An idea might be to walk into it. If your standing on one leg how many limbs are free? What is the chance of recovering quickly? This move you describe is one of the easiest to counter because they are stuck in that position. While you are mobile. There are countless options. The funniest is when they go to kick you and you just push them over with your lead arm. Or you fake like your moving in with something real fast, forcing them to kick and at THE SAME TIME as they kick, you slide or step or even jump toward their open side with a technique of your choice. My favorites are the side kick, back kick, and what many call the roundhouse kick. Another option is to get really close, forcing them to get all jammed up when they kick while you counter. Another fun one is to go over top of their leg. So lets say they do their side kick and at the same time you jump and punch (usually to the head but whatever). Make sure the jump is high, and try to parry the leg as you fly. The key in those kind of tournaments is to be aggressive from the start. Dont be careless, just assert yourself, try to intimidate them. Once they start to hesitate its over. That means giving them a few hard blows, just to make them respect you. The second most important thing is timing. When they move you move. Dont wait to see what they are going to do, just recognize the opening and go for it. People are the most exposed when they are in the middle of doing a technique, so you have to be fast. Get someone to practice with you that move you describe. Make him do it over and over again and watch and see the openings and at what point during the technique they surface. Or shadowbox in the mirror yourself. Watch your own openings, and try to correct them. Tournaments are such a blast, have a ball.