I think what needs to be established, and what everyone ought to understand and accept unaltered and unquestioned, is that the martial methods as they are practiced today were fully formed from day one by their respective (and respected!!!) founder, and more often than not, in a martial vacuum. These fellows were brilliant and insightful to the extreme. No standing on the shoulders of their ancestors for them, no sir! Lacking any prior martial experience, they took a nugget of inspiration and with that, and with nothing else, created an entire methodology and system, usually with nothing less than 18 empty-hand forms and a good 18 weapons forms to boot. And typically these fellows did it all by themselves, with no input or adjustments or contributions by others. Those of us who have been diligent and paying attention in class have continued the propagation of the system exactly as it sprang forth fully formed from that martial vacuum, some abstract number of millennia ago in the primordial soup.
Accept it. This is how it happened.