Enson said:
1) poor kevin, i don't think he realized someone was "baiting" him.
2)well it is a matter of opinion... it just depends on what you believe... bussey's students believe they have learned ninjutsu from bussey... like hayes's students. of course some will go on saying that bussey nor hayes trained in ninjutsu... and it was all photoshopped in well...
1- I did not see any "baiting" on Robert's part. He was trying to get straight answers. He was not trying to offend.
2- No one has said anything about photoshopping or anything like that. And I am having trouble remembering anyone questioning Hayes' abilities.
There is the matter of whether Rick Tew learned legitimate ninjutsu. In order to qualify for this section, it seems you have to have some sort of legitimate training. This does not only mean that you need to study under someone who has experienced a legitimate tradition, but are legitimate teachers. I have taken legitmate Taiji, Hapkido, Silat, etc. But I have never come close to making the level that would allow me to teach those arts.
So, was Bussey a legitimate teacher of ninjutsu? Well, in the Bujinkan you are not a full teacher until you reach fifth dan. Before that you can be an assistant instructor and run training groups under the direction of a qualified instructor. There are even many cases of people doing so even before they make black belt. But they are not instructors and are only running groups in the qualified teacher's absence.
Now, in order to make fifth dan you have to take the
Sakki test. Sakki means "killer intent." In order to pass it you have to
feel a strike coming in and react to get out of the way without ever using your normal senses. It is very "woo woo" stuff and freaks some people out.
I have heard numerous Bussey students say that the reason he chose to leave the Bujinkan was because he felt this test was against his religious ideals. So he never stayed around long enough to take the test. But if he did not take the fifth dan test, and you have to be a fifth dan to be an instructor, then it is hard to say that people can learn legitimate ninjutsu from him any more than you can say that people can learn legitimate Hapkido from me.
If you do a simple search of various forums, you can find students of Bussey give the explination of his leaving the Bujinkan, the requirements for being a teacher, etc. It is all confirmable.
So, did Rick Tew learn legitimate ninjutsu from a qualified instructor? The answer seems to be no. That is not an attack, just a simple stating of the facts.