Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours

Even money say's that the majority of these animals have no father in their lives.

Would be interesting to see those statistics wouldn't it..
I am sure there has to be some similar statistics kept in regards to criminals as a whole... I wouldn't even know how to begin looking for them, or maybe I am just to lazy to go for it..
Dont worry Sukerkin, from my seat its a bunch of talkers... just babbling and showing off, put any one of them on the trigger to actually make it happen and I would bet 100% of them would stumble and fail at pulling the trigger...
I find that people make big statements on the computer because they feel it makes them look better to their fellow posters... A bunch of empty comments in my book.

Well, I wont speak for anyone else here, just myself. Am I in favor of the death penalty? Sure. There're people right now, where I live, that've been sitting and sitting and sitting. Why? If the legal system can't get their **** together and do it in a timely fashion, then may as well just lock them up for life with no parole instead, because thats the road they're already heading on.

As for guys that rape women and kids and beat them...I have zero, I'll repeat zero respect for any of them. They're spineless control freaks, who get off on the fact that they dominate a woman. Thats sick and disgusting.

I have no kids, but every time I read in the paper, and there was just another case here in CT last week, about a 4mo child, killed at the hands of its care giver. What could that small defenseless kid possibly have done that was so bad, that it deserved to be killed?

I can say with the upmost confidence, that were this my daughter that was raped, I'd fight until the day I died, to ensure that every single one of those scumbags payed for what they did.

And if you think that is me talking tough behind the screen, if you think that I'm just blowing smoke, if you think that if I were face to face with those punks, that I have to try REAL hard to not kill them with my bare hands, then so be it. Think what you want about me. Doesn't make any difference to me, as I've had many in real life, think the same.

I'm not a macho tough guy, like some may think. I dont look for trouble, I keep to myself, stay out of potential bad places, watch my 6, whenever I'm out, but honestly, I really have no use for the tough guys that have to rape and beat women. IMO, those people are spineless *******, who dont have the balls to pick on someone that may just put up more of a fight.
Ladies and gentlemen, despite my personal abhorence for the acts carried out by both actual rapists and those who stood by, a side-issue that has struck me as this thread has unfurled is the apparent ease with which many will abandon the rule of law and substitute it with the 'law' of the vengeful mob.

On the one hand it says good things about the justified moral outrage in your hearts but says very bad things about the health of law and order in your country that you have so little trust in it to exact the retribution you desire.

I think Andy said it best. Dont know much about the system where you are, but here in the states, its pretty much sucks IMO. And to not have the slightest thought of wanting to leap over the chair in the court room and wrap your hands around the punks neck, while he stands there, all smug and cocky, is IMO, a natural response. A wise one...no probably not. LOL.

Would I beat the **** out of the guy, were I to come home and find someone raping my wife? I think its safe to say that he wouldn't be walking out of my house on his own 2 feet. And no, thats not me talking tough, thats a factual statement. :D
Dont worry Sukerkin, from my seat its a bunch of talkers... just babbling and showing off, put any one of them on the trigger to actually make it happen and I would bet 100% of them would stumble and fail at pulling the trigger...
I find that people make big statements on the computer because they feel it makes them look better to their fellow posters... A bunch of empty comments in my book.

Well, opinions are like ***-holes...
As far as talking big from behind a computer screen, it appears that you are doing the same...inferring that everyone else are cowards, posers, or windbags.
Well, I wont speak for anyone else here, just myself. Am I in favor of the death penalty? Sure. There're people right now, where I live, that've been sitting and sitting and sitting. Why? If the legal system can't get their **** together and do it in a timely fashion, then may as well just lock them up for life with no parole instead, because thats the road they're already heading on.

As for guys that rape women and kids and beat them...I have zero, I'll repeat zero respect for any of them. They're spineless control freaks, who get off on the fact that they dominate a woman. Thats sick and disgusting.

