Please read this!!!

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Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Admin Note:

This is directed at everyone who posts in the TKD section. As of the time of this post, there are at least a half dozen reported posts, from various threads in this section.

The forum rules are pretty clear. Its been said many times, that if you're having issues with someone, instead of running from thread to thread, reporting each other, which BTW is considered stalking and RTM abuse, ignore the person. If people can't post in a civil fashion, then either grow a thicker skin or dont post. Its not a crime or rule violation to disagree with someones opinion. What is against the rules, is the personal shots.

Consider this the warning for this section. Further disregard for the rules, will result in Infraction Points being issued, which will result in suspension and eventual removal of your account.

MT Asst Admin
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