Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours

Omar B, Sukerkin
He was just answering my point that the fictional media, as well as failing to play a role in driving home the point of the wrongness of forced sex acts, is culpable in making nearly all depictions of such in film more 'palatable' to the audience

Thanks for the clarification. Being female you can understand why I am a bit touchy on this subject.
Herd them into a room, restrain them, then flay each one individually to an inch of their lives while the others watch. Spray salt water and lemon juice on them when done, then, release........ on to a live fire training area, with active mine field.

on PPV.
On the topic of fear of retaliation, sometimes LEOs don't show good sense when it comes to protecting "whistle blowers."

When I was a college student living in a VERY bad neighborhood (one of many I've had the misfortune of enjoying), I once called the police because I saw a burglary being committed. Instead of going to the address where the guys were breaking in through a window (which I clearly told the dispatcher), the officers chose to drive up and knock on my door, yelling, "Hey, are you the one who called about the burglary next door?" and shining flashlights on us. This was visible from the place being burgled (is that a word), and resulted in the burglars bolting, though they were caught anyway. BTW, I had also told the dispatcher that I was scared of the burglars, and to please tell the LEOs NOT to come to my place.

Was there retaliation as a result? Well, I can't say for sure, but my place was robbed (and really torn up) within the next couple of weeks.
...along with their addresses and contact info.
You're not getting any crazy ideas are you?

If it wasn't for crazy ideas I would not have many ideas to begin with. You're cutting my idea pool by at least two thirds!

But seriously, sometimes I see things like this and just have to go read an issue of the Punisher.
Watchers can't be charged with anything unfortunately. So they get away, until they get found and.......have it explained to them that they were very, very, bad.
Ladies and gentlemen, despite my personal abhorence for the acts carried out by both actual rapists and those who stood by, a side-issue that has struck me as this thread has unfurled is the apparent ease with which many will abandon the rule of law and substitute it with the 'law' of the vengeful mob.

On the one hand it says good things about the justified moral outrage in your hearts but says very bad things about the health of law and order in your country that you have so little trust in it to exact the retribution you desire.
That's really letting those pieces of garbage get off way too easy. They should be forced to suffer alot worse then that poor girl.

You missed the context. Bill mentioned a character from Watchmen, I responded with a line of his from the film( though it wasn't in th ebook).
Ladies and gentlemen, despite my personal abhorence for the acts carried out by both actual rapists and those who stood by, a side-issue that has struck me as this thread has unfurled is the apparent ease with which many will abandon the rule of law and substitute it with the 'law' of the vengeful mob.

On the one hand it says good things about the justified moral outrage in your hearts but says very bad things about the health of law and order in your country that you have so little trust in it to exact the retribution you desire.

This is what happens when you allow your legal system to warp into something that punishes victims and coddles predators.
Watchers can't be charged with anything unfortunately. So they get away, until they get found and.......have it explained to them that they were very, very, bad.

I guess there's no Good Samaritan law in California?
Nope. Information on the watchers getting away free comes direct from the PD there.

Suk, I prefer to trust in the law, but in this case, the law is failing the victim, at least in part. My hope is that those scum that watched and did nothing (other than taunt the victim and take photos of her being assaulted that is) feel some remorse, and take their own lives. But, that would suggest they had some honor, and I doubt they have any at all.
I do agree, Bob, that the law and/or society failed the victim when it failed to prevent this from happening in the first place. After all, this was not something that happened out in the hinterlands but in the middle of 'civilisation'.
Ladies and gentlemen, despite my personal abhorence for the acts carried out by both actual rapists and those who stood by, a side-issue that has struck me as this thread has unfurled is the apparent ease with which many will abandon the rule of law and substitute it with the 'law' of the vengeful mob.

On the one hand it says good things about the justified moral outrage in your hearts but says very bad things about the health of law and order in your country that you have so little trust in it to exact the retribution you desire.

Dont worry Sukerkin, from my seat its a bunch of talkers... just babbling and showing off, put any one of them on the trigger to actually make it happen and I would bet 100% of them would stumble and fail at pulling the trigger...
I find that people make big statements on the computer because they feel it makes them look better to their fellow posters... A bunch of empty comments in my book.
I am still curious if the full story will ever come out..

If anything else this needs to be used as an example for all parents to take a more active and guarding role in their kids lives, teach them of more dangers, and protect them regardless of their desire to be protected.
Sure kids will try to get away with what they can, but parents not only can, but should control the aspects of their kids lives that are dangerous and risky.
Personally I think school functions like this should be closed off and controlled. With adults being required to drop off and retrieve kids from the function. A bit extra work for sure, but if it keeps the kids safe its worth it.
Unfortuntely we are not living in a time when kids could come and go freely to school without fear of being kidnapped and abused by strangers, or their fellow students. The sooner our security precautions catch up to todays realities the better our children will be.

To everyone else that wants to make the guilty suffer what will that accomplish? Could you even sit in a room and watch as they are tortured? Or better yet torture them yourselves as the instrument of justice? I seriously doubt many if any of you could.
The best cours ein my opinion is a simply death penalty, quick and fast.. just end the person. If that does not start acting like a deterrent to these people then nothing else will...
Our death penalty today is a complete joke, criminals are not afraid of it. If they are not afraid of the punishments they will continue to do the crimes.

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