Pre-attack Indicators?

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
I find that attackers almost always leak their intentions, prior to attacking. Consciously they are trying to hide the fact that they are about to punch you, pull a weapon, or victimize you in some way. But subconsciously they leak their intentions.

What Pre-attack indicators are you familiar with? Which ones do you think are most common? Which ones have you personally observed? What are some obscure ones people generally don't mention.


Black Belt
Dec 23, 2017
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Shifting of stance from being square to a fighting stance is a big one. Taking their eyes off you and surveying for witnesses or for that matter accomplices. Simply moving to close to you when advised to stay away. Probably a bunch more…today in class, I’ll ask the cops what they look for.

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
In some circumstances, a change from staring to avoiding looking.
Yes. I believe this is a part of the internal dehumanizing process, for the attacker to justify in his mind the attack. Or possibly more related to the fact that it is very hard to do two things at once. It's hard for some people to focus on you and your words, and also plan and attack, or evaluate their potential success. Looking away allows them to focus on the upcoming attack.

Maybe a bit of both.

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Shifting of stance from being square to a fighting stance is a big one. Taking their eyes off you and surveying for witnesses or for that matter accomplices. Simply moving to close to you when advised to stay away. Probably a bunch more…today in class, I’ll ask the cops what they look for.
In my opinion understanding what the feet are doing is one of the most reliable indicators.

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
Yes. I believe this is a part of the internal dehumanizing process, for the attacker to justify in his mind the attack. Or possibly more related to the fact that it is very hard to do two things at once. It's hard for some people to focus on you and your words, and also plan and attack, or evaluate their potential success. Looking away allows them to focus on the upcoming attack.

Maybe a bit of both.
Those may be factors. At least part of it, I think, is trying to not look at the intended target (face, whatever), with the intent of being sneakier.


Senior Master
Jan 3, 2018
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It's usually when they start to do this.. but DAMN it I miss it every time!


Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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There are all kinds of tells. However, keep this in mind. If someone threatens you, you've already been assaulted. What comes next is battery. But you don't have to wait to be hit to defend yourself. Under no circumstances am I going to wait for someone to cock and fist and begin the process of launching it at my face if I can avoid it.


"I'm going to knock your..."

- BOOM -

To the responding officer: "He threatened me with violence. I believed him and defended myself."

I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice.


Sr. Grandmaster
Staff member
MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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In my opinion understanding what the feet are doing is one of the most reliable indicators.
I completely agree.
When in a potential confrontation, or in a fight, sparring, whatever, I only watch the feet. Not suggesting it for anyone else, but it's kept me healthy for over forty years. So far so good. :)


Feb 3, 2005
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Huber Heights, OH
I find that attackers almost always leak their intentions, prior to attacking. Consciously they are trying to hide the fact that they are about to punch you, pull a weapon, or victimize you in some way. But subconsciously they leak their intentions.

What Pre-attack indicators are you familiar with? Which ones do you think are most common? Which ones have you personally observed? What are some obscure ones people generally don't mention.
  • Direct Threats: Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel is often attributed with saying, "When someone says he wants to kill you, believe them." If someone is making threats to attack or hurt you they may not just be trying to intimidate you. They may be screwing up the courage to make good. Psychologists tell us that by vocalizing a thought or desire, it makes it more real in our minds, makes it easier to do. If someone makes a direct threat, it might be a pre-attack indicator.
  • Clenching: Very often clenching body parts, particularly the fists and arms, is preparatory for an attack. It means that the person is so angry they're ready to use fists and they're getting the fists ready. In a meeting once, I watched a young man clench his fists and inhale sharply when he thought his brother was being unfairly accused. He did this multiple times during the meeting. Apparently no one else there noticed it, but every time he did so, it kicked me into high alert.
  • Loosening Up: Rolling the shoulders and neck, loosening up, is frequently a prelude to attack. Wouldn't you want your muscles to be supple and loose before you went to "go?"
  • Taking off Clothing: Another indicator is taking off an article of clothing which might restrict movement or which the attacker does not want damaged. Before attacking, a person might remove a jacket, glasses, or a necklace. When a person is mentally ramping up to "go" it can also make the body flush and hot. The attacker might take off a jacket or shirt in order to cool down prior to attacking.
  • Dead Eyes: Sometimes called the "Thousand Yard Stare" this is what Psychologists call Flat Affect and is described as "A severe reduction in emotional expressiveness." The face just sort of goes vacant. This might be an actual dissociative event or it might be they're dropping into adrenal dump and the "fight or flight" response is choosing "fight." In any case, if someone seems agitated or angry but is otherwise "there," then suddenly their face just goes dead, that is a sign bad things may be about to happen.
  • Grooming: Wiping the face, running fingers through hair, smoothing down the hair or facial hair are all common pre-attack gestures. They are nervous movements with the hands and it may be that these grooming gestures are subconscious soothing movements as the body ramps up for a fight.
  • Fighting Stance: Getting into a fighting stance, like a boxer, or blading the body to the object of aggression is a pretty obvious tell. Don't ignore it and assume the person is merely posturing for intimidation.
  • Target Glance: This is one that cops in particular watch for. If someone repeatedly and furtively glances at the Officer's side-arm, it might be an indication that they are going to try to grab at it in an attack. In the non-Law Enforcement world, this still holds true. Pre-attack glances are often sent at areas the person means to specifically assault such as the chest or neck.
  • A History of Violence: Mental Health professionals tell us that one of the surest predictors of future violence is a past history of violence. Whether due to mental illness, violence in their long term environment and upbringing, or they've just got a "taste" for it, if someone is repeatedly violent in the past, there's a good chance they're going to be violent again.

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
  • Direct Threats: Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel is often attributed with saying, "When someone says he wants to kill you, believe them." If someone is making threats to attack or hurt you they may not just be trying to intimidate you. They may be screwing up the courage to make good. Psychologists tell us that by vocalizing a thought or desire, it makes it more real in our minds, makes it easier to do. If someone makes a direct threat, it might be a pre-attack indicator.
  • Clenching: Very often clenching body parts, particularly the fists and arms, is preparatory for an attack. It means that the person is so angry they're ready to use fists and they're getting the fists ready. In a meeting once, I watched a young man clench his fists and inhale sharply when he thought his brother was being unfairly accused. He did this multiple times during the meeting. Apparently no one else there noticed it, but every time he did so, it kicked me into high alert.
  • Loosening Up: Rolling the shoulders and neck, loosening up, is frequently a prelude to attack. Wouldn't you want your muscles to be supple and loose before you went to "go?"
  • Taking off Clothing: Another indicator is taking off an article of clothing which might restrict movement or which the attacker does not want damaged. Before attacking, a person might remove a jacket, glasses, or a necklace. When a person is mentally ramping up to "go" it can also make the body flush and hot. The attacker might take off a jacket or shirt in order to cool down prior to attacking.
  • Dead Eyes: Sometimes called the "Thousand Yard Stare" this is what Psychologists call Flat Affect and is described as "A severe reduction in emotional expressiveness." The face just sort of goes vacant. This might be an actual dissociative event or it might be they're dropping into adrenal dump and the "fight or flight" response is choosing "fight." In any case, if someone seems agitated or angry but is otherwise "there," then suddenly their face just goes dead, that is a sign bad things may be about to happen.
  • Grooming: Wiping the face, running fingers through hair, smoothing down the hair or facial hair are all common pre-attack gestures. They are nervous movements with the hands and it may be that these grooming gestures are subconscious soothing movements as the body ramps up for a fight.
  • Fighting Stance: Getting into a fighting stance, like a boxer, or blading the body to the object of aggression is a pretty obvious tell. Don't ignore it and assume the person is merely posturing for intimidation.
  • Target Glance: This is one that cops in particular watch for. If someone repeatedly and furtively glances at the Officer's side-arm, it might be an indication that they are going to try to grab at it in an attack. In the non-Law Enforcement world, this still holds true. Pre-attack glances are often sent at areas the person means to specifically assault such as the chest or neck.
  • A History of Violence: Mental Health professionals tell us that one of the surest predictors of future violence is a past history of violence. Whether due to mental illness, violence in their long term environment and upbringing, or they've just got a "taste" for it, if someone is repeatedly violent in the past, there's a good chance they're going to be violent again.
Excellent information. This stuff is so important in my opinion.

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