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Norma, the best way to help your son with techniques PROPERLY is to take the classes yourself.

The only other way is IF your instructor has some type of Manual to show you what your son needs to know. If he doesn't have a manual, maybe that's because he want to be able to teach it just in class.

If you son can't remember a section of the form or kata, then tell the instructor the next day so he can correct him. They YOU can watch and maybe try to remember it yourself.


P.S. Coolkenpodude that was unnecessary, she is obviously inexperience and is asking the wrong questions and is not able to adequately describe what she's looking for. No need to be harsh, have a little patience. Sheesh.

I have a HIGH education, might not be in karate, but i have ALOT of education. heck my educations is in another language.

And no one said he HAD to go to the seminar i'm sorry if you don't understand..

he's signed up I SIGNED HIM UP. You said in a past replie that a 7th degree wouldn't have anything to do with my child. witch is why i said then was he able to sign up for it.

thats the end of that.

You are comming off ruder then i me for heavens sake.. the rest of the replies have been very helping, and my question where answered by goldendragon7 and kenpogirl ( a canadian)

I'm sorry if you take offence easily. I found out that a few know this Mr arsenault and heard of my son teachers...

Many perants DOn'T take interst in there child activities where i do. and YES i MAY end up joinning my self along with my husband.

Thank you kenpogirl.

I want to learn, thats why i came here. I'm a perant that is intrested in what my son does.

I don't think he was reading my posts right. and it got ugly..

I'm NOT hear to cause trouble and i'm sorry if i have.

I will try and watch Mr & Mrs whiteeye, more so i can see.

And yes i am thinking of taking kenpo karate as well as my husdand also.

thanks again for understanding me. and taking the time to answere me

It ONLY costing me 10 $ for him to join the seminar, witch is for 1 hour listed here i thought 30 min but no longer.

I'm sorry if you didn't read back in some of the replies but a few know this man comming to my son's school.and a few heard of my son's teacher and says well respected in this association. The cost has no concer over me. Of course they want to kids to have fun while they learn... This is true IN ANY sport.

What does my education have to do with this in the first place? I'm a nurse, I have no intentions of teacher anything! I'm from a french comunity, so my education and first language is french BUT this shouldn't have anything to do with the fact that i'm involved in my son's activites and wanting him to learn things right. I'm NOT in any way shape or form wanting to force him in learning something he doesn't, he WILL learn at his own pace.

BUT beeing able to help him practice for his tournament is important according to his own teacher.

i'm not flared at all, he's the only one who has apperantly NOT read ALL replie to my post or he would know what where all talking about, i came here to get advice and havea few questions answered, not be told i'm uneducated,, i have never said i knew anything about this sport or giving this impression i did.

people have said they know who this mr arsenault is and that it IS a privilege for my son to go, and one also mention hearing of my son's teacher beeing respected in the assiciation. So that prove i'm not a fact.

I'm told by the school this this is a great privilege for my son to meet and train with this man, and so i took him up. he will train on Feb 20th.

for those of you who know him what should i expect from him?

All i want to do is learn about the sport, i am unable to take up karate for now, but when i can i probably will.

what do you mean by this?

You really think this man would come to my city visit the school, and not do anything? Like really, common, ANY trainning rather it be standing straight, jump up and down,, would be a privilege if you knew this man wouldn't it? This isn't traveling form the united state to Ontario canada for nothing.

I guess my son is luckier then other places to have some one who is well knone to offer this seminar.

Maybe one day you'll get the chance to train with him your self.

I've met or seen this man in my life, yet i have an application i have filed out for him to take the seminar on the 20th.

You seem to think i'm hear lying about a man i don't know.

Oh well.

Thanks to everyoen else who where very kind and helpfull

It sounds like he is doing a variation of Blocking Set #1, a very common form in all Kenpo Schools, (Click to see Blocking Set)

I am not sure if this will help or not. But by putting a stick in his hand to do it, it will definitly make it more entertaining and engaging for him. Little boys love sticks!!

Your committment to helping him is admirable. There are manuals available, but unless we know the exact curriculum, we might steer you wrong and you would waste your money. Ask the teacher for reference materials, or browse websites to find similar techniues and forms.
KenpoNet has lots of info listed under their "Flame" archives, and I have some American Kenpo techniques, Forms, and Sets on my webpage, but no garuntee that is what he is learning.

Good luck and hopefully they will let you watch the seminar.

Geeze CKD, let it go. :shrug:

It just makes you look bad arguing with a mother of a white belt 4 year old.

Norma will with experience learn what the ins and outs of training in the Martial Arts means. You don't need to belittle her. Just realize you and she aren't thinking on the same wave length. this is not a bad thing, and is not intended to insult either of you.

She's got her answers, just let it go.

Thank you kenpogirl and micheal.

My son last night got a stripe on the end of his belt for doing 'High block" my son called it. If he get another stripe then he goes into anothr belt (white & yellow) I'm very proud of my son for a child of 4 1/2 he has taken a HUGE interest in learning kenpo karate, i want to be able to suport him and incourage him.

I don't expect my son to come out of this seminar, flying gracefully with out a mistake. But i'm sure he will learn something fun and over there belt. I was told he likes to get kids doing things they don't normaly learn to show them that they can do it if they keep it up.. its supose to be fun, for kids that age, I'm told this man is extremely fast on his feet and a pleasure to even just watch.

I didn't come here to cause trouble i just want to be able to help my son, I didn't think my education had to be solely in karate.
No kenpogirl your right i don't know karate talk.

I'm sorry me comming here irretated you's, i can find else to get help if you all perfer.

Norma don't worry about it. Just keep doing what your doing, to support your son.

Don't expect people to know what you are talking about when referring to some technique or Movement ie such as the "High Block" as there are dozens of different names for the same movement and so people may not know what you are refering to.

As your son is so young most people are not concerned with how or what it is they are learning because at that age it's mostly just for fun. If your son is taking a more serious interest then the average 4 year old then more power to him.

I think you'll get your most accurate information from your instructor, Mr. Whiteeyes. So if you have any concerns you should ask for an appointment to discuss your son's training.

I hope you and your husband do seriously consider starting to train, martial arts have a lot to offer. Good luck to your son too.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson

You might look at the one good scene in Chuck Norris', "The Hitman," on this...

I liked that movie! I think it is one of his better movies personally. :D
Thanks, See you just taught me something i had NO idea that 1 technic had many names..

At my son school, perants are welcome and incourage to stay and watch there children and i'm ALWAYS there! I will also be at the seminar watching. My son class has kids from 4 1/2 to age 8, they all do the SAME trainning, except the older kids orange belt uses paded stick ( i think it classified as a small one)

I'm gonna place my youngest child my daughter in the summer programe they have, its 6 weeks long ( Ninga's) they get bandana's instead of belts, if she enjoys it then i will inroll her in the full programe also. She's 2 1/2 and can do a simple kick and punch from watching my son at karate and practicing at home. I think she will do very having her big brother help her.

I will go and pick some of the books some of you's mentiond. Because with my husband these book will probably come in handy.

thanks a bunch.

i noticed your in London Ontario,, Where is your academy if you don't mind me asking, I'm from Sarnia 1 hour away, i go to london often i'm love to go visit your school? Do you teacher or are you a student?

My school is London Martial Arts. click here London Martial Arts

I am a student, currently the highest rank, I assist Mr. Ingram in teaching classes.

The school is open 6 days a week, if you're around you are more than welcome to pop in. I don't go on set days, just when I have the free time. you can email me if you like at

I just wanted to comment to coolkenpodude

I would be more then happy to come share with you's my son experiance traiining with Mr arsenault on feb 20th even share his first experiance in a tournament onthe 21st.

I don't expect my son to come out an expert karate, I signed my son up for the seminar because i was told my my son's teacher is a great man and does like kids especialy those who have a great interest in karate.

Mr arsenault doesn't live in Ontario canada, so this is a pleasure for him to come according to the school.

I'm sorry i don't know what you mean by mr arsenault schedual,, his primary schedual is to his business with Mr whiteeye, be at the tournament. Other then having a form to fill out to allow my son to have time with mr arsenault there nothing else. My son won't be alone many other children will be attending this seminar also. So i can't see how they will "learn" much, but like at every class they will learn something small. Its supose to be fun, fun with discipline.

I don't know what you mean by "I will say NO to this 7 degree every time. "

This is the first time he'll be around any other trainner other then his teachers. and in the year he's been in karate this will be the first time anyone like this has come to the school.

"why do i have to compare my TOP instructor to TOP instructor of your son instructor??"

I never asked you to Top my son's instructor, I don't know where that came from.

I only came here to learn about belts and learn some thing about mr arsenault i had NO clue what 7th degree was.

Unless i ask questions i'll never learn. I want to learn karate NOT just as a sport but as an art. So i'm at a basic level, what are the belts, I had NO idea that kenpo academy all use different belts even though there one in tha same. I had No clue that 1 movement ( technique) had many different names. So learning this would be a good beginning...

Again i will be more then happy to come and share my son's experaince in the seminar and tournament.

Just so's you know, "Cool," seems to have many of the aspects of your basic Internet troll. he's slipped into this fake broken English--I suspect it's fake because there are also a lot of perfectly grammtical sentences from what looks like a native speaker--and he's been throwing around a fair number of more-or-less open insults.

Sorry if I got on your case about the weapon bidness. I hope I was clear that it's partly just personal reaction.

Training IS a lot of fun, if you can find a good teacher and decent folks to work out with. I'll bet you'd like it...and after all, if a clunk like me can do it...(I'm thinking of having ads made in a gi, above the caption, "IF THIS SCHMUCK CAN GET TO BLACK BELT YOU CERTAINLY CAN!!! START KENPO TODAY!!!)...

And I do recommend the "Confidence," book very highly. I'm a little biased, since I know the writer and the first editor and the kids (one is a student of mine, but don't hold that against him), and the pictures give a great idea of what kids can do...
I'm am fluent in french, i'm sorry for any mistake's i make. I come from a french comunity, i'm learning english now that i live in a english comunity.

I seem to speak it bettet then i spell, i'm sorry for that.


Welcome to Martialtalk. You will find there is a wide variety of people here with differing opinions and personalities.

I am glad you signed up with us. You will find many here who will be willing to help and answer your questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Feel free to ask. All of us have started out new to martial arts at some point in our lives either by exposure (such as your son joining) or by taking up a martial art style.

You're doing ok. I am a mother. I take American Kenpo. I have four kids, and two of them are also into Kenpo. My third child will join in shortly. My fourth is not old enough yet (still a baby).

It sounds like you have made an excellent choice for your son. He obviously enjoys what he does and has the enthusiasm to practice. Encourage him and give him praise for what he does. A 4 1/2 year old loves all the attention possible.

If your concern is about the seminar, you can ask what the seminar will cover. Your instructor should be able to let you know what the purpose. It is possible the seminar may be a training tool to help students get acquainted and prepared for tournaments as you mentioned your son will be participating in one soon. Since the instructor thinks its a good idea to have him signed up for the seminar, he apparently sees there will be some benefit for him to go.

At my school, the belt system sounds similar to your program. But many schools may run their ranking system a little differently. With my school, the youngest group have colored stripes through the length of their white belts. The colored stripes indicate which rank they are. The next age group has a black stripe all the way through the length of their colored belts. It just shows which group they belong to. The colored belts show their ranking. The junior group have a white stripe all the way through the length of their colored belts. The adults just have solid colored belts with no black or white striping through the belt length.

All groups do earn "tips" which may be a colored or black tape put on the ends of the belts. This just shows progress within the specific color rank and shows achievement with specific things. It is similar to the red stripes on the ends of the black belts which show the rank within black belts (called dans).

- Ceicei

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