Power VS. Technique - What's your opinion?

Technique is skill and power is ability. Both play 50% important. You can develop technique (skill) with your training partner in your MA school, but you have to develop your power (ability) all by yourself at home.
Hello there, MT community :)

I was thinking about a discussion to share with you, in order to see what's your position. There are many opinions about that subject, but there's no true or false. However, every time I see different consequence. Our discussion will be about -

:rage: Power VS. Technique :punch:

Many people say, that strong people can beat any weaker person. They can get hit, and then get up and move forward, and one punch from their side, can be deadly enough to kill many people.

Other many people say, that people that have enough technique, can avoid many hits from a strong man, and able to hit him in some weak spot, disable him in short time, and do whatever they wants.

I'm sure that a combination of power and technique can be the best, and creates a deadly fighter, but if you had to choose only 1 ability - Power or Technique, what would it be? what will you invest your time on? what's your opinion?

Regardless to the forum, and in case that a real fight occurs.
I hope you like my first discussion here, have a great day! ;)

Both are important, IMO, but I'd go with proper tech first.
If a car is traveling at 300 mph, and an unskilled fighter sticks his hand out the window to slap a pedestrian, that strike was going 300mph. :)

and the unskilled fighter loses his hand if not his arm...from the shoulder.
Nice theory but in practice not so good.
None of the above. Speed is more important. For it generates power and can hide a lack of technique.

Oh, how I always wished that were true. Speed is great, quickness is great - but neither are worth squat against an averagely skilled fighter without good timing. Timing is a skill that all strikers need to work. And work diligently.
Oh, how I always wished that were true. Speed is great, quickness is great - but neither are worth squat against an averagely skilled fighter without good timing. Timing is a skill that all strikers need to work. And work diligently.

I have always considered this more nuanced. And am about to essentially have this discussion on another thread. As to why mma striking looks a bit loosey goosey.

Ok say both have technique,both have timing. But to strike really hard you do have to open up a bit more. Which makes your "technique" a bit crap but also a bit more dangerous to face.

If you are flinging shots with small gloves each shot has more potential to land and more potential to finish the fight. So high power shots also become high percentage.

It is one of the differences between going full contact and semi contact. The game changes a bit.

Someone else also tried to make sort of this distinction between a street fight and martial arts, showing a Geoff Thompson interview where he makes the distinction between sparring and someone trying to rip your head off. Now he goes into the production side a bit in that interview citing the effectiveness of being all scary face. (which I don't engage in)

The physical aspect of that is that if each shot is screaming down at you hard it has that same psychological effect with the added effect of the shots themselves being dangerous.

So as opposed to this idea where a power shot has to be thrown with your eyes closed vs the pitter patter of a trained martial artist. There is a discussion that holds the middle ground a bit.

As with these things though the devil is in the details.
Hello there, MT community :)

I was thinking about a discussion to share with you, in order to see what's your position. There are many opinions about that subject, but there's no true or false. However, every time I see different consequence. Our discussion will be about -

:rage: Power VS. Technique :punch:

Many people say, that strong people can beat any weaker person. They can get hit, and then get up and move forward, and one punch from their side, can be deadly enough to kill many people.

Other many people say, that people that have enough technique, can avoid many hits from a strong man, and able to hit him in some weak spot, disable him in short time, and do whatever they wants.

I'm sure that a combination of power and technique can be the best, and creates a deadly fighter, but if you had to choose only 1 ability - Power or Technique, what would it be? what will you invest your time on? what's your opinion?

Regardless to the forum, and in case that a real fight occurs.
I hope you like my first discussion here, have a great day! ;)

I would say you should work on technique first and foremost. First develop good technique, then do it over and over again and develop speed. From there the power will come. So I would choose technique because if I choose power that's all I will have whereas with technique I've got both.
I personally out of the two, technique is more important. If you try striking with a lot of power and poor technique it can result in a pretty nasty injury.
Technique is King. Everything else is little Princes with really cool hats. :)
What is most important in all physical movement is a natural body state. The tiger in the jungle does not practice gong fu but he has more of it than any of us. Power is superior to technique but where the power comes from is the key.

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