Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours

I'm with Shesulsa on this one... no words can accurately describe what I'm thinking/feeling at this moment after reading through all of that... makes me wish that I didn't but it's important that I and EVERYONE ELSE read this.
To know that this CAN and WILL HAPPEN and it will happen again and again until something is done to protect the kids and get the ideas that taking a girl by force is something fun to do out of their heads.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of those offending kid's (and witnesses) parents are RESPONSIBLE for what happened to this young girl. They didn't teach their boys enough (or even at all) about NOT to do THIS!

Castrate the boys and imprison the parents.
Catherine (Kitty) Genovese, murdered 45 years ago... ring any bells?

Every day, it happened about 4 blocks from my house. Every time I see it mentioned I feel truly ashamed that many of those people who still live there did nothing. Heck, it's one of the main reasons Rorschach became a vigilante in Watchmen. Alan Moore all the way in England heard about their shame, sad.
Perhaps some sense of "self preservation" prevents many from stepping up to help? As angry as this makes us, those that witnessed it could have been taken aback by the act and just froze. I'm not making excuses for them, I'm just trying to understand why and how people can sit idley by when something so awful is taking place.
To know that this CAN and WILL HAPPEN and it will happen again and again until something is done to protect the kids and get the ideas that taking a girl by force is something fun to do out of their heads.

Very much a salient point, my friend.

Appallingly, this is not a lesson being reinforced enough in 'real life' to overthrow the counter-impression 'taught' by the so-termed adult media.

The only fictional rape scene I recall seeing in a film that was crafted to evince the proper revulsion at such an act was in "The Accused". Others seem to have that element of titillation about them i.e. a crossed message of "This is wrong but ...".
Anyone who raped that girl, regardless of their age, deserves to die a slow and excruciating death. I don't care if they're under 18, they're ****ing animals who need to be put down.

As for those who stood by and watched, I can only hope that they live long lives so they can be reminded every day what worthless cowards they truly are.
Anyone who raped that girl, regardless of their age, deserves to die a slow and excruciating death. I don't care if they're under 18, they're ****ing animals who need to be put down.

As for those who stood by and watched, I can only hope that they live long lives so they can be reminded every day what worthless cowards they truly are.

Perhaps they will get their justice in prison? Don't you have to be either someone's ***** or someone's enforcer to survive?
There were 20 people 20 I mean young or not they had to know what was going on was wrong but no one stood up to help this young lady. Are we so insensitive to violence that things like this are acceptable public entertainment. These people have the morals of house cats, no I will not insult house cats. I have no description of how I feel about these people. All 20 of the individuals that were there were just as guilty as the people that were directly involved and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The below was a link off of Bob's post. I am guessing that there Will be some type of defense due to the below syndrome's/effects. In my opinion there is no excuse that I will accept for this type of behavior period.

Gang rape raises questions about bystanders' role

By Stephanie Chen, CNN
October 29, 2009 12:00 p.m. EDT

So why didn't anyone come forward?
Criminology and psychology experts say there could be a variety of reasons why the crime wasn't reported. Several pointed to a problematic social phenomenon known as the bystander effect. It's a theory that has played out in lynchings, college riots and white-collar crimes.

(The Geonvese Syndrome) Kitty Genovese struggled with the attacker on the street and in her building. She shrieked for help and was raped, robbed and murdered. When witnesses in the building were questioned by police about why they remained silent and failed to act, one man, according to the 1964 New York Times article that broke the story, answered, "I didn't want to be involved."
There were 20 people 20 I mean young or not they had to know what was going on was wrong but no one stood up to help this young lady. Are we so insensitive to violence that things like this are acceptable public entertainment. These people have the morals of house cats, no I will not insult house cats. I have no description of how I feel about these people. All 20 of the individuals that were there were just as guilty as the people that were directly involved and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The below was a link off of Bob's post. I am guessing that there Will be some type of defense due to the below syndrome's/effects. In my opinion there is no excuse that I will accept for this type of behavior period.

