Question for Rick Tew Part Du

posted by RRouuselot

I can see it nowÂ…Â…..
Customer: What kind of tires come on the car
Salesman: Would you look at that paint jobÂ….really sweeeeet aint it?
Customer: Yes, it is but what kind of tires are those?
Salesman: This little baby can really go fastÂ… about a test drive?
Customer: Sounds fine, but what about the tiresÂ….what kind are they?
Salesman: Based on your question, I've come to the conclusion that car is not right for you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have read both threads and now have something to say. I think the questions about Rick Tew are important for him to answer, but the people who are really pressing the issue should go meet him themselves, train with him, and then judge him on his abillity. This is why one of my instructors has an open challenge policy, that way anyone is wecome to come in and ask questions about lineage or abillity.
I see a few issues/questions here.

- Is Rick Tew an accomplished martial artist?
- Can he produce quality students? (IE functional, not crippled ala mcdojo training)
- Does he have the right to use Japanese terms for an American Art that's core is neither Japanese nor American?
- Is he making false claims or misrepresenting himself or his abilities?
DeLamar.J said:
This is why one of my instructors has an open challenge policy, that way anyone is wecome to come in and ask questions about lineage or abillity.

It isn't about going to the guy's school and challenging him. It is about simple answers to simple request for information. If someone, or their delgated representative, are unable or unwilling to respond adequately and accurately to simple inquiries, it makes the red flags go up.
Someone had mentioned credentials and ability.
Well if some guy tells me he was a boxing Champion my first questions out of curiosity would be what weight class?, when? And what association?
Needless to say if that person sidestepped all of those questions and seemed to want to avoid talking about them suspicions would arise as to whether he really was a Champion.

As for all those people that claim to have made a new style or improved style (i.e.built a better mouse trap) I have yet to see ANY of them that have improved upon any style.
Like I said before, Rick Tew’s style looks like TKD in black pajamas with maybe a Muay Thai knee strike thrown in. Tew claimed his new style was for “real life situations” …..well using those high kicks to the head, flying spinning back kicks, & flailing those “nuMchucks” the way he did are the best way to get the crap beat out of you in a “real situation”.
Tew also claimed no association to Japan but still wanted to use names like “Ninja” and “sensei”…..two very Japanese words as well as Japanese and Okinawan weapons. Then when asked about his age, training, teachers* everyone seemed to get amnesia.
A combination of all those things makes one wonder and ask questions.

(*BTW, on the lineage thing….having a good “knowledgeable” teacher is the basis for becoming a good martial artist… This does mean that just because you come from a reputable system that you are guaranteed to become a good MA...However, if your teacher is a known fake or comes from a bogus McDojo system then cards are already stacked against you and your chances of becoming a good MA decrease significantly. )

(Also, someone reading this thread called me but the message got cut off and I didnÂ’t get your name, thanks and I understand, if you want you can email me)
getgoin said:
Every pair of NB's I have purchased have a big sticker saying "Made in America", if they don't I don't get them.
I'm a racist for supporting my economy, for trying to keep as many Americans employeed? I puchase as many thing as I can that are made in America. I will purchase American made before anyhting else, regardless of cost. I live in America, I support America, I shop America if you don't like it stay in Japan.

Ya, I saw Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford and River Phoenix too. The PC that you are using to write this is probably made from parts from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and several other countries and then assembled in either Mexico or Canada.
I had an IBM (very American Co.) that was assembled in Canada but all the parts came from Asia. Even the car you drive has parts from all over the world. Hell, Chrysler and Mini Cooper are owned by the Germans.....Americans are building the Chryslers but the big money is going back to Germany. The Germans are just following what the Japanese did 30+ years ago. Which is have the Americans build them, then sell the cars back to those same Americans, and send all the money back to their own country (Japan/Germany).
If everyone maintained the xenophobic view of “only buying American” that you propose then our economy would be about as strong as North Korea’s.
I am all for keeping AmericanÂ’s employedÂ….in fact I hate the fact that lately when I call a help number to have questions answered about a credit card or PC I am greeted by someone in India.
Morgan Stanley pulled their telephone operation out of India because they said they werenÂ’t getting the quality they got from AmericaÂ…Â…couldnÂ’t agree more.
well honestly i don't think rtms has been around for 20 years. that would meen he started in his early teens. that is ludicrous.

as i have stated before rtms is sensei's version of ninjutsu... what he learned from bussey. if some don't believe bussey is real, never learned ninjutsu yada yada yada... is a matter of opinion. if you don't believe bussey knows ninjutsu then you won't believe that sensei knows ninjutsu. if you do then you will... make sense?

to be honest sensei prefers to go by his first name when dealing with his students. he treats us more like friends then pions (sp?). kinda of a coach to your martial training... not a lord or a god of any sort. it is us students that choose to call him sensei out of respect for his knowledge.

i don't remember who said i should have kevin's job... but thanks. good money from what i understand... and free training!

