Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours

The victim remained hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. Manuel Ortega, 19, was arrested and is being held on $800,000 bail on suspicion of rape and robbery. He is not a student at the school.

According to news reports, the girl left the high school's homecoming dance alone around 9:30 p.m. Saturday to get a ride home with her dad.
Instead, she met up with a group of people who were drinking on the edge of campus.
"The series of events that occurred over the next 2½ hours got more severe and more vicious to where she was ultimately gang raped and beaten, and her injuries were so severe that she had to be sent to the hospital in a helicopter," Richmond Police Lt. Mark Gagan told KGO.

"She was raped, beaten, robbed and dehumanized by several suspects who were obviously OK enough with it to behave that way in each other's presence," Lt. Mark Gagan said. "What makes it even more disturbing is the presence of others. People came by, saw what was happening and failed to report it."

Police sources told CBS Affiliate CBS 5 that some of the bystanders laughed as the attack unfolded while others took photos with their cell phones.
According to news reports, the girl left the high school's homecoming dance alone around 9:30 p.m. Saturday to get a ride home with her dad.
Instead, she met up with a group of people who were drinking on the edge of campus.

Thats even more horrible, she voluntarily put herself in this horrible situation. I have to wonder where the father was... and what the hell led this 15 year old to leave a school dance and think it was a good choice to go to a isolated part of the campus to drink with friends/acquiantances...
someone did not prepare this girl properly to make good choices... I do not blame her for getting raped, I just wish the parents/authority figures had spent more time teaching/monitoring/and guiding the girl in life. Such a sad story

Police said the girl left the dance and was walking to meet her father for a ride home when a classmate invited her to join a group drinking in the courtyard. The victim had drank a large amount of alcohol by the time the assault began, police said.
Thats even more horrible, she voluntarily put herself in this horrible situation. I have to wonder where the father was... and what the hell led this 15 year old to leave a school dance and think it was a good choice to go to a isolated part of the campus to drink with friends/acquiantances...
someone did not prepare this girl properly to make good choices... I do not blame her for getting raped, I just wish the parents/authority figures had spent more time teaching/monitoring/and guiding the girl in life. Such a sad story

You can tell and tell and tell and tell and tell and tell and tell and tell them. You can educate and educate and educate and educate and educate and educate. You can listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. You can be available, available, available, available, available. But if they don't want it, you'll likely not find a harder head on even Steve Scott (hardheadjarhead).

She might have - and likely did - know these boys.


I need to shut up right now.
You can tell and tell and tell and tell and tell and tell and tell and tell them. You can educate and educate and educate and educate and educate and educate. You can listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. You can be available, available, available, available, available. But if they don't want it, you'll likely not find a harder head on even Steve Scott (hardheadjarhead).

She might have - and likely did - know these boys.


I need to shut up right now.

One of the news articles (The Mercury? I forget...) that I read last night said that she knew at least one of them from school the prior year.
Most often rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.


Doesn't make it any more acceptable.

It's still wrong and downright evil. A reflection of the worst and blackest inside of us. It's dispicable.
Most often rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.


Doesn't make it any more acceptable.

No, it absolutely doesn't make it more acceptable. What it does do is illustrate how easy it is for a person, esp a young person to drop their guard and be in a situation where their body, life, and dignity mean nothing to someone with their own selfish indulgences on their mind.
Most often rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.


Doesn't make it any more acceptable.

It's still wrong and downright evil. A reflection of the worst and blackest inside of us. It's dispicable.

I didn't say it makes it more acceptable. Lordy, I need to stop multitasking when I post on MT - and I really thought after years on this board, you knew me better than that.

The girl probably thought she was safe with someone she knew, hence went to hang with these boys while waiting for Daddy. As Carol pointed out, she likely didn't think anything much of doing so.

BTW - Where the **** WAS Daddy? How long did it take for him to show up?

This is beyond despicable.
- waited at designated pick up point for 30-45 minutes, figuring she took a run to the can, was dragging heels gabbing with friends. Tried calling cell phone, got vm, parked, walked to building and found it dark and over with. Looked for her a bit, got worried and called police who took their time responding as a slightly past due teen isn't an emergency 99% of the time.

