Taz3: The only reason I post on forums at all is due to the fact I can no longer do martial arts, I have allowed my body to turn in to a large piece of cockroach excrement, So on the Internet I can at least "talk" martial arts and fighting, Normally I only post if the subject is interesting and I can add to the conversation, But on occasion I see things that are so wrong that I can't and won't let them go, If you remember what started this was Danjo saying that Bruce Tegner went bagging to the Shukokai for rank, That's not true, They came to him, And with danjo this is a repeat, He posted the same story on the San Jose kenpo website 2 years ago, And this is really a situation I can't win, I mean how can you prove you don't beat your wife, This is what this is, But its hard for an outsider like me to straighten out the insiders on the board, And as far as twin fist, He has called both my instructor and myself fakes, I did not see anybody taking up for me, If somebody has a reference, Has knowledge they have the right to an opinion, But somebody like this clown who has never seen Bruce Tegner and has no knowledge of me and what I can do says that I think I have a right to get mad, And on Twin Fist, I have a lot of respect for Texas karate fighters, I knew the Greek and Roy Kerbin, And was around when Texas had fighters, Twin Fist from his own u-tubes looks like every other strip mall mcdojo, Sorry I'm ranting, so I'll take a nap and come back and see if I've done enough to be banned.
My post were for everyone to stop name calling and sniping
No one is saying you can't defend someone you think is being maligned, thats not the problem, all you are being asked is that you don't use added insults as you have again in this post. If you feel someone is wrong post up the evidence and they will be shown to be wrong but it can be done in a gentlemanly fashion.
Just saying so and so did this proves nothing and gives ammunition to those who disagree, this goes for everyone not just you.
Post up as much evidence as you can that can be checked by people who aren't involved in this, answer questions civilly and it may turn out to be an interesting discussion yet.
Jukado and Twin fist, one of you if not both be the better person and stop the bickering, you are both committing one of the sins I find most annoying....being boring!:whip1: Get a grip gentlemen.