6 Year old BB to join our school (Just a rant/story I need to tell--long)

I will allow for a few Doogy Housers, but we are talking about people who most likely read at the level of your typical six year old. However, we may have a little Ender on our hands.

LOL, no, I am not hanging it on the reading level. heck not too many adults grasp BB philosophy, but some kids come out of the womb old and wise beyond their years. Not that that is valued these days.
BB recommended - It's basically a 1 year period (2 if you have to wait 16 to 18) where the higher ranks (me, my father when he shows up, any 1st decided) grade the student on growth beyond physical attributes. Teaching is about 50% of what the student is graded on. Before BB they might help teach some one steps or lead warm ups. Recommend leads part or all of class while I stand back and watch. They have to exhibit confidence in their ability to work with students. They have to be able to hold the attention of the whole class while demonstrating techniques and leading drills. On the physical side, a complete breakdown of their form without any help, and the knowledge to break down any form they've previously learned. Self defense against various grabs, holds, knife and gun.
We used to be an ATA school until the early 90s. Alex was that 1 in a million technical freak of nature, which is why the exception was made. He was so good he could command the whole room from 13-16 without anyone giving the slightest disrespect. One time he was disrespected, and that was by an old 3rd dan that had not shown up in years, on a night the kid was running the show by himself. Said 3rd dan walked in next class and was told 'You don't need to put your bag down or take off your shoes.' Except in not so kind words. If I ever had the good fortune to have another student that good, I will have stored up some amazing karma.

Not to say that I don't have good students now, I do. The ones that have only been trained by me and my team are coming along really well. The inherited advanced belts... some are moving forward faster than others. A few don't like the higher standard, that performing at the level that was accepted before isn't now. But they haven't quit, so I take that as a good sign.

As far is recommended a BB? Yes and no. It's never happened, but they can be demoted back to brown should they fail to perform at a level expected of an instructor. Recommended also aren't full instructors. While they do teach, it's not often that there isn't a senior instructor at class too. It does happen, I can't be there every night. And the group I have right now, I trust them completely. Mostly because they've been stuck for years at that level due to about a million circumstances out of anyones control. In the next 4-6 months they'll all be promoted.
Now going on a year and a half she has achieved her blue belt (6th gup/kyu) and will hopefully test for her green in a couple of months.

Ooops! I made a mistake...She was in last night and I saw that she did get her green belt from the last testing. So next step is purple and that is not happening for at least 6 months. :)
Sounds like the old T-USA schools.
I'm glad the little girl is doing well.
Yes, those were the old T-USA schools. Never did update the part about her original school but it was YK TKD school, not the Bally's that I originally thought it was.

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