“Scared-of-Obama-Don’t –Trust-McCain” Tour Heads To S.C.

Bob Hubbard

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08/21/2008 “Scared-of-Obama-Don’t –Trust-McCain” Tour Heads To S.C.
Grand Rapids, MI (August 21,2008) The Constitution Party, the largest and fastest-growing FEC-recognized third party based on voter registration, announced plans for presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin’s (www.Baldwin08.com) South Carolina campaign trip today.

“South Carolina has traditionally been a state that doesn’t play ‘follow the leader’ in politics,” noted Baldwin.

A conservative columnist, radio talk show host and minister from Pensacola, Fl, (www.ChuckBaldwinLive.com) Chuck Baldwin has emerged as the ‘antidote’ for those who say “I ‘m scared of Obama and don’t trust McCain.” Baldwin, the only 100% pro- life, pro-secure borders, pro-second amendment, thoroughly constitutionally-correct candidate has been endorsed by a three time New York Times best–selling author (www.nytimes.com), as noted recently on the front page of the New York Times. In addition, Baldwin placed ahead of McCain in a WorldNetDaily poll .
Baldwin’s stops include Greenville, Spartanburg, Seneca and Aiken, S.C.
“More Americans are telling me they can no longer pretend there’s a dime’s worth of difference between the two “Big Box” party candidates when it comes to illegal immigration, abortion, gun rights and an out-of-control IRS,” Baldwin added.

Recent New York Times reporting (www.nytimes.com ) shows this third party candidate could likely swing November’s election as more voters refuse to vote for the “lesser of two evils”:

The Power of the Protest Vote:
Don’t be surprised if third or fourth party presidential candidates garner enough votes in November to make a difference in some of the hotly contested swing states. The polls show more than enough Republican disaffection with John McCain’s candidacy to make a case that …another right-of-center candidate could take votes away from the G.O.P. standard bearer