I have no kids, but every time I read in the paper, and there was just another case here in CT last week, about a 4mo child, killed at the hands of its care giver. What could that small defenseless kid possibly have done that was so bad, that it deserved to be killed?

I can say with the upmost confidence, that were this my daughter that was raped, I'd fight until the day I died, to ensure that every single one of those scumbags payed for what they did.

And if you think that is me talking tough behind the screen, if you think that I'm just blowing smoke, if you think that if I were face to face with those punks, that I have to try REAL hard to not kill them with my bare hands, then so be it. Think what you want about me. Doesn't make any difference to me, as I've had many in real life, think the same.

I'm not a macho tough guy, like some may think. I dont look for trouble, I keep to myself, stay out of potential bad places, watch my 6, whenever I'm out, but honestly, I really have no use for the tough guys that have to rape and beat women. IMO, those people are spineless *******, who dont have the balls to pick on someone that may just put up more of a fight.

Thanks for proving my point... you specifically said alot of what ifs... that basically came down to if it happened to you and your possible family directly you would do something.... yes I agree and I agree most people would... thats not what I was commenting on, I was commenting on the people who make the comments and have no vested interest... are you saying that since these guys did this horrible act to someone you dont know, that you are going to go out of your way to bring them to justice?
Well, opinions are like ***-holes...
As far as talking big from behind a computer screen, it appears that you are doing the same...inferring that everyone else are cowards, posers, or windbags.

Being a coward is completely different from torturing another person who does something to someone else that you have no knowledge of.
I never said anyone was a coward, you have your own hangups deal with them, I could care less. Could I be wrong? could one of the people talking about castrating, and having these guys gang raped themselves, or one of the other tortures insinuated actually follow through with it? I guess its possible, but I still doubt it.. I still believe its a bunch of talk, anger venting, and nothing realistic.. Which is basically what my comment to Sukerkin was about, his concern that everyone in this thread was possibly part of a vengeful mob that wanted to do old western style justice.. I simply do not believe that to be true.. Maybe I did not make it clear, or maybe you failed to read the posts clearly... don't know which... but if you want to believe the readers of this forum are a bunch of mindless vengeance freaks who will kill or torture another person, even an evil, vile, disgusting criminal of the worst kind, then I feel sorry for you.
Thanks for proving my point... you specifically said alot of what ifs... that basically came down to if it happened to you and your possible family directly you would do something.... yes I agree and I agree most people would... thats not what I was commenting on, I was commenting on the people who make the comments and have no vested interest... are you saying that since these guys did this horrible act to someone you dont know, that you are going to go out of your way to bring them to justice?

IIRC, I believe my suggestion was to send them to prison for many years. I dont believe I said anything about doing a Charles Bronson on them. :) These people did nothing to me or my family, so what ever happens to them, is what happens. If it were my wife or daughter that was raped, then yes, as I said, I would not rest until the day came when all of the people responsible were locked up for a long *** time.

Would I jump over the chair in the court room? I think it'd be a foolish thing to do, out in the open, in front of everyone. I think anyone who says that thought would not be entering their mind is full of **** though. I did say that if I came home to find some guy raping my wife, that he would be leaving by other means, than his 2 feet, and that I do mean.

I think it'd be pretty obvious if something suddenly happened to the people involved. I mean, if they all started showing up dead...well, fingers will probably be pointed somewhere.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. :)
The one who didn't hesitate.

Just an ordinary girl: she is the example i will use in my next teen class.

Sorry, i couldn't successfully add her picture - she is lovely and looks about 15 herself. Sadly I'm not surprised it was a young girl who immediately took the responsibility and the risk and called police _and_ then went and found thie victim and comforted. A young woman of character. do a google image search and you'll find her picture.

Salute to Margarita. Please let others know.

RICHMOND, Calif. (CBS/KPIX) On Oct. 24, police say dozens of teens gawked, laughed and took photographs while a 15-year-old girl was brutally gang-raped and beaten outside a Richmond High School homecoming dance.