Enson said:
1) well honestly i don't think rtms has been around for 20 years. that would meen he started in his early teens. that is ludicrous.

2)as i have stated before rtms is sensei's version of ninjutsu... what he learned from bussey. if some don't believe bussey is real, never learned ninjutsu yada yada yada... is a matter of opinion. if you don't believe bussey knows ninjutsu then you won't believe that sensei knows ninjutsu. if you do then you will... make sense?

to be honest sensei prefers to go by his first name when dealing with his students. he treats us more like friends then pions (sp?). kinda of a coach to your martial training... not a lord or a god of any sort. it is us students that choose to call him sensei out of respect for his knowledge.

3)i don't remember who said i should have kevin's job... but thanks. good money from what i understand... and free training!


1) The 20 year thing was stated by someone from Rick TewÂ’s office
2) Well actually it isn’t a matter of opinion…..he either did or he didn’t … way or another it is a fact. It’s not like “chocolate ice cream is the best” that is an opinion, not a fact.
3) I did. Hopefully if you do get that job you will be a more able salesman than Kevin.
RRouuselot said:
1) The 20 year thing was stated by someone from Rick TewÂ’s office
2) Well actually it isn’t a matter of opinion…..he either did or he didn’t … way or another it is a fact. It’s not like “chocolate ice cream is the best” that is an opinion, not a fact.
3) I did. Hopefully if you do get that job you will be a more able salesman than Kevin.
1) poor kevin, i don't think he realized someone was "baiting" him.
2)well it is a matter of opinion... it just depends on what you believe... bussey's students believe they have learned ninjutsu from bussey... like hayes's students. of course some will go on saying that bussey nor hayes trained in ninjutsu... and it was all photoshopped in well...
3)hope i would too
Enson said:
1) poor kevin, i don't think he realized someone was "baiting" him.
2)well it is a matter of opinion... it just depends on what you believe... bussey's students believe they have learned ninjutsu from bussey... like hayes's students. of course some will go on saying that bussey nor hayes trained in ninjutsu... and it was all photoshopped in well...
3)hope i would too

1) I was a "mystery shopper"….always good for quality control of customer service. To be honest I wouldn’t buy anything from someone who tried to “pitch me” like Kevin did.
2) ItÂ’s black or white Â…he either did or didnÂ’tÂ…..peoples opinions wonÂ’t change it.
RRouuselot said:
Ya, I saw Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford and River Phoenix too.
Never seen it so I don't get it. Was it any good?

The PC that you are using to write this is probably made from parts from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and several other countries and then assembled in either Mexico or Canada.
I said I buy American as much as I can when I can, what wrong with supporting my countries economy, its my choice and one of the ways I support my country. There are things I own that are from other countries, so what. If I had a choice I would keep John across the street employeed, over Wong across the globe, again my choice. And the PC I'm using was probably, at least the parts, made across the globe. It was assembled here in the US, I know because I assembled it.

If everyone maintained the xenophobic view of “only buying American” that you propose then our economy would be about as strong as North Korea’s.
I didn't say "only buy American". If I had a choice I would sure I would buy American, thats not xenophobic, that foolish to even imply that. You don't know me, never met me and thats twice you've called me a racist. It takes a real big man to call people names over the internet.


1 - The "Buy American" "discussion/debate" is best suited for the Study, where you'll have more leeway to discuss it if you so wish.

2 - "Racist" comments are not something we welcome here. Please take such things else where. There is nothing usually racist in trying to support ones own local economy, though certain extremes may qualify.

This thread is supposed to be for the discussion of Mr. Rick Tew, his credentials and qualifications. Please return to the topic at hand.
Kaith Rustaz said:
This thread is supposed to be for the discussion of Mr. Rick Tew, his credentials and qualifications. Please return to the topic at hand.

ThatÂ’s going to be pretty darn hard since nobody in his organization or this board is able/willing to answer what exactly his qualifications are and where he got them.

If you ask me he has none or he wouldnÂ’t hide themÂ…Â….so it looks likeÂ…Â…

Personally, I don't see what the big deal with the secrecy is. I mean, I'm proud of my rank, and have no prob. telling someone what arts I've trained in, how long, etc. if someone asks...sooooooo...whats the deal with Tew??? I mean, I can't believe that someone..anyone..who is training with this guy, working for him, etc. has absolutely no clue as to whats going on. Granted, some answers have been provided, but again, no clear answer has been given. Its almost like answering a question with a question.