I'm curious if they'll release the tox report and say if she was drugged at all.
It's so easy to speculate on so many varietal details that could be deemed "normal" for a kid to do in bad (but normal for teen) judgement.

*Eagerly awaits more details.*
After reading the article and hearing what alot of other folks had to say about it, I truly believe that there is no punishment in this particular case that will fit the crime. Death is an easy way out for the offenders in this case, the victim as stated in another post, will be dealing with the affects of this assault for the rest of her life. Had the teachers know about what was happening and tried to intervene would've probably had charges brought up on them by the parents. I try to find the good in everyone, but after hearing stuff like this it really makes it hard. Have we really digressed that much as a species that the value of human life means that little?

Ok, perhaps the death penalty is a bit harsh...so lock their asses away in prison for a minimum of 10yrs. I still stand by the rehab comments...these pieces of **** do not deserve rehab. Anyone who does something like this, IMO, is beyond help.
A few things come to mind after reading the story and reading the comments here..

1st. It is irritating to read or hear people say that they are against the death penalty but for it in this case... you are either for or against it, I can understand someone being against it, but having cases like this make them think about their reasoning more and possibly change their mind..
maybe thats what is meant most of the time.. I am personally for the death penalty, and wish it was implemented much more often then it is now..I am for the death penalty for any rape of a child under 16 years old by anyone over 18 years old, and death penalty for anyone convicted of rape with a brutal physical assault included, death penalty for convicted felons who get out of prison only to committed more crimes with weapons... I could go on and on..
I do not respect human life for the sake of human life. I respect human beings who actively try to act humane to others... the scum who prey on others... kill them all set an example rid us of the prison costs.

I do not believe I mentioned anything about the death penalty in my posts, but I am for it, depending on the crime. I do not think that the death penalty would fly in the eyes of some for kids this age, but anyways....in this case, I'm all for many years in prison. The death penalty...well, lets say 18 would be the age I would suggest.

2nd. I once again am curious how this story will end up.. how involved this girl was with the men/boys she was raped by.. how beaten up she was, how drugged she was, etc...the article is extremely vague with the term brutally assaulted, and found unconsious under a bench.. I remember in high school, and college many women who partied extremely hard and slept with multiple people and had blackouts... it was disgusting to me then, but I was not their guardian to look out for them.. I am not saying that is what happened here, but it is a possibility that brutally assaulted means some horrible sexual wounding... and unconcious could mean passed out from alcohol/drugs/whatever...
I am not blaming the girl, I am just not ready yet with what I have heard to want all the men/boys to die for the crime. If it comes out how most people here took it, and how I thought when i first read it then I say death penalty for the lot of them regardless of age... just saying though its way too vague..Not to mention that many gang initiations for women include them having sex with the men of the gang.... once gain not saying this is what happened, but there are too many open possibilities still on the table...sad

I agree...any time stories like this come up, it always seems some of the details are missing.

3rd. I remember thinking mandatory castration for all convicted rapists.. but as I have thought about it after I think death penalty is a better punishment for everyone, and a better overall deterent.

See my above comments regarding this.

4th. In regards to sex being the weapon in the assault.. I am not necessarily sold on that in this case... in some cases sure.. But these are almost all high schoolers, or just out of high school kids.. I think sex in that age group is more often the goal then violence.. Once again too vague a story to make any judgement for sure.. but I remember beng a teen... damn sex was always on my mind.. and at prom.. that seems to be the unofficial theme of prom..getting laid..

one thing from the story that made me wonder about the girls involvement was the mention of bystanders and people joining in and noone reporting it.. While it is definitely possible noone would report a brutal rape, I think its more possible that people would not report a crazy sex act with multiple people going on that they thought was consensual.

regardless this is a horrible, disgusting, sad story, and commentary on youth today.

But during consensual sex, is someone yelling for the other person(s) to stop, are they crying, are they getting beaten. Yes, I know...there are some people that like kinky sex, but I think you know what I mean. Not disagreeing with you, just trying to figure out more of what happened.
I'll keep it to the point, lest I rant for hours at what was done to this girl.

As to the victim, I hope she heals completely from a physical standpoint and starts in as early as possible to minimize the lasting emotional damage.

As to the diseased lifeforms who did this damnable deed, I would advise against attempts at rehabilitation and would instead suggest ventilation.

