Why people say Gay marrage is just the tip of the iceberg

There's something I usually say at weddings-at least, when I'm officiating-and it's this:

iI don't marry you. The state doesn't marry you.The "church" doesn't marry you.God-though we'll ask for His blessing-doesn't marry you. Marriage is a covenant.

You marry each other.

With that said, it's worth pointing out that over the years my father refused to marry quite a few couples, for various reasons. This is pretty much a minister's perogative-and a church's. Someone probably will get around to trying to sue a church for refusing to marry two men or two women.

They will lose, as there are any number of people and places that would be happy to marry them.

In our society, there are usually two marriages:

the one where the priest/minister/priestess/shaman/witch-doctor/heirophant/clown/witch/Elvis performs a ceremony blessing the union.

And the one where the state legally recognizes said union, and confers all the legal rights and privileges that ensue from such.

Often, this second one can be performed at the same time-after the "I dos" the officiant and the happy couple make it legal by signing and certifying the marriage license with a couple of witnesses-later, the marriage license gets filed with the state. Along the way, the "bride" can take her "husband's" name, if they so desire.

In any case, marriage is a covenant-they marry each other. A wall can't say "I do," and neither can a dog, a child, a sheep or a whale-though the case for cetacean sentience is another thing altogether. Cetaceans are promiscuous, anyway-the very idea of "marriage" probably would make them laugh.

Oh, here's a Republican representative talking about gay marriage before the vote in Washington:

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it was a nice speech. I have to ask though...when you vote for these people to be your representatives in the processes fo governing your country should they be voting for laws, statutes etc in the way they think they should or the way that the people elected them think they should? Have you elected them so they can follow what they want or have you elected them to say and vote for what you want?
it was a nice speech. I have to ask though...when you vote for these people to be your representatives in the processes fo governing your country should they be voting for laws, statutes etc in the way they think they should or the way that the people elected them think they should? Have you elected them so they can follow what they want or have you elected them to say and vote for what you want?

Both, actually.
Both, actually.

So what do you do when you elect someone on the basis they tick all the boxes you agree with then they decide after 'much prayer and thought' of course that actually they go against what you believed they were for. How much are they public servants and how much are they in it for themselves to push their own agenda? If you for example voted for a candidate on the basis of their stand on abortion, which ever view and found that when it came to a vote they said they had to vote as they thought fit and voted the opposite of what you wished when you voted them?
So what do you do when you elect someone on the basis they tick all the boxes you agree with then they decide after 'much prayer and thought' of course that actually they go against what you believed they were for. How much are they public servants and how much are they in it for themselves to push their own agenda? If you for example voted for a candidate on the basis of their stand on abortion, which ever view and found that when it came to a vote they said they had to vote as they thought fit and voted the opposite of what you wished when you voted them?
it happens nothing much you can do except wait for next election and try to have him beat in the primary.
So what do you do when you elect someone on the basis they tick all the boxes you agree with then they decide after 'much prayer and thought' of course that actually they go against what you believed they were for. How much are they public servants and how much are they in it for themselves to push their own agenda? If you for example voted for a candidate on the basis of their stand on abortion, which ever view and found that when it came to a vote they said they had to vote as they thought fit and voted the opposite of what you wished when you voted them?

When they stop representing you, you vote them out, or try to in the next election.

A local state senator was one of a handful of swing votes in NY's gay marriage debate. He 'switched sides' as it were and helped pass the bill. Many felt betrayed. Some said he'd destroyed his career. He gained my support by having the courage to make what is often a hard and unpopular decision.

