More hypocrisy

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You ever find that just trying to figure out how a statement may apply to you is just as (if not more) enlightening than having it fully explained???
PeachMonkey said:
You'd have to ask them, but I'm guessing the reasons include:

-- Lots of financial and medical benefits
-- They like the idea of being "man and wife", just not the idea of never sleeping with someone else

Some people are comfortable separating "love" and "sex", at least to a certain degree. Some people also believe you can love more than one person.

Sorry for the thread gankage.
Theres something to be admired....."Love" more than one person???...Right.
michaeledward said:
Glenn, concerning tone ... I just don't see how Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulture, O'Reilly, Scaife, et al can be compared to Al Franken, Coporal Q-Ball and Paul Begala. Please?

What bribery charge? Please expand this thought. Certainly, there was patronage. McGrivey got a job of Cipel. Wrong Bad.

Question ... How long did Cipel hold that job? When did he have that job?

How much money did Cheney hook up for Halliburton?

Mike - I know next to nothing about this case other than the few snippets I caught from Newsday. Do not know how long, who, when.

"Now Cipel says he was harassed and damaged forever by McGreevey. And McGreevey says that Cipel is blackmailing him. Both sides use $5 million as an extortion demand or bribery payment. If they were going to put up that kind of money to save a $157,000 governor's job, then the citizenry should revolt. History of these things shows that he who gets to authorities first is all right and the second-place finisher goes to prison". (,0,4731438.story?coll=nyc-nynews-print).

Not sure I get the Cheney/Halliburton thing. I was talking about McGreevey being in deeper trouble. Do you think this gy lover thing happened to Cheney? Maybe that's why he gave up millons a year in big CEO pay and was forced to sell his stock early (that cost him a few more million). Gay governor= Cheney/Halliburton...close, very close. Its all making sense. If we can tie in Satan and a pony we'll have a winner.

TwistofFat said:
Mike - I know next to nothing about this case other than the few snippets I caught from Newsday. Do not know how long, who, when.

"Now Cipel says he was harassed and damaged forever by McGreevey. And McGreevey says that Cipel is blackmailing him. Both sides use $5 million as an extortion demand or bribery payment. If they were going to put up that kind of money to save a $157,000 governor's job, then the citizenry should revolt. History of these things shows that he who gets to authorities first is all right and the second-place finisher goes to prison". (,0,4731438.story?coll=nyc-nynews-print).

Not sure I get the Cheney/Halliburton thing. I was talking about McGreevey being in deeper trouble. Do you think this gy lover thing happened to Cheney? Maybe that's why he gave up millons a year in big CEO pay and was forced to sell his stock early (that cost him a few more million). Gay governor= Cheney/Halliburton...close, very close. Its all making sense. If we can tie in Satan and a pony we'll have a winner.

The respect thing for the elected ends when they no longer serve the people that elected them by breaking the law. I could care less with whom he slept, but do have an issue when that affair is cause for bribery. If he was leaving his wife for a man, I do not think that would have cost him his job.
Glenn ... You said you were concerned with Bribery. I am disputing that there was any bribery paid. Cipel attempted to extort 5 million dollars (some say 50 million) from the governor to keep quite either a) sexual harrasment or b) a consensual affair. To avoid paying extortion, the governor steps down. What law do you think the governor broke? He refused to pay the extortion money.

Now, the bigger issue is that the Governor placed Cipel into a job in the New Jersey state government in 2002. Apparently, Cipel was not qualified for the job, so one month later, after questions from the loyal opposition, the governor moved him to another position in state government. Cipel soon left that position as well. Cipel, as I understand it, has been working oustide of government for most of 2003 & 2004.

That the Governor found a job for his alleged lover was the 'patronage' that I referred to (Cipel denies that he is gay). Certainly you, yourself, can find pletiful examples of nepotism and patronage in your community, can't you?

I linked the Governor's patronage of Cipel to the Vice President's patronage of Halliburton. Cipel drew less than 1 years salary from the state of New Jersey, (less than $100,000.00 - not chump change, mind you). But Halliburton has been awarded over 4 Billion dollars in government contracts.

You are right and perhaps I should have been clear that no bribe money had been paid that I am aware of. Patronage seems clear and you are right that happens. What threw me a bit was your earlier comment about giving respect for the Governor since he was elected to serve the folks of NJ.

My question way back was - why was he quiting? And if he should, why wait until 11/15?!

The Cheney thing is beyond my time ability to dig into - but deserves a full discussion.
TwistofFat said:
My question way back was - why was he quiting? And if he should, why wait until 11/15?!
I think that he is quitting because he doesn't have the stomach for fighting a sexual harrasment lawsuit. After watching Ken Starr for the 8 years of the Clinton presidency, and knowing there is a (metaphorical) blue dress out there, I think he realized that fighting the proposed lawsuit would be a disaster. Because of the sex, because of the patronage, because of the other allegations which will be made, whether they are founded in evidence or not.

The governor has stated that the transition date of 11/15 was picked to allow for a smooth hand-over. Certainly, there is some validity to the statement. We don't swear in a President-Elect on the First Wednesday after the Tuesday after the First Monday in November. We do allow for some time to prepare for the transition. How much time is needed to create a smooth transition, I think is a completely relevant question. Apparently, the Governor thinks that three months is appropriate.

Are there other arguments against a 'transition time'? The state of New Jersey has a transition plan in its constitution.

"The New Jersey Constitution does not include the office of lieutenant governor, so a vacancy in the office of the governor results in succession by the president of the New Jersey Senate, with the Speaker of the General Assembly the next in line."
Why isn't this process allowed to play out?

And yes ... Glenn ... the link between Cheney/Halliburton is a bit of a stretch when it comes to patronage. But, it is indeed worthy of a lengthy discussion elsewhere.

michaeledward said:
For the first time, here at MartialTalk, I have put a user on the 'Ignore List'
And just when I think that perhaps I went a little too far ... I learn that when you have a person on your Ignore list, the little red reputation marks they throw your way don't show up on your UserCP reputation listing.

:lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :lookie:

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