Black Belt
Sweetie, that's one person's opinion not proof of anything other than he has an opinion. He's made the same mistake as you though in thinking that his experience means that Shotokan is like this everywhere rather than just where he trained. We can all generalise and spout clichés but it only ends up with us looking stupid. I might as well say I met a man from New York once who was a bit rude so I'm telling you now that all Americans are rude or how about I met a woman from Liverpool and she had thick curly hair so all women from the UK have thick curly hair. Are you getting this yet? Parroting the opinions of one dissatisfied karate student doesn't make all Shotokan bad nor it's instructors poor. It can also mean the writer is just bitter because he was failed for major reason but isn't going to say so, he chooses to give us minor details so it's the instructors that look bad not him. You need to question why this person wrote this and not give it to us as 'proof' it's barely more than gossip as I said.
There's also plenty of comments under that article that fundamentally disagree with him. Did you read them, there's more than these three I've posted, I quite like the last one.
"you dont know what your talkin about. ive been taking shotokan karate for 7 years now and i've got my second degree black belt. and let me tell you we do realize we dont have "authority" over the other styles. we realize the strengths and weaknesses our style has when put agianst the other forms. you sit there and made it look like we people in shotokan are a bunch of arrogant fools. i dont appreciate that at all.
Posted by: jeff wethers | March 16, 2008 at 11:48 AM "
"I have to disagree with your blanket assessment of Shotokan karate. Not all schools are run that way. Less then twenty four hours ago I tested and passed to second level brown belt; second kyu. In addition to our standard training of basics we also engage in very practical self defense. Many of the black belts who train here are cops or even professional bodyguards. My instructor has mentioned many times to do " your karate" clearly understanding the individual strengths and weakness of everyone. As far as corvettes ? I know for a fact there is no profit being made here worth mentioning. The president is one of my closeset friends and the occasional profits went to treating us all on a night out. We pay half what most schools pay and as an advanced student I have seven different opportunities to train per week. I'm sorry you had a bad experience but not all places are the same.
Posted by: Steve X | September 21, 2012 at 11:12 AM "
"mann you are totally off on this one shotokan is not about rigidity at all its all about getting connection through your entire body and releasing energy through one focal point in your body to create a very powerful and fast technique. The reason that you might have held your own against someone that is ranked higher than you is because you might have better physical skills than the other person. Or simply because the other person is not that great at free style kumite. BUT what you do not understand is the fact that he understands how his body connects he understand that you have to squeeze muscles together at the same time and also rotate your hips in such a way that causes more force to come out. NO you are to focused on the fact that you were thinking of your self as a macho guy who thinks he is better than everyone else... along those lines i have trained shotokan for 17 years and i am still a 3rd degree brown. it is not all about belts.
spiritually it is invigorating, every day you try and better yourself.
Posted by: Mikael B. | April 22, 2013 at 06:28 PM"
I never asserted that all Karate schools are like that. I claimed that they can be. You requested of me to prove it to you, and now it's not good enough. How surprising.