It won't undo what they've done, but the ones you dispose of today cannot harm anyone else tomorrow.

Police: As many as 20 present at gang rape outside school dance

October 28, 2009 9:03 a.m. EDT


  • 10 people involved in assault, 10 others watched and offered no help, police say

As many as 10 people were involved in the assault in a dimly lighted back alley at the school, while another 10 people watched without calling 911 to report it, police said.

Two teenage suspects have been jailed, but more arrests, as many as 20 total, are expected, according to a police detective.

"We will be making arrests continually as we develop probable cause," said Richmond Police Lt. Mark Gagan. "With this number of people implicated in the incident we're going to be making arrests on an ongoing basis."

"Based on witness statements and suspect statements, and also physical evidence, we know that she was raped by at least four suspects committing multiple sex acts," Gagan said.

"As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated," Gagan said.

Five arrested in alleged rape of girl at California high school

October 28, 2009 2:09 p.m. EDT


  • Police say 3 juveniles, 2 adults are in custody in connection with the crime
  • 3 suspects arrested Tuesday night; police expect more arrests, spokesman says
  • Investigators say up to 20 people were involved in or stood and watched the assault
  • Police say victim, 15, was in hospital in stable condition Tuesday

Richmond, California (CNN) -- Police investigating the rape of a 15-year-old girl have arrested five people, a police spokesman said Wednesday.
Three juveniles and two adults are in custody in connection with the rape Saturday, said the Richmond police spokesman, Lt. Mark Gagan.
Authorities have described the incident as a 2½-hour assault on the Richmond High School campus.
Gagan said police arrested three of the suspects Tuesday night. They included Salvador Rodriguez, 21, as well as a 16-year-old and a 17-year-old whose identities were not released because they are juveniles, he said.
I am not a parent so I know I have not had to face many of the challenges that parents of teenagers have faced. But I like to think I did have a role in raising my niece and nephew, and now that I have more of them I want to make a positive impact in their lives as well.

When the older ones were teenagers I gave them my own commentary about drug use and alcohol use.

But migod it was not "don't get too comfortable with alcohol because you may like it and start drinking, which could lead to binge drinking, which could lead to you getting sh*tfaced and others violating you in every possible way and posting pics of it on the internet."

The level of selfish indulgence by these perpetrators (and onlookers) is....beyond description....
Who here can be really surprised in the least by this apparently cannibalistic event?

The species has proven capable of far worse than this...Has nobody else here done some close reading on how the Holocaust was actually done? Watched Schindler's List or Defiance? How so very many just casually watched the murders - or helped the killers?

Ever learned the story behind Bridge Over the River Kwai or Unit 731? Malmedy? Nemmersdorf?

Or.... did you just think it couldn't happen here....consider:

Catherine (Kitty) Genovese, murdered 45 years ago... ring any bells?

The Tate Murders?

Michael Kinge butchering and burning the Harris family?

Sure, as the father of 2 girls, I'm disgusted.... just not surprised anymore.

I'm guessing this happened when one of the boys the victim saw as a "friend" lured her away on some pretext, drugged her or got her drunk... and then called in the wolf pack.

At some point, this unquestionably became a violent criminal chain of events.... but after the Duke Lacrosse Player case and the bogus Rutgers rape case, I want to see a few more facts on how this started. Those incidents should teach us that, even when the worst is alleged, get the full picture before coming to a conclusion about every person who was there.
Thats even more horrible, she voluntarily put herself in this horrible situation. I have to wonder where the father was... and what the hell led this 15 year old to leave a school dance and think it was a good choice to go to a isolated part of the campus to drink with friends/acquiantances...
someone did not prepare this girl properly to make good choices... I do not blame her for getting raped, I just wish the parents/authority figures had spent more time teaching/monitoring/and guiding the girl in life. Such a sad story

BTW - Where the **** WAS Daddy? How long did it take for him to show up?

Witnesses say that she left to get a ride from her father, that doesn't necessarily mean that was what she was actually going to do. We can't imagine what her father must be going through after this, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is blaming himself and running all sorts of scenarios through his head on how he should have done something different that day. Do we really know enough about what really happened that led to this to hint or suggest her father shares in the blame for the crimes committed against his little girl?

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