Victor Davis Hanson: 10 paradoxes about libya


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Victor Davis Hanson is another favorite writer that I try to catch when he goes on Hugh Hewitts radio show. Here he is taking a look at the war, I mean, Kinetic Military action in Libya.’-s-ten-libyan-paradoxes/

From the article:

5) Who’s Them? The two worst dictatorships in the Middle East are Iran and Syria — just those which the president declared we would not “meddle” in and would seek “outreach” to. The two least bad dictatorships were the Mubarak and Ben Ali juntas — just those we ordered to dissolve. We don’t need absolute consistency from Obama, but we need a tiny bit of it: so please, is our intervention good in Libya to help reformers, and Saudi Arabia’s bad in Bahrain to hurt them? Are there more Libyans dying from tyrannical government and chaos than Congolese or those of the Ivory Coast? And because Yemenis and Jordanians do not vote, should we support them in their efforts to topple their pro-Western monarchs?
He sounds like one o' them liberals.

In fact, I'm pretty sure VDH attacked this very argument when it was used by the left and the isolationist right against the war in Iraq.

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