Question for Rick Tew Part Du

Soke on a Rope? Isn't that a bad xmas present? :)

Hmmm.....I'll take the "Sake" test. :cheers:
There were two guys from MT that came to my house for the "sake" test and failed.
We had a case of beer, 1 bottle of McCallin, & 1 bottle of Awamori.....and 3 baaaaaaad hangovers the next day. One of the guys had to go to the Hospital the next day for a transfusion (no joke).
RRouuselot said:
There were two guys from MT that came to my house for the "sake" test and failed.
We had a case of beer, 1 bottle of McCallin, & 1 bottle of Awamori.....and 3 baaaaaaad hangovers the next day. One of the guys had to go to the Hospital the next day for a transfusion (no joke).

Oh man....thats not safe... :barf:
I'm curious - does anyone have anything else constructive to add to this thread? Is no one coming to the defense Mr. Tew?

You know, I always feel bad when a discussion occurs here about someone else and they aren't here to defend or refute. If anyone is interested in extending Mr. Tew an invitation to join the board so that he may defend his legitimacy, that would probably be the just course of action. I would reccommend it be done tactfully - an appeal from one of his students would be ideal. Any takers?
I am going to go out on a limb here and predict that there wonÂ’t be much response, if any.
It seems that most people that are suspect or have questionable ties or training always fall back on the defense “we don’t need to dignify that with a response” or “our record stands on it’s own so we don’t need to rely on the past” or something along those lines.
Whatever the line it will pretty much be the same tone as all the other folks that have fallen into the same category.
By giving little info or no info whatever they say cannot be scrutinized for any flaws that may appear and thereby prove or disprove as the case may be any claims made.
It seems that after my emails were posted and some of the replies from others with similar questions or doubts were also posted the “defense” for Tew decreased……..hoping this thread would die a natural death perhaps???
as we've discussed before........there are few arts today that dont have some questionable background......especially in north america. i think that the values of tradition and hard work are lost on most people that want instant gratification.
im sure rick tew has heard about this site and has probably been told about what has been said on it.
whether or not he will confirm or deny anything even if he even shows up.......he will continue doing things the way he does them now.

Flatlander said:
I'm curious - does anyone have anything else constructive to add to this thread? Is no one coming to the defense Mr. Tew?

You know, I always feel bad when a discussion occurs here about someone else and they aren't here to defend or refute. If anyone is interested in extending Mr. Tew an invitation to join the board so that he may defend his legitimacy, that would probably be the just course of action. I would reccommend it be done tactfully - an appeal from one of his students would be ideal. Any takers?

I do not think most head of dojo's really care what is said on bulletin boards. I think he is of the mind that if you want answers, get a hold of him directly or come see him in person.

To constantly search the web for boards that are slamming your credibility would be tedious.
MisterMike said:
I do not think most head of dojo's really care what is said on bulletin boards. I think he is of the mind that if you want answers, get a hold of him directly or come see him in person.

To constantly search the web for boards that are slamming your credibility would be tedious.
That's just bad business, IMO. In the business of Martial Arts, credibility is paramount.
Flatlander said:
That's just bad business, IMO. In the business of Martial Arts, credibility is paramount.

I do not belive that the advent of the internet should place undue responsibilities like chasing after trolls and flame threads. It also may not be the intent of the teacher to make the dojo a business although that is the trend in the U.S.
MisterMike said:
I do not belive that the advent of the internet should place undue responsibilities like chasing after trolls and flame threads. It also may not be the intent of the teacher to make the dojo a business although that is the trend in the U.S.
Mike, most of his students train by video, and submit video for testing. Smells like commerce to me. If the goal is self improvement, or the joy of teaching, I would expect that opening a dojo for a few students to train in would serve that intent just fine.

Also, my opinion here is: The internet exists. Though I agree with you to an extent regarding the impossibility of supressing all e-negativity world wide, I also feel that an instructor has a responsibility to his/her direct students with regards to the answering of questions and the offering of information, whatever the nature of the inquiry.

i think robert tried to contact them directly......and his "future sensei's" student tried to answer his questions, the direct approach really does work.

Ok, devils advocate here....

Why should Rick Tew sign up?
This is obviously a hostile enviroment.
He would say 1 thing, only to have sharks and pirahna circle and attack before he got the first post up.
He has 2 students here.

Why spend the effort here, where he can go where there are larger concentrations and where he isn't taken to task over everything he does?

Simply put - Why should he?

"To prove he isn't a fraud".

No amount of proof will satisfy some people.

Now, based on the questions asked, and the answers given, my personal opinion is that Rick Tews "Ninjitsu" is primarily modified hapkido (TKD flavored) with some other stuff grafted in. He has no legit traditional training in ninjutsu (as dux is deemed a fraud, and bussey is questionable at best.), and he is quite young to be a "founder".
He "poo-poos" tradition, teaches a korean-hybrid art, misuses japanese terms, and seems to be more about marketing than quality.

My opinion, based on the information available.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Why should Rick Tew sign up?
This is obviously a hostile enviroment.
He would say 1 thing, only to have sharks and pirahna circle and attack before he got the first post up.
He has 2 students here.

Why spend the effort here, where he can go where there are larger concentrations and where he isn't taken to task over everything he does?

Simply put - Why should he?

"To prove he isn't a fraud".

No amount of proof will satisfy some people.
This is a good point, and likely quite valid. The reason I suggested it was to remain in the spirit of fairness. I think that its really unfortunate that his students here seem to be left hung out to dry, and I have to say, if I were his student, I would want my teacher to make that effort. This thread seems to have demonstrated that ANY questions regarding Tew's martial character are indeed valid. I wouldn't want to leave those out there dangling, were I trying to run a business.
Flatlander said:
This is a good point, and likely quite valid. The reason I suggested it was to remain in the spirit of fairness. I think that its really unfortunate that his students here seem to be left hung out to dry, and I have to say, if I were his student, I would want my teacher to make that effort. This thread seems to have demonstrated that ANY questions regarding Tew's martial character are indeed valid. I wouldn't want to leave those out there dangling, were I trying to run a business.
Hi, I thought Kaith pretty well summed it up. I am wondering why it has gone on so long without being shut down?

Same o same o I feel, you don't believe the movie about Frank Dux?

Regards, Gary
MisterMike said:
I do not think most head of dojo's really care what is said on bulletin boards. I think he is of the mind that if you want answers, get a hold of him directly or come see him in person.

To constantly search the web for boards that are slamming your credibility would be tedious.

I contacted his dojo via his nothing but vague 1/2 answers and a used car salesman trying to get me to sign up for video lessons.
GAB said:
Hi, I thought Kaith pretty well summed it up. I am wondering why it has gone on so long without being shut down?

Same o same o I feel, you don't believe the movie about Frank Dux?

Regards, Gary

The movie about Dux and all the lies Dux told about his training and background have been PROVEN to be false....
RRouuselot said:
The movie about Dux and all the lies Dux told about his training and background have been PROVEN to be false....
Hi RRouuselot.

You have to admit, the movie was pretty good. Yes/no?:idunno:

Hi Flatlander,

It, being the continual carrying on about someone because he will not return phone calls. Sometimes it is the way it is. I have no personall knowledge in this.

Students are being made aware, maybe that is the best thing from this posting, and others will know more about the person, his lineage etc.

What I have read, makes me think the thread should have just disappeared, but it has not happened. At one point I thought it was over, but was revieved. :whip:

I figure I don't want to irritate Robert, he is like a Pitbull going for the throat.:uhyeah:

Regards, Gary

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