"I just probably committed political suicide," Grisanti told a reporter for The Buffalo News shortly after midnight as he made the westward trip on the Thruway.
"It was a very, very hard decision for me to figure out," he told The News. "I know I disappointed a lot of people with that decision."
But he also got an earful from Western New York leaders of the Republican and Conservative parties, who warned him to stick to his campaign pledge to oppose such marriages. African-American church leaders also clearly told him he would lose their support if he supported the legislation.
Even his wife, who attend Catholic services each Sunday, indicated she would be disappointed, Grisanti said.
After the election, Grisanti began researching the subject. He also met with constituents on both sides. He studied the legal issues -- adoption, wills, hospital visitation rights and civil unions.
"I have never in the past four months researched an issue or met with so many people and groups on a single issue such as this," he said in his speech Friday night. "I have struggled with this immensely, I can tell you that."
"If I take the Catholic out of me, which is hard to do, then absolutely they should have these rights," Grisanti told The News. "It has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with my own personal belief."
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The trick is to piss off the voters at the start of your term. People have short memories so by the time the next election comes they forget.
Frankly, for the most part, as long as you say the right things, your actual voting record doesn't really matter. Sad truth is, nobody really pays attention to what politicians DO. We pretend like we do, but for the most part, the actual record doesn't matter. Works in reverse, too. Where a well put together smear campaign will ruin a candidate whether or not any of it is true.
The trick is to piss off the voters at the start of your term. People have short memories so by the time the next election comes they forget.

What would happen here is people would really piss their MP off back, every week at their constituency surgeries there'd be people waiting to see them with every complaint under the sun, and giving their MP their opinions. It's bad enough as it is for them, here our MP, William Hague the Foreign Secretary gets farmers in, complete with country smells and sheep dogs waiting to give him the benefit of their wisdom, 'Nah then lad, thou hast na idea hast thee'. Then there's the Tory matrons, all twin sets, pearls and Hunter wellies, of course the hoi polloi follows on, ah poor man lol.
What would happen here is people would really piss their MP off back, every week at their constituency surgeries there'd be people waiting to see them with every complaint under the sun, and giving their MP their opinions. It's bad enough as it is for them, here our MP, William Hague the Foreign Secretary gets farmers in, complete with country smells and sheep dogs waiting to give him the benefit of their wisdom, 'Nah then lad, thou hast na idea hast thee'. Then there's the Tory matrons, all twin sets, pearls and Hunter wellies, of course the hoi polloi follows on, ah poor man lol.
I ran this post through google translate and still couldn't figure it out. :D

"It's bad enough as it is for them, here our MP, William Hague the Foreign Secretary gets farmers in, complete with country smells and sheep dogs waiting to give him the benefit of their wisdom, 'Nah then lad, thou hast na idea hast thee'. Then there's the Tory matrons, all twin sets, pearls and Hunter wellies, of course the hoi polloi follows on, ah poor man lol."

I think I understood some words... but when you put them together like this it hurts my brain! ;)
I ran this post through google translate and still couldn't figure it out. :D

"It's bad enough as it is for them, here our MP, William Hague the Foreign Secretary gets farmers in, complete with country smells and sheep dogs waiting to give him the benefit of their wisdom, 'Nah then lad, thou hast na idea hast thee'. Then there's the Tory matrons, all twin sets, pearls and Hunter wellies, of course the hoi polloi follows on, ah poor man lol."

I think I understood some words... but when you put them together like this it hurts my brain! ;)

Yorkshire farmer.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-0lz0PIsDo&feature=related Tory lady. The stable girl is wearing Hunter wellies on her feet. Twin set is a matching jumper and cardigan worn with a tweed skirt often a headscarf too, tied with the special aristocratic knot.


Border collie = sheep dog, more intelligent than politicians.
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I think the accessability of politicians varys alot here. My federal congressman is almost impossible to meet with. He's always busy or in a meeting. My local state senator on the other hand lives 4 houses down from me so I could see her anytime if I wanted but I would never bother her at her house
So what do you do when you elect someone on the basis they tick all the boxes you agree with then they decide after 'much prayer and thought' of course that actually they go against what you believed they were for. How much are they public servants and how much are they in it for themselves to push their own agenda? If you for example voted for a candidate on the basis of their stand on abortion, which ever view and found that when it came to a vote they said they had to vote as they thought fit and voted the opposite of what you wished when you voted them?

The counterbalance is that if they do this too much or on issues the electorate disagrees enough on, that representative faces problems with reelection.
If we let Gay people get married, will we have to stop calling them "Gay" and Start calling them "Miserable"?

ya know, cuz Gay means happy, and married people supposedly aren't... and I'll just shut up now.
If we let Gay people get married, will we have to stop calling them "Gay" and Start calling them "Miserable"?

ya know, cuz Gay means happy, and married people supposedly aren't... and I'll just shut up now.

I have a colleague who says 'my wife tells people we are happily married, aye, she's happy and I'm married'.