President Obama makes war on Muslim country

John Nolte over at just reminded me, you guys on the left, remember that nobel peace prize thing Obama recieved for doing nothing. Well, it looks like he is doing a lot less than nothing to justify the nobel PEACE PRIZE for freakings sake. Just thought I would pass that around after Mr. Nolte brought it up.

You are right. He should probably stand aside while kadhaffi is slaughtering the entire population of benghazi. That would be much better than using military action to prevent that from happening. ;) On a more serious note, you are right that the US has no bone here. However, I would appreciate it if you also make that argument over the invasion of Iraq and the war on terror, where the US has shown it will do just whatever the heck it wants, with or without a good justification.

That said, France and several neighbboring countries have a good reason to intervene, and that is that kadhaffi is causing such mayhem that hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing into neighboring countries, threatening to overwhelm them by numbers. This is already happening, and this is what has raised the conflict from national to international status, and what has allowed the UN to intervene

Even without taking the planned genocide into account, the situation for neighboring countries has gotten so bad that they either have to take action or risk getting destabilized themselves by the sheer number of refugees. None of the neigboring countries is eager to invite foreign countries to intervene locally, but at this point they pretty much have to if they don't want the problem to spill over and become theirs
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Perhaps Barry should take the advice of a trusted outside senior advisor?

"Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?" - heh even a broken clock is correct twice a day. :)

...and as another exhibit of living in Bizzaro world - Blessed are the Rooskie hippie peaceniks - for they are the children of Gawd:

"In that respect we call on countries involved to stop the non-selective use of force," Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement.


When I think of Russian military doctrine, I always think first of the restrained & selective use of military forces.
Lets turn the boat...

Qadaffi is a known terrorist supporter. He is surrounded by a bunch of muslim extremists who have shown they were dangerous in the past. Why does the Commander In Chief need to beg permission to take out America's enemies? These dirty people are finally getting a chance at the American Dream and you are attacking the only person who can give them liberty?

Obama is a crusader of good, wielding Americas sword of Justice! Sure, we all thought he was a socialist, but damn, I thought we could all gather around and watch the fireworks as the terrorists who caused 9/11 get theirs. They're all muslim extremists and deserve it!

Or maybe you just don't support the troops enough. Is that it? It's America and we're awesome! You can love it or leave it!
Nice turnaround on the Right-wing/Bush/Iraq fiasco!
Well, if Europe would only follow the American left's immigration policy, they should take all of those refugees and make them citizens of France, Britain and Canada Problem solved.
That said, France and several neighbboring countries have a good reason to intervene, and that is that kadhaffi is causing such mayhem that hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing into neighboring countries, threatening to overwhelm them by numbers. This is already happening,

It's ok man, they are just trying to make better lives for themselves and will do the jobs that no French or their neighboring countrymen want to do for themselves. Hell, if you stop it, how will the french ever afford lettuce... *rolls eyes*
I have to say I am perplexed as to why Obama decided to use missle strikes. It alienates almost everyone of his core groups, the peaceniks, the hollywood types. I am going to take a risk and make a prediction, is it possible that there is a major scandal about to break, and this is a preemptive attempt to divert the focus off of whatever this scandal might be? Time will tell, but if it does happen, you read it here first.
Should I be happy that President Obama, under orders from Haliburton, is continuing the policy of Blood for Oil. Should I be Happy that Obama has joined the other war mongers, Britain, Canada and France in waging war on another muslim country. He might as well start pronouncing nuclear, nucular, and reading books about goats.

So OK I've been gone a while. I know that things kind of change, people come and go, but uhhhhhhh????? when did Canada and France become warmongers? and what in Zues' name does stopping women and children from being slaughtered by a Psychotic Despot willing to kill his own people in all consuming bid to hang onto absolute power by ANY means nessessary have ANYTHING to do with Goats? Who is this person? Why is this person? Is he related to rdonnavon? Does he think he is a Ninja?

So OK I've been gone a while. I know that things kind of change, people come and go, but uhhhhhhh????? when did Canada and France become warmongers? and what in Zues' name does stopping women and children from being slaughtered by a Psychotic Despot willing to kill his own people in all consuming bid to hang onto absolute power by ANY means nessessary have ANYTHING to do with Goats? Who is this person? Why is this person? Is he related to rdonnavon? Does he think he is a Ninja?


Hello Lori dear. I should have warned you. This is all my fault. Bob needed more traffic on this site. So I thought I'd use my software skills to create a forum bot which would impersonate an actual human person. I put in some limited turing capabilities to give it the ability to post and respond in a more or less normal conversational manner, though I admit it is not perfect. I created the account billcihak to post under.

