Sparring Tech.


Yellow Belt
I would like to know some more sparring tech. so i can be a more effective fighter. can someone please share some of theres to me? here's some of my tech. do a skip/two step 45/roundhouse kick with the front leg and skip back, when the opponent counters counter with a spinning hook/ turning long kick.
2. when an opponent kicks counter with a front leg ax kick.
3.when an opponent kicks step back once and do a jumping turning roundhouse to the body or the head. some of the termonolgy's in my gym might be different then your gyms.

Yeah, think about this. One step sparring drills are great and effective to use in point sparring. Also look here, it is my schools website.
Click on tae kwon do and then black belts

Good luck,

I could probably help you with some ideas. However, it's out of the realm of TKD. If you keep an open mind and are willing to learn something new PM me and i'll share some stuff with you. It's your call.
Assuming your talking about continuous sparring, There are many things that you could be taught, but depending on your level, may not be ready to learn. So if you could give a bit more information as to where you're at, it would be easier to mention some things you might want to focus on. Since sparring is one of my favorite things in the world to do, I'd be glad to offer some suggestions. I'll throw a few things out there based on your post.

First, make sure you're tight with your basics before trying anything fancy. I'm looking at your #3 technic and it makes me nervous. Such a kick takes a long time to develop in sparring terms and though I've known some who have done it successfully at some point, I know many more who have not.
Second, in continuous sparring, because the action keeps going (hence the name) it's important to keep yourself in a balanced position at all times. (Both physically and mentally). To that end, I always try to teach students to not worry about what move they're going to do or create scenarios in their head. Keep your mind open for anything at anytime. Though this may come across as only "a suggestion", it's the basis of how I teach sparring.

Timing, feinting, conditioning, power vs control, hand/foot position, reading/maipulating your opponent are all things we practice, but at different levels.

Hope this helps. :)
xayvong said:
I would like to know some more sparring tech. so i can be a more effective fighter.

According to your profile, you are a Black Belt in Taekwondo, and your school is affiliated with the USAT, and AAU. I would hope that this means you are still a student under a higher ranked instructor. My suggestion is that you go to your instructor to get the training you seek. If your current instructor is not capable of teaching you advanced sparring skills, consider seeking a new instructor, or talking to your instructor's instructor about the problem.

No disrespect intended, but you are not a student of mine, therefore I am not going to give you advice on how to be a better fighter. This is the internet, and I do not know who you are, what your character is, nor what you might do with any knowledge you gain from this thread. I share general philosophies, and a better understanding of the Martial Art with people here. However, if you want to learn better skills, I suggest you seek out a personal instructor for that.

Chief Master D. J. Eisenhart

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