Paris Hilton responds to McCain's "celebrity" ad

No, she is. What idiot in her kind of position would allow themselves to be taped and photographed during sex, drinking and especially drug use? She has people to think and do for her ... problem is they're not very good at protecting her privacy. Someone should tell her to think about hiring new people to think and do for her ... oh ... wait ....

Sex scandal... so you are saying she has the makings of a politician?
What idiot in her kind of position would allow themselves to be taped and photographed during sex, drinking and especially drug use?

That tape made her world famous. It gave her a multi season TV show, a singing and acting "career" in widespread mainstream movies and venues, and made sure everyone in the world knew her name. If that makes her an idiot, than the joke is on us I'm afraid.
Besides, I suspect there are lots of really smart people that have been filmed doing those things. But no one is going to get rich selling them, as someone might selling them with Paris Hilton in them. Less motivation to steal them, or post them online if the person in them isn't rich and famous.
C'mon. Do you guys really think she's smart? That she has planned all this outrageous behavior to be caught by the media thereby propelling herself to fame and fortune? She already has a fortune. She's a spoiled little no brain brat, and the ONLY reason anyone has any interest in her is because, as Andrew said, she's rich and famous. Our society is voyeuristic, we love to see *celebrities* ****ing up and making asses of themselves because since they seem to have everything, their **** ups make them seem a little more real.

If it wasn't Paris Hilton, if it was some unknown person, we'd be saying "what a stupid *****". Why does because it's Paris Hilton, with her "think and do" people, all of sudden become so *smart*, when if it was someone unknown ****-up we'd all be saying "what a dumb loser". She's like a little kid, or a dog, where any attention, even negative attention, is better than none at all.

Do you really think Paris came up with the video idea? Someone smart did, and they thought Paris would be the perfect character for the role because she's so dumb, it's the irony that makes it funny. She was approached for it and thought, "Oh, I am so hot. I could so do this video. I will be so funny and hot and everyone will love me!"

I'm not a Paris hater. I don't care much about her either way, she's just another celebrity to me, someone far removed from my scope of life. My beef is that she can actually be credited with some sort of strategic planning. As long as she's who everyone is talking about, she'll do it!
Funny video, but no one should believe she came up with that herself. The reason it's funny is because Paris Hilton is so dumb it's funny to hear something that actually makes sense come out her mouth.
Right you are, Pam. But I can't get the idea out of my head that we could insert *he* for she, and either of the two candidates' names for hers, and see how much of their stuff might have us laughing just as hard. :idunno: This is the first time in a long time I'm stumped over which way to go.
That tape made her world famous. It gave her a multi season TV show, a singing and acting "career" in widespread mainstream movies and venues, and made sure everyone in the world knew her name. If that makes her an idiot, than the joke is on us I'm afraid.
She's an heiress. To billions. The people who matter - worldwide - in her circle knew her name already.

She didn't need a career.

She rolled with the punches as someone else advised her to do.
She's an heiress. To billions. The people who matter - worldwide - in her circle knew her name already.

She didn't need a career.

She rolled with the punches as someone else advised her to do.

She didn't need to be in movies or sing in order to deal with the fallout of the sex tape. She clearly enjoys and pursues her wider celebrity.

Think of her money this way. She has always had it, from day one. She has never known anything else. Why then would money have any great meaning for her? It doesn't surprise me that she would hunger for something that she hasn't always had.

Of course, this isn't to say that she planned the sex tape to have this impact. Most sex tapes haven't had the positive effect hers had. She also apparently didn't know it was being released by Solomon. That said, she effectively capitalized on the notoriety it brought her and turned it into real fame and celebrity access.

Maybe others were responsible for that, but we have no evidence either way. However, her "stupid" lines in her TV show like asking if Wal-Mart sold walls was later revealed to be written before hand. I doubt she is stupid. Same thing with Jessica Simpson. They act that way because it sells, unfortunately.