Me: "So, you train in the MA's? Cool. Who do you train under?"

Other guy: "Well....who do you train under?"


This suggestion is from me as a member only. If there is no futher disscussion or answeres on the questions being asked then this thread is a dead one. Lets move on folks. Come up with answeres or go to a different thread. This one has got old and is going nowhere
Enson said:
1) poor kevin, i don't think he realized someone was "baiting" him.
2)well it is a matter of opinion... it just depends on what you believe... bussey's students believe they have learned ninjutsu from bussey... like hayes's students. of course some will go on saying that bussey nor hayes trained in ninjutsu... and it was all photoshopped in well...

1- I did not see any "baiting" on Robert's part. He was trying to get straight answers. He was not trying to offend.

2- No one has said anything about photoshopping or anything like that. And I am having trouble remembering anyone questioning Hayes' abilities.


There is the matter of whether Rick Tew learned legitimate ninjutsu. In order to qualify for this section, it seems you have to have some sort of legitimate training. This does not only mean that you need to study under someone who has experienced a legitimate tradition, but are legitimate teachers. I have taken legitmate Taiji, Hapkido, Silat, etc. But I have never come close to making the level that would allow me to teach those arts.

So, was Bussey a legitimate teacher of ninjutsu? Well, in the Bujinkan you are not a full teacher until you reach fifth dan. Before that you can be an assistant instructor and run training groups under the direction of a qualified instructor. There are even many cases of people doing so even before they make black belt. But they are not instructors and are only running groups in the qualified teacher's absence.

Now, in order to make fifth dan you have to take the Sakki test. Sakki means "killer intent." In order to pass it you have to feel a strike coming in and react to get out of the way without ever using your normal senses. It is very "woo woo" stuff and freaks some people out.

I have heard numerous Bussey students say that the reason he chose to leave the Bujinkan was because he felt this test was against his religious ideals. So he never stayed around long enough to take the test. But if he did not take the fifth dan test, and you have to be a fifth dan to be an instructor, then it is hard to say that people can learn legitimate ninjutsu from him any more than you can say that people can learn legitimate Hapkido from me.

If you do a simple search of various forums, you can find students of Bussey give the explination of his leaving the Bujinkan, the requirements for being a teacher, etc. It is all confirmable.

So, did Rick Tew learn legitimate ninjutsu from a qualified instructor? The answer seems to be no. That is not an attack, just a simple stating of the facts.
So, what are the conclusions we can reach?

Tew admits to being the highest ranked Dux ryu dude around. As Dux ryu ninjutsu has the same amount of Budo as a good badminton game, that's not a viable claim.

Tew also claims to have rank from Bussey. Bussey spent no more than a year in Japan. The amount of Ninjutsu transmitted to him in that time is not enough to make HIS claims strong. So, while there may have been a kata or two in there I don't think Bussey A; knew what he was doing, B; knew they were Ninjutsu kata. And while that sounds acrimonious at first blush its not a slight on the skills of the King of Kombat (tm)

Then the Mouth of Sauron opps, er, Kevin declines to elucidate us and furthers the obfuscation. His choice. Not his reputation. I can respect his call. I do like his sense of humour too.

So the logical inferences from this are,

A: Tew doesn't really care about his legitimacy as per his wonderful essay and he's sudden death in all directions. That's what counts apparently.

B: he knows he has no credibility as a Ninjutsu Soke let alone a teacher.

And there really, really are only two ways to go with this. He either has legitimacy as a Ninjutsu teacher or he doesn't. This is very Boolean. If he has no legitimacy, Enson and a whole bunch of other people can start a class action law suit.

IF it's A: however it does get interesting. His decision NOT to inform us leaves us with several options.

One: OK. Carry on as per normal Tew Soke. We won't bother you and respect you as a fantastic martial artist because your website confirms it.

Two: We wait for him to provide it and in the meantime grant him the benefit of the doubt. Lots of doubt is involved here however I'm sure that we will also wait a very long time to see proof of legitimate training from him.

Three: We reach down the front of our shorts, grab hold and make a decision.

Not a problem with me. If the decision is wrong we just says "Opps, looks like you really were a legitimate Ninjutsu Soke, our bad, blame Canada." Its not the electric chair or anything. Perhaps being labelled a liar and fraud in a public forum will spur him into producing some documentation.