Pressure Points

Post the pressure points or not

  • Yes post them.

  • No, don't post them

  • I don't know, never of of such a thing before.

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I prefer to keep things in one place. It is a pet peeve of mine to send peopel away from MT to another website when they are looking for something. I also admit I am not the best at creating websites, so it would be more work for me to create a page that it would be to post the information.
Thanks Rob that would be nice.

This may turn into a rather good thread if no one decides to start flameing it.
If you are just posting the points and not saying what danage can be duone maybe there will be no war of words just some good information
I don't see any problem with posting them, it is better to have the correct information than to have someone improperly trying to replicate something they saw in a MA flick and really screwing sombody up. I say go for it, besides it would be interesting to be able to see how many there are.
Here is a sample of what each post would be in each merridian. Ofcourse there would be 9 post before this one.

ST 10: SHUITU (Water Prominence)
At the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus, midway between ST 9 and ST 11.
This point had always stood in the shadow of ST 9. It is however, just as dangerous as ST 9 and when struck spot on the point, is considered by many doctors to be even more dangerous. A strike here causes an immediate rush of yang Qi to the head causing knock out, the face goes red and the tongue turns blue. A hard strike will cause knock out. Combine this strike with Neigwan and you have a most dangerous strike. This strike adds Qi to the head. The recipient will fall down a split second after the strike. There is also an immediate shock to the head area.
I think the benefits outweigh the ways in which this information could be misused. After all, there are some good(healthy) ones too!
relief for upset stomach, headache etc.
What about combinations of different points? My sensei gave showed me a couple, one to get rid of a headache, one to stop a nosebleed, both work very effectively.
I feel that knowledge and information are neutral, and it is the users intent that can make something dangerous or helpful.
I have another question for y'all where abouts should the pressure point posts be placed?

Japanese Arts
Chinese Arts
Gneral Martial Arts

Where does everybody think the info should go?
Rob Broad said:
I have another question for y'all where abouts should the pressure point posts be placed?

Japanese Arts
Chinese Arts
Gneral Martial Arts

Where does everybody think the info should go?
I generally only go to select forums. Since we are in General and I frequent it and all of the people polled must also check this forum - I say leave it here. :)
Unless there is a landslide of No's it looks like I will be posting the pressure points. Now I only hope I don't get any replies in the process of posting the points in the the various threads. I will also be adding the following disclaimer to each thread:

Even though has posted the information about pressure points, we want to make sure everyone knows that if they do attempt to manipulate them they do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the Pressure Point information found on be only used for reference material, and that you seek out a qualified instructor to learn this material from.

Please use this material responsibly.
So far I have posted the points for Heat, Lung and Liver, although I will need to add a diagram for liver when I can get one resized to fit MT Parameters.
Rob Broad said:
So far I have posted the points for Heat, Lung and Liver, although I will need to add a diagram for liver when I can get one resized to fit MT Parameters.
Was wondering about that. Good stuff! KT
I also have some other information to post about Pressure points that will be added shortly. I almost wish the pressure points had tehir own forum or subforum so tehy don't get lost in the shuffle.
I've added a subforum specifically for pressure points inside the Library forum. Rob's posting a great deal of information and after looking through it all, putting it all in 1 easy to find place just seemed 'right'.
I added all the points I wll be sending the rest of teh diagrams to Kaith so he can put them into the proper meridians. Hopefully we can get some good conversations going from all this material.
For those looking for the information it is in teh Library in the General Mrtial Arts Section, Dopey me I looked at the top link saying library and ahd to go searching for the right place.
Rob Broad said:
For those looking for the information it is in teh Library in the General Mrtial Arts Section, Dopey me I looked at the top link saying library and ahd to go searching for the right place.
I've also updated the Library listing to point to it, as well as combining many other resources.

what about leving them in a compressed format so those who want them can grab them.
SMP said:
what about leving them in a compressed format so those who want them can grab them.

I am pretty close to computer illiterate. I tried to post a couple of the merridians entirely on my website and they were just too big. There is a lot of information there. The way they are set up in the Library makes them very easy to use.

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