What it does is register to various feeds, extract keywords, look up those keywords in wikipedia and google, and then put that information together in a semi coherent manner. I first tested it in the sword forum though I had to admit that it was not a tremendous success. In fact I could not get it to post sensible things so I relegated it to the study where people would not really notice the incoherency.

These days it is just registerd to various RSS feeds of newssites, it extracts names from stories about current world news, then matches the names to political affiliation. Based on that information, it makes wild extrapolations, some would say extremely polarized, and makes posts with that information.

At one time it came up with a bizarre explanation that racial segregation in the US was to blame on the left. That was quite some convoluted reasoning. At that point I thought people would surely figure it out at last, but to my amazement, most people still think those posts are the result of actual human thought processes. These days it seems to be stuck in a loop, posting things like 'XYZ is a socialist / communist' but since Bob can use the site traffic, I thought I'd just leave it running as is, for laughs.


Sorry Bill ;)
Hello Lori dear. I should have warned you. This is all my fault. Bob needed more traffic on this site. So I thought I'd use my software skills to create a forum bot which would impersonate an actual human person. I put in some limited turing capabilities to give it the ability to post and respond in a more or less normal conversational manner, though I admit it is not perfect. I created the account billcihak to post under.

What it does is register to various feeds, extract keywords, look up those keywords in wikipedia and google, and then put that information together in a semi coherent manner. I first tested it in the sword forum though I had to admit that it was not a tremendous success.In fact I could not get it to post sensible things so I relegated it to the study where people would not really notice the incoherency.

Sorry Bill ;)

See this right here pretty much says it all. Goats huh? I think billi-goat ( as I now call him) has been snorting the Kool-Aid in his mom's basement while watching Coppala and Scorsese films in endless loops. " You talking to me? . . . .you talking to....ME? cause I don't see anyone else here." :EG:

Don't be sorry Bill my dear, this should prove to be highly entertaining. I'll even keep it fairly G , well OK let's be honest, 17+ rated.

In order for people on the Right to sound sincere when they criticize this, they have to reconsider their stance on the War on Terror. Otherwise, there is simply no logical reason NOT to bomb Libya for not doing what we want. The premises in the WoT and this new theater of war is exactly the same.

The US will use the military industrial complex to overthrow any government that it wishes.

When someone on the Right attacks that premise, that's when I can throw some high fives and shake hands.

By the same token, in order for people on the Left to sound sincere, they need to protest our actions in Libya with the same vehemence that they did with Afghanistan and Iraq. Otherwise, it looks like unprincipled, politically-expedient grandstanding.

For my part, I'm opposed to involvement because Libya poses no threat to us at this time.* Imposing a no-fly zone and bombing government buildings boils down to choosing sides in a civil war. And now I'm reading stories that one of Qaddafi's sons was killed when a rebel pilot crashed his jet into the barracks in which he was staying. Terrific, we're supporting *******s who are using the same tactics as the ****ing 9/11 terrorists.

* I predict someone will respond with "But, but, but, Iraq". I've already explained my views about Iraq's connection to the WoT ad nauseum and won't get into that again.
the goat reference goes to the left's attack on Bush when 9/11 happened. It refers to the book, "My Pet Goat," the book bush was reading. So, since Obama the warmonger is doing all of the things he condemned bush for, he should also start reading "My Pet Goat."
the goat reference goes to the left's attack on Bush when 9/11 happened. It refers to the book, "My Pet Goat," the book bush was reading. So, since Obama the warmonger is doing all of the things he condemned bush for, he should also start reading "My Pet Goat."

Why? Is it full of good military advice on how to deal with sociopathic despots?

By the same token, in order for people on the Left to sound sincere, they need to protest our actions in Libya with the same vehemence that they did with Afghanistan and Iraq. Otherwise, it looks like unprincipled, politically-expedient grandstanding.


Warmongering is warmongering and I think we need to look at the underlying philosophy of it all. We've got ordinance flying in six theaters around the world and maybe it's time for people on the left and right to take a step back and look at whether or not we want to continue this pattern. We all know where it goes. The lessons of history are there for us.
In addition to the above reasons, there's the simple practical concern of :WITH WHAT?

Our guys are stretched too thin in Hell's Sandbox as it is. What does Obama figure he's gonna do to Gadafi Duck?

Yell "Chuck Norris" at him? :idunno: