thread
Aye, Tames; one reason why threads of this nature attract so much oversight.

But gentlemen and ladies who comport themselves with respect can dispute over the most contentious of matters and still retain their personal honour and, more importantly perhaps, not impugn that of those with whom they contest.
Holy smokes did this get out of hand quickly!

One question was all I really wanted to know: Did Bruce Tegner really train in Karate, or did he call his Judo training Karate and say that it was all the same thing?

To me "A punch is only a punch, and a kick is only a kick" is the most misunderstood phrase of Bruce Lee's out there. Even he didn't really believe that all kicks and punches were the same. He practiced many punches and kicks and called them by different names. But any way you look at it, no one really thinks that if you get rank in one art that involves kicking and punching, it's just the same as any other art that involves kicking and punching. This seems to be the argument of jukado1.

Bruce Tegner did indeed spread the martial arts interest and filled a critical gap in America's history. But, that doens't mean that his Judo Atemi was the same as Karate, or that it warranted rank in a Karate system.
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