But one brave girl, who was not even there, wouldn't stand for it.

"I was watching a movie, and my brother-in-law came in and he told me 'I don't know what to do, because there is a girl back there and she has been raped. I'm scared,'" 18-year-old Margarita Vargas said.

"I'm like 'We should call the cops because that's the right thing to do.' I didn't think about it twice."

Vargas said she called police because she would want someone to do the same if she ever was in that situation.

After making the call, Vargas went to the scene to check on the girl.

"I could tell that she had been beat up because her face was swollen," Vargas said. "She was naked, didn't have shoes. They just covered her up and stuff."


The girl who was attacked is just a few years younger than the woman police now call the "Good Samaritan." Vargas said she would like to reach out to the victim again.

"I would like to talk to her. I would just, not to be nosey or stuff, but I would like to ask how she's feeling. I would want her to know that she can get through it. It will take awhile but she can get through it," she said.

Vargas said she would pick up that phone again and call for help. But she also understands why others won't.

"I think people are scared, especially in a community like this where 'snitching' is a big thing to people," she said.

Vargas said she does not believe there is such a thing as "snitching," especially in a case such as this. Calling for help, she said is just the right thing to do.
Digging deeper from that link, I see that the principle nor any administrator nor any school official has been asked to resign.

I will be writing the school district asking for an investigation into the school's management of the activity and to the principal giving my heartfelt opinion.

I'll also write that girl thanking her for doing the courageous things she did - called 911 and WENT to CHECK on the VICTIM. Seriously, she could have been attacked by lurkers.

I would encourage anyone with fortitude to do the same.

They hung the principal of Gloucester High School out to dry (he resigned under heavy pressure) after the alleged "pregnancy pact" came to light, but gave the mayor a pass.

I think it should have been the opposite. It was the principal and the school nurse that started piecing together the situation to discover that there was some sort of pact, while the mayor stated there was no evidence and giving the "nothing to see here folks, move along" reply to the local press.

She recently ran for re-election. Unopposed. A month before election day, her challenger suddenly and unexpectedly dropped out of the race.
I wonder how many of those kids doing this watched porn on regular basis..

I'm not putting the blame on it, as people should be able to make the difference between reality and things on tape. But lately, alot of stuff has come out that is borderline rape. I wonder how much that upped the tolerance factor of people. How much they became stumped because of it. Calls for a sociological investigation!

Sick, sick world.
I made reference to such a point recently too, John :tup:.

Altho' it is true that people who already have a 'moral compass' inculcated into them are proven to not be overly affected by the 'fiction/fantasy' they view, I cannot but help wondering whether those who grow up in the cult of "Please thyself, noone else matters" are more easily swayed?
There's a difference between the victim and the focal point of "500 guy creme pie".
The legal age actress was a willing participant, didn't do anything she didn't want to do, wasn't beat up when she refused to do something, and walked away smiling after the 500th guy finished.

The minor victim of this rape was forced to do things against her will, violated with objects, beaten, and left in need of serious medical treatment, naked under a public bench and spent several days in a hospital as a result.

I will admit to having watched some pretty sick porn over the years (much of it out of the "your kidding me, they got that too attitude), yet I've managed to avoid raping anyone, sodomizing my cat, or shoving any small animals up my ***.

Porn may have played a part, but then again so could music, daytime tv, video games, absent parenting, poor education, and the moon cycle. It's easy to point at these things, but sometimes you need to accept the fact that some people are just defective.
And then there's the fact that rape is so very rarely about sex - it's about control, power-over and hatred.
All true.

That's why I said that I don't put the blame on it. ;)

I mentioned it because of what I heard from some guys boasting about what they ask their spouses to do after atching this and that. So I'll take sukerkin's take on it. There might be people who are swayed because they can't seperate fact from fiction. Happens all the time with local soaps here, where people actually blame an actor for something he did in a show.

Besides that, know we know who watches porn ;)