Gang rape raises questions about bystanders' role

By Stephanie Chen, CNN
October 29, 2009 12:00 p.m. EDT

So why didn't anyone come forward?
Criminology and psychology experts say there could be a variety of reasons why the crime wasn't reported. Several pointed to a problematic social phenomenon known as the bystander effect. It's a theory that has played out in lynchings, college riots and white-collar crimes.

(The Geonvese Syndrome) Kitty Genovese struggled with the attacker on the street and in her building. She shrieked for help and was raped, robbed and murdered. When witnesses in the building were questioned by police about why they remained silent and failed to act, one man, according to the 1964 New York Times article that broke the story, answered, "I didn't want to be involved."

Great post! :) One thing comes to my mind here....retaliation. Now, this certainly is no excuse for anyone who stood around, but its very possible that someone, hard to believe as it may be, actually wanted to do something, but out of fear that they would be a victim themselves, said and did nothing.

I work as a dispatcher for a PD here in CT. I take calls daily, from people reporting active crimes. In all cases, I ask for their name and number in case an officer needs to contact them later on. 9 times out of 10, they will refuse and some have even said its because they fear someone involved in the crime. At least those people though, are making an effort to get help to the scene. Hopefully, someone who was watching this rape, will step forward, and give an eyewitness account of what they saw.
I can understand being afraid of "ratting" someone out that you are afraid of. If one of the 20 had just stepped away from the crime they could have called the law long before the young lady spent 2 and 1/2 hours being brutalized. But standing around for 2 1/hours, I mean that is a long time, and do nothing there is no excuse.
Very much a salient point, my friend.
Appallingly, this is not a lesson being reinforced enough in 'real life' to overthrow the counter-impression 'taught' by the so-termed adult media.
The only fictional rape scene I recall seeing in a film that was crafted to evince the proper revulsion at such an act was in "The Accused". Others seem to have that element of titillation about them i.e. a crossed message of "This is wrong but ...".

You gotta see "Irreversible" with Monica Bellucci. Great movie, but it's got the most shocking, brutal, cringe inducing rape scene ever put on film. Graphic to the point of pornography and totally unflinching in the depiction of the act. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irréversible
I can understand being afraid of "ratting" someone out that you are afraid of. If one of the 20 had just stepped away from the crime they could have called the law long before the young lady spent 2 and 1/2 hours being brutalized. But standing around for 2 1/hours, I mean that is a long time, and do nothing there is no excuse.

I agree. Again, I'm not making an excuse for them, just pointing out that is one possibility...that someone was afraid. But then again, as you said...to stand there for that amount of time, doing nothing...makes ya wonder...was anyone really afraid of doing something, or were they no better than the scumbags that were raping the girl, and just dont have any heart or remorse? Its one thing to be paralized, for lack of better words, by your fear, but its another to be sick enough in the head to actually enjoy what you're watching.

And its not like they had to call the police. I'm sure there were adults supervising this dance. Go back in and bring this to the attention of a teacher.
He was just answering my point that the fictional media, as well as failing to play a role in driving home the point of the wrongness of forced sex acts, is culpable in making nearly all depictions of such in film more 'palatable' to the audience.
That's a very controversial, violent film. I would warn anybody without a very strong constitution from googling videos on it.
I hope that the names of all the non-prosecutable bystanders get , ah, leaked.
You planning on going all Punisher on them Bob? Truly though, sometimes I wish there was a guy out there like The Punisher or The Executioner out there dealing with scum like this.
I hope that the names of all the non-prosecutable bystanders get , ah, leaked.

You planning on going all Punisher on them Bob? Truly though, sometimes I wish there was a guy out there like The Punisher or The Executioner out there dealing with scum like this.

For obvious reasons, but Charles Bronson, ala Death Wish, comes to mind here. :EG:
You planning on going all Punisher on them Bob? Truly though, sometimes I wish there was a guy out there like The Punisher or The Executioner out there dealing with scum like this.
No....not me.

But I'm sure that there are others in the area who might want to ah, chat, with them, and I'm sure that there will be some pressing emergencies across town that would require law enforcement to look into.....for say, 2 and a half hours before they can be dispatched.

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