This post is mostly a thought experiment.
Thought that crossed my mind based on a post in the main forum. Taekwondo is "the kicking art" according to many. Honestly, aside from Wushu and other demonstration-based arts, I think Capoeira is the only other art that emphasizes kicks as much as Taekwondo. This becomes more true in WT-sparring, where kicking is about the only way to score points.
And yet the forms, whether Taegeuk or Palgwe, rarely use kicks. While we don't train the "official" Palgwe forms at my school, I've seen them online, as well as the Taegeuks, and it appears they all have the same things in common: 1. front kicks are littered throughout the forms, and 2. there's barely any use of any kick besides a front kick. I added up the kicks in the other thread, and the forms we do at my school up through black belt there's 44 front kicks, a handful of side kicks, a few crescent kicks, and one back kick.
Compare that with Taekwondo sparring, where you will typically use front pushing kick (instead of snap kicks), front-leg side kicks (instead of the rear-leg ones typical in forms), roundhouse kicks, back kicks, crescent kicks, hook kicks, and spinning hook/spinning roundhouse kicks as your staple techniques.
Then there's the footwork. While the Taekwondo forms (especially the palgwes, but also the later Taegeuks, to my knowledge) emphasize the type of one-step footwork you'd see in one-step punch drills, Taekwondo sparring involves a bouncing rhythm, slides, jumps, drags, switches, double kicks, and repeating kicks.
Which leads me to wonder...what would a stylized form designed to teach WT sparring concepts look like? What would be similar to the Palgwe and/or Taegeuk forms? What would be different?
Obviously I would want to use a lot more kicks. Do you bounce, or do you ground the form? What kind of footwork do you include? Do you speed up the pace of the form, or keep it slow and in line with other TKD forms? Or do you simple take some of the ideas in the other forms and add in roundhouse kicks and hook kicks in between motions?
How would you go about making a form designed to teach WT concepts? Or is the idea entirely silly and you'll stick to drills and sparring?