Well getting back to the original topic... IMO most of these poverty strickened people are there because they want to be there. Many are living on welfare and what-ever non-earned income they have going for them.
Many are not educated enough to get employment suitable enough to lift them above the poverty line or they do not have the necessary skills to obtain said employment that they need.
As one who used to live at or below poverty levels on more than one occasion... I'm working full time right now and am basically calling myself living rather than surviving... I'm just one step above poverty and hope to stay there long enough to get to the next step. It's called a JOB... you know J-O-B?
Broke?... anyway I've seen enough examples of these variables in the poverty section of our society to know who are sincere in wanting to get out and raise standards of living but are struggling and some mightily at that, and others who are just plain LAZY and don't want to. And yes there are those who are just incapable by some circumstances or another.
Jesus said: "The poor will be with you always..." It is up to us to help out the best that we can. Even giving a person a job that pays decent enough for one or two nights a week (if that's all they or you can do) is a BIG help ... better than none at all.
We cannot and should not say it's just the government's problem just because we pay the taxes that are
supposed to help these people... that
want to be helped. There are many little things that we can do to make their lives a little bit better.
I try to do my part for new employees where I work, who are just starting again from scratch by understanding how broke they are after being unemployed for a while and now having to wait two weeks before their first check and loan them a few bucks... ($5.00 or even $10) just so they can get a dollar burger for lunch every day if that's what they need. It's damn hard, and I've been there and so I try to help out because it helps pass on the message that yeah, there are folks who give a damn.
Like many of us here on MT
