Senior Master
Apparently this is true. I was told by an environmentalist friend of mine (everyone has some shady friends. Baby seals haven't been clubbed in a long while. PETA just cashes in on the fact that a) noone knows and b) people can't see the difference between an adult and a baby seal.
One thing groups like peta love is ignorance. If you dont know, they love it because it means you're easier to influence. I know this for a fact. I was elected to student politics in university along with this guy I know who is the president of a group just as crazy as peta and who told lies and deception just like peta. They try to do this to the uneducated. This guy and his group though, they never laid a finger on me. Why? Because I already knew all about them. and the issue and already knew what my thoughts were and what was true and not true. so pointless for them to try and work on me, and they knew it.
Thats why anti sealing groups like peta and the sea shepherd society were able to influence the european union like they have with our newfoundland seal hunt. Mostly urban, mostly uneducated, who saw the pics and because blood on white ice dont look so good. and there you have it. Groups like that play up to people's emotions rather than to bilogical and realistic facts and they do not care about what the 'truth', like its illegal here in Canada to hunt white